The Journal of Theology is the theological journal of the Church of the Lutheran Confession.
The Journal of Theology is designed to deepen the understanding and sharpen the skills of those who teach the Word of God. The Journal of Theology also testifies to the confession of our church body and serves as a witness to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, and His unchanging Word.
Each location in this index includes volume number, issue number, and page(s). For example, the reference 22/3:2-12 is to be interpreted as volume 22, issue 3, pages 2 to 12. To convert volume numbers to years, add 1960 to the volume number for volumes less than 59 and add 1962 to the volume number for volumes greater than 58. Locations are links if the PDF file is present.
Subject | Author | Location |
1938 St L Articles of Union. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:27 ; |
A Call for Decision. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/3:42 ; |
A Statement - 25th Anniversary. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:30 ; |
A Time to Ask. | Galstad, Martin | 06/3:8 ; |
AAL and ELS/WELS. | Lau, John | 33/1:31 ; |
AAL: Sinful Unionism involved. | Lau, John | 22/2:38 ; |
AALC, First Convention of. | Lau, David T. | 29/1:36 ; |
Abba: Meaning & Application. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 22/3:2-12 ; |
Abel & His Faith. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/2:1 ; |
Abilities to Life, Applying. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 40/3:1 ; |
Abortion: Humanist Influence. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:8 ; |
Abortion: Moral Issue. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/2:25-29 ; |
Abortions, Promoting Legislation against 25/1:20f. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:20 ; |
Abraham and Paul: Salvation by Faith, Not Law: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/4:12 ; |
Abraham, True Descendants of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:5-9 ; |
Abraham, True Descendants of. | Koch, Paul R. | 27/2:4-6 ; |
Abraham's Covenant with God: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:11-20 ; |
Academic Freedom & Luther. | Lau, John | 14/2:2-10 ; |
Accommodation Theory of Interpretation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/1:11 ; |
Act of Faith vs the Object of Faith. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:1 ; |
Ad for Dr Keiser's paper on Genesis. | Combined Effort | 03/5:44 ; |
Ad: Hath God Said? by Uuras Saarnivaara. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/1:42 ; |
Ad: The Social Gospel: A Threat. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/1:41 ; |
Adam & Eve: Genesis and NT 43/4:6-10. | Lau, David T. | 43/4:3-5 ; |
Adam for Easter, A New: Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 54/1:10-14 ; |
Adam, The Word, & Its Meaning. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/3:25 ; |
Addiction: Looking to God's Word. | Sumey, Chris | 53/2:19-26 ; |
Address to ILC Graduates. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 28/2:1-3 ; |
Address: Alpha & Omega: ILC. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 41/3:1-3 ; |
Adiaphora & Women Covering Heads in Worship. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:3 ; |
Adiaphoristic Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:13 ; |
Admonition & Church Fellowship: WELS. | Lau, John | 22/2:28-38 ; |
Admonition & Love, Brotherly: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:29 ; |
Admonition and Romans 16. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:1 ; |
Admonition in Church Fellowship: CLC. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/1:30-31 ; |
Admonition in WELS/CLC Discussions. | Lau, John | 36/4:18-21 ; |
Admonition, Scriptural Directives in. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 29/1:28-34 ; |
Adoption of Sons: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:33-39 ; |
Advent Meditation on Luke 1. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 18/3:2-15 ; |
Advent Outlines: Kingdom of God. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/2:42-44 ; |
Advent Prophecy: Num 24:15-24. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 28/3:12 ; |
Advent Season: Sermon Studies. | Lau, John | 11/5:22 ; |
Advent, Sermon for: Isa 7:10-14. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 36/4:1-3 ; |
Adventism, Unrest in 7th Day. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 20/4:28-41 ; |
Adventists &r the Immortality of the Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:30 ; |
Adversity vs Prosperity & God. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:14 ; |
AELC, Roots of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/4:33 ; |
AELC: New Church Body. | Gullerud, C. M. | 16/4:39-41 ; |
Afflictions in Church Work. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/5:8 ; |
AGAPAO in 2 John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:5 ; |
Agape & Controversy. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:8 ; |
Agape & the Lord's Supper. | Grams, Rick N. | 09/5:7 ; |
Agape Love ? Present Among Us? 47/2:8-14. | Lau, David T. | 47/2:5-7 ; |
Age, The, in which we live. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:1 ; |
Aggiornamento (the New Look) of the Catholic Church | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:11 ; |
Aggiornamento, A Sequel to. | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:27-38 ; |
Agreement in Doctrine necessary for Fellowship. | Schaller, Egbert | 51/2:7-10 ; |
AIDS A Sign of God's Wrath. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:9 ; |
Albrecht, Pastor Christian In Memoriam. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:18 ; |
Albrecht, Pastor PG: A Gift of God. | Albrecht, Egbert | 16/2:10 ; |
Albrecht, Pastor PG: Funeral Sermon. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 16/2:4-9 ; |
Albrecht, Pastor PG: In Memoriam. | Gullerud, C. M. | 16/2:2 ; |
ALC & Doctrine of Justification. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:8 ; |
ALC & joining World Council of Churches. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:36 ; |
ALC & Missouri. | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:35 ; |
ALC Luther League meeting in N. | Lau, John | 10/4:29 ; |
ALC, Roots of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/4:28-31 ; |
ALC's "new" approach to Scripture. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:24 ; |
Allegory of Hagar & Sarah: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:28 ; |
Allegory of Sinai & Jerusalem: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:28 ; |
Alpha & Omega: Meaning. | Nolting, Paul F. | 16/3:23 ; |
Ambassadors for Christ 31/3:34-37. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 31/3:20-25 ; |
Amen in Worship Service, Use of. | Reim, John C. | 34/1:11-13 ; |
Amen, Christ is the. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:10 ; |
Amish, The, People & Their Education. | Galstad, Martin | 07/2:24 ; |
Amusements, Good & Evil. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:24 ; |
Anabaptists Then and Now. | Lau, David T. | 38/3:53 ; |
Andrea, Jacob: Early Lutheran. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/2:12-13 ; |
Anemic Reporting. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:40 ; |
Angel of the Lord Passages. | Koenig, David P. | 31/2:31 ; |
Angels created on first day. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:14 ; |
Anger not Hatred. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/3:3-4 ; |
Anger: Care is Needed. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 41/2:16 ; |
Animal soul & soul of man - the difference. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:21 ; |
Animals & Language. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:31-33 ; |
Anointed, The Lord's: Ps 2 Version. | Reim, Edmund | 15/4:39 ; |
Anointing of Jesus - When take place?. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:3 ; |
Anointing of Jesus, The. | Schaller, Egbert | 48/3:7-10 ; |
Anointing, The Rite of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/4:15-29 ; |
Antichrist (Papacy) on Justification. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:22 ; |
Antichrist & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 02/2:8 ; |
Antichrist & Roman Papacy. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:17 ; |
Antichrist in 2 Thess 2. | Lau, David T. | 24/4:30-33 ; |
Antichrist in II John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:10 ; |
Antichrist, Papacy the:Luther. | Lau, David T. | 52/2:29 ; |
Antichrist, Man of Sin: Exegetical Study. | Eichstadt, Wayne | 40/3:13-20 ; |
Antichrist, Papacy the. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/1:40 ; |
Antichrist, Pope the. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/3:34 ; |
Antichrist, Pope the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:44 ; |
Antichrist, Rise of the. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:12-13 ; |
Antichrist, The: Dispensationalist Concept. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:24 ; |
Antinomian Ideas: Law & Gospel. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 18/4:7-22 ; |
Antinomianism:Danger to Gospel in Our Day. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/3:20-42 ; |
Antinomianism:Danger to Gospel, 52/2:25-49; in Luther's Day. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/2:15-26 ; |
Antinomistic Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:14-15 ; |
Aorist & Revelation 20:4-5. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:8 ; |
Aorist in its Place, Keeping the. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 16/3:2-10 ; |
Aorist Indicative. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/2:19-26 ; |
Aorist Subjunctive: Greek Prohibitions. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/1:6 ; |
Aorist Viewpoints of the. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:2-10 ; |
Aorist, Constative. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:4 ; |
Aorist, Effective. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:6 ; |
Aorist, Ingressive. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:5 ; |
Apollinaris of Laodicea. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:10 ; |
Apologetics, Christian, & CS Lewis: Review. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/1:34 ; |
Apologetics, Christian: Overview and Usefulness. | Gantt, Frank | 53/1:17-23 ; |
Apologetics, Law & Gospel. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/4:22-28 ; |
Apology of Augsburg Confession: On Justification. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:22-24 ; |
Apology of Augsburg Confession: On Sin. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:11-13 ; |
Apostasy from the Faith, Threatening. | Gullerud, C. M. | 30/1:2-17 ; |
Apostasy, What is?. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:20 ; |
Apostles, The, & Imperatives of Scripture. | Reim, Edmund | 01/2:6 ; |
Apostleship, How Paul Defends His. | Sydow, Michael | 40/1:5-11 ; |
Apostolate, The, in NT Ministry. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:13 ; |
Apostolic Creed. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:1 ; |
Apostolic Fields of Labor: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:10-23 ; |
Apostolic Preaching. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:6 ; |
Apostolic Word, A Final. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/3:7 ; |
Archeological Findings of Biblical Persons & Events. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 12/1:39 ; |
Archeology & Biblical History. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:5 ; |
Archeology: Jolt to Form Criticism. | Gullerud, C. M. | 12/2:40 ; |
Arius & his teaching. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:46 ; |
Ark of the Lord goes visiting. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/1:25 ; |
Arminian Theology: Heterodox. | Lau, David T. | 47/1:36-38 ; |
Arminianism Today. | Schierenbeck, John L. | 16/1:37-44 ; |
Arminianism: Freedom of the Will. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:20 ; |
Arminians and Prayer. | Fossum, Vance A. | 40/4:3-13 ; |
Arrogance: Temptation. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 39/4:12-14 ; |
Art, Modern, as a Pen-Picture of our Time. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:31 ; |
Artist, The Teacher as. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:21 ; |
Asia, The Christian Witness in. | Koenig, David P. | 36/4:22-23 ; |
Asking & Listening. | Schaller, Egbert | 11/3:35 ; |
Assemblies of God. | Schaller, David | 49/2:25-26 ; |
Assent & Truth in Faith. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:14 ; |
Athanasius & the Creed. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:7 ; |
Atheistic Existentialist (M. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:30 ; |
Atonement, Great Day of: Chapel Address. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/1:38-40 ; |
Atoning Death of Christ 52/1:20-24. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11-13 ; |
Attention, Shaping the. | Galstad, Martin | 05/2:29 ; |
Augsburg Confession & Art VII on Church | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:9 ; |
Augsburg Confession, Article 7. | Schaller, Egbert | 51/2:7 ; |
Augsburg Confession: Confessional Document. | Klatt, John V. | 41/1:2-5 ; |
Augsburg Confession: Ecumenical Intent. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:6-9 ; |
Augsburg Confession: On Sin. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:11 ; |
Augsburg Interim of 1548. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/2:9-10 ; |
Augsburg Interim Provisions of. | Duehlmeier, H. C. | 14/4:30 ; |
Augustine: Gold or Wood Keys. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:9-10 ; |
Australia, Lutheranism in. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:3-6 ; |
Australian Lutherans: On Euthanasia. | Lau, David T. | 25/2:15 ; |
Author of Book of Revelation. | Sippert, Steven P. | 54/3:8-9 ; |
Authority by RCC Use of. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/3:33-44 ; |
Authority claimed by'RCC. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/2:30-39 ; |
Authority of Scripture & Gospel Reductionism. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:20 ; |
Authority: God's Word or Human Reason? 28/3:41-44. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:23-25 ; |
Babel and Language. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:26 ; |
Babylon Seeks Our Youth. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/3:20 ; |
Babylonian Captivity of Church: Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:1 ; |
Bach JS: 300th Birthday. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 25/1:36-38 ; |
Bach, JS: Music Glorifies God. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:12-13 ; |
Baier, J W, on Syncretism & "erring persons. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:8 ; |
Balaam, The Teaching of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 28/1:21-25 ; |
Balaam's first Prophecy: Num 23:5-12. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 27/3:10-11 ; |
Balaam's Prophecy: Num 23:25-24:9. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 28/2:20 ; |
Balaam's Prophecy: Num 24:15-24. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 28/3:10 ; |
Balaam's second Prophecy: Num 23:11-24. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 27/4:19 ; |
Bankruptcy Meaning of Spiritual. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:14 ; |
Baptism & Abuse: Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:15 ; |
Baptism & Churchman Cyprian. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 04/3:13 ; |
Baptism & Sacra of Altar in CLC Confession of Faith. | 09/2:42 ; | |
Baptism Holy Spirit: Review. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 20/1:41-44 ; |
Baptism is Means of Grace. | Dux, Leroy P. | 36/3:13-14 ; |
Baptism Liturgy. | Schaller, Paul W. | 34/3:5 ; |
Baptism of Jesus & His anointing. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:4 ; |
Baptism Required, Is? 55/2: 8-18. | Roehl, Michael J. | 55/2:5-9 ; |
Baptism, Meaning of: Luther. | Schulz, Arthur | 35/3:2-4 ; |
Baptism, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:15-18 ; |
Baptism, Put on Christ in: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:31-32 ; |
Baptism: Method of Applying Water. | Koenig, David P. | 42/1:13-18 ; |
Barry, Dr A L, & Comfort Factor. | Lau, John | 33/1:33 ; |
Barth, Karl, & Existential View of God. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:33 ; |
Bartholomew, Nathanael. | Schaller, David | 38/1:17-20 ; |
Basileia & Meaning in NT (N. | Reim, Norbert H. | 03/4:1 ; |
Basileia. | Schaller, John | 01/4:18 ; |
Beasts Vision of the 4: Daniel 7. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:32-34 ; |
Beck, Dr Wm F In Memoriam & A Tribute. | Reim, Edmund | 07/1:40 ; |
Behnken, John In Memoriam. | Reim, Edmund | 08/1:36 ; |
Behnken's, Dr, Committee of 'Ten & Ten. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:35 ; |
Being & Becoming. | Galstad, Martin | 02/2:14 ; |
Believe as used in NT. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:3 ; |
Believer, The Isolated, & Problem. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/1:4 ; |
Believers, Uniqueness of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 26/4:13-14 ; |
Belshazzar: Book of Daniel. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/5:2 ; |
Bereaved Congregation Members. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 20/4:17-21 ; |
Bereaved Members, Helping Our. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 49/2:10-12 ; |
BERITH Terminology in OT 21/3:2-17. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/3:2-17 ; |
Beruf Bleiben, Im. | Dommer, Robert | 37/2:5 ; |
Bethany Reformation Lectures. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/5:31 ; |
Bible a Dangerous Book: Humanists. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:6 ; |
Bible as Source & Norm of Doctrine. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:11-14 ; |
Bible as the Word of God. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:14-19 ; |
Bible Authority Reasons for Denying. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:1-7 ; |
Bible Chronology & Archeology. | Lau, David T. | 47/1:33 ; |
Bible Clearness & Open Questions. | Walther, C. F. W. | 10/4:5 ; |
Bible History and Catechism. | Dommer, Robert | 26/3:27-29 ; |
Bible Inerrant Is the? Review. | Lau, David T. | 17/2:29-38 ; |
Bible Interpretation, Rules Governing. | Bernthal, Mark H. | 38/4:21-28 ; |
Bible Luther's Translation of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 23/1:22-31 ; |
Bible Reading Insights. | Lau, David T. | 43/1:29 ; |
Bible Scientifically Accurate. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 26/3:41-44 ; |
Bible Study, No, at Luther League Convention. | Lau, John | 10/4:31 ; |
Bible Translation, The Problem. | Reim, Edmund | 06/3:1 ; |
Bible Translation: NKJV Review. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/3:42-44 ; |
Bible Translations On Use of. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:39-44 ; |
Bible Translations, Modern, What's Wrong? | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:33 ; |
Bible True Love for. | Albrecht, Egbert | 12/4:40 ; |
Bible Versions Some Thoughts on. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/4:37-40 ; |
Bible, A Common, for all Christians. | Reim, Edmund | 06/5:42 ; |
Bible, Luther's German. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:7 ; |
Bible, Philosophy of Translating the. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 33/2:27-31 ; |
Bible, The, in Transition. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:1 ; |
Bible, The, is Clear, Reliable & only saving message. | Madson, Norman A. | 02/4:27 ; |
Bible: Infallible Rule of Faith & Practice. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/2:34-39 ; |
Biblical Criticism. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/4:2 ; |
Biblical Interpretation: Historical-Critical Method. | Lau, John | 12/3:8-16 ; |
Biblical Interpretation: Review. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/1:30-31 ; |
Bidding them Godspeed' and Use. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:14 ; |
Biochemical Knowledge vs Evolution. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/2:29-32 ; |
Bishop, A, Who is not: Pike. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/1:30 ; |
Blasphemy, Charge of, against CLC will be discussed by Wisc. | Reim, Edmund | 05/2:36 ; |
Blasphemy, The CLC accused of. | Reim, Edmund | 04/5:37 ; |
Blasphemy. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:3-4 ; |
Blessedness in Suffering for Christian Faith: G. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:4-16 ; |
Blessings of Pastoral Office. | Schulz, Arthur | 18/2:27-39 ; |
Blessings through the Imperatives of Scripture. | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:1 ; |
Blessings, God's Harvest of: Joel 3. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 29/4:38-39 ; |
Blessings, The, of Judah: Sermon Study, Gen 49:10. | Lau, John | 11/5:36 ; |
Blest or Blesséd? | Pfeiffer, John K. | 53/4:6-15 ; |
Blood of God's Covenants. | Lau, David T. | 46/2:6-7 ; |
Board of Doctrine, A Report. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/2:29 ; |
Board of Doctrine, Statement of Faith & Purpose. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:32 ; |
Board of Doctrine, The, & Position on Blasphemy & Wisc. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/5:47 ; |
Body, The, & how it received the Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:17 ; |
Bond of Peace & Love in a Church Body. | Kuegele | 02/2:17 ; |
Book of Concord & Ecumenicism. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:2-28 ; |
Book of Concord & Gospel Reductionism. | Lau, John | 19/3:2-16 ; |
Book of Concord & Verbal Inspiration. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:2-22 ; |
Book of Concord Alive in People's Hearts. | Lau, John | 21/2:14-20 ; |
Book of Concord Church & Ministry. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/1:2-22 ; |
Book of Concord Doctrinal Themes in. | Reim, Rollin A. | 19/4:29-32 ; |
Book of Concord Our Subscription to. | Gullerud, C. M. | 19/1:2-7 ; |
Book of Concord, Review of Background & Contents. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:1 ; |
Bread from Heaven: Convention Sermon. | Schierenbeck, John L. | 12/3:19-23 ; |
Brenner, Pastor John: In Memoriam. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:46 ; |
Bridegroom & Bride: Song of Solomon. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/3:8-12 ; |
Brief Statement & ELCA Confession Compared. | Schulz, Arthur | 27/4:22-25 ; |
Brief Statement binding on all Pastors, Nullified. | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:31 ; |
Brief Statement, Then & Now. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/2:26 ; |
Brief Statement: Too clear for Liberals. | Duehlmeier, H. C. | 14/4:32 ; |
Brother, as understood in NT. | Lau, David T. | 28/2:9-15 ; |
Brotherhood in Early Christian Church 33/4:3-7. | Albrecht, James | 33/4:2-5 ; |
Bucer, Martin: Reformation figure. | Lau, David T. | 46/2:27-30 ; |
Building Project Sermons. | Lau, David T. | 40/4:12-19 ; |
Building Project Sermons. | Lau, David T. | 41/1:18-22 ; |
Building Projects: Guidance. | Reim, Peter E. | 43/1:14-23 ; |
Bultmann: Demythologizing the Resurrection. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:20-34 ; |
Bultmann's Theology vs Scripture. | Lau, John | 12/1:40 ; |
By-Passing the Impasse. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/3:40 ; |
Byzantine Family of Manuscripts. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 31/4:10-24 ; |
Caemmerer, RR, & Evaluation of "A Statement. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:36 ; |
Cain & Abel Compared. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/2:1 ; |
Cain: in chapel address. | Combined Effort | 06/2:15 ; |
Call into the Public Ministry. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 37/4:13-22 ; |
Call, Ministerial, & the Courts. | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:38 ; |
Call, Pastor's, & relation to Call of an Apostle. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:13 ; |
Call, The Doctrine of, & ELS. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/4:36 ; |
Call, The, & ELS re Resignations. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:40 ; |
Calling, Importance of Professional Improvement in Our. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:1-10 ; |
Calling, Our: Servants of God & of People. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/2:2-6 ; 15/4:30-35 ; |
Calling, Remain in One's. | Dommer, Robert | 37/2:5-8 ; |
Calling, The High Given to Women. | Sandeen, James E. | 18/4:25-30 ; |
Calvinism & 3rd Use of the Law. | Nolting, Paul F. | 44/1:8-9 ; |
Calvinism & God's Sovereignty. | Koch, Paul R. | 27/2:1-10 ; |
Calvinism & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 02/2:10 ; |
Calvinism on Conversion. | Lau, David T. | 54/4:29 ; |
Calvinism on Knowing God. | Roehl, Michael J. | 38/3:24 ; |
Calvinism vs Gospel. | Lau, David T. | 33/3:33-34 ; |
Calvinism: Double Predestination. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/1:41 ; |
Calvinism: Sovereignty of God. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/1:40 ; |
Calvinistic Theology & Christianity Today. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/2:11-13 ; |
Calvinistic Views on Public Prayers. | Schaller, Egbert | 02/4:5 ; |
Calvinists and Prayer. | Fossum, Vance A. | 40/4:2-13 ; |
Calvinists: God responsible for evil. | Lau, John | 14/3:43 ; |
Canaan: Picture of Heaven: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:16-20 ; |
Canvass Value of Neighborhood. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 25/4:15 ; |
Caricatures of Ministry. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:7-8 ; |
Catechism Anniversary Gathering. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/4:40 ; |
Catechism as Tool in Teaching Values. | Olmanson, Keith | 31/1:18-19 ; |
Catechism Devotions. | Lau, David T. | 43/2:27-28 ; |
Catechism, Teaching: Conceptual ApproaCh 26/3:21-37. | Dommer, Robert | 26/3:21-37 ; |
Catechisms: Historical Introduction to Luther's. | Dommer, Robert | 17/3:2-23 ; |
Catechisms: On Sin. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:13 ; |
Catholic Catechism: Present-day Beliefs. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 28/4:21 ; |
Catholic Ch & connection with Cyprian. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 04/3:1 ; |
Catholic Ch & Current Bible Translations. | Reim, Edmund | 06/5:42 ; |
Catholic Ch & Ecumenism. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/5:36 ; |
Catholic Ch & Education. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:8 ; |
Catholic Ch & Jewish responsibility for Christ's death. | Reim, Edmund | 04/4:41 ; |
Catholic Ch & Joint Prayer. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/3:40 ; |
Catholic Ch & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 02/2:8 ; |
Catholic Ch & Meaning of its Reform. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:37 ; |
Catholic Ch & Science-conscious Protestants. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:25 ; |
Catholic Ch & Second Vatican Council. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/4:36 ; 03/2:29 ; |
Catholic Ch & the Jews. | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:27 ; |
Catholic Ch & the Sacred Liturgy. | Gullerud, C. M. | 06/2:3 ; |
Catholic Ch & the Virgin Mary. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:36 ; |
Catholic Ch & Tradition & Scripture. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:28 ; |
Catholic Ch & Vatican II Documents. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/5:33 ; |
Catholic Ch & Vatican II. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:10 ; |
Catholic Ch always the same. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:43 ; |
Catholic Ch Mariolatry & new Bible Translation. | Reim, Edmund | 06/5:45 ; |
Catholic Ch View on Ch & State. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/3:17 ; |
Catholic Church & | Fremder, A. | 04/4:1 ; |
Catholic Churches Eastern & Western. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/5:34 ; |
Catholic Views on Public Prayers. | Schaller, Egbert | 02/4:5 ; |
Causes of the Loss in Spiritual Joy. | Barthels, George A. | 30/4:2-3 ; |
Celibacy & Monastic Vows: Luther. | Lau, John | 11/4:13 ; |
Central Thought in a Text. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:15 ; |
Certainty of Salvation through the Gospel. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 54/2:8-9 ; |
Certainty of Salvation: Elect of God. | Sydow, Gilbert | 08/5:1 ; |
Chapel Address: Gen 22:7-8. | Lau, John | 06/1:12 ; |
Chapel Address: Luke 2:46-47. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/2:28 ; |
Chapel Address: Ps 118:8. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 11/2:15 ; |
Chapel Services Hearings in. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 22/2:15-18 ; |
Chaplaincy & Governmental Policy. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:10 ; |
Chaplaincy, Military: LCMS Position. | Lau, John | 33/4:37-38 ; |
Chaplaincy, Unionism in: LCMS. | Lau, John | 40/2:21-22 ; |
Charismatic Errors, Scriptural Refutation. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 20/1:41-44 ; |
Charismatic Gifts, Evaluating. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/2:26 ; |
Charismatic Movement & Holy Spirit. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:5-12 ; |
Charismatic Movement vs Means of Grace. | Lau, David T. | 33/3:33-34 ; |
Charismatics: Holy Spirit. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:9-12 ; |
Charity in Controversy. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:8 ; |
Chastity vs Immorality Today. | Lau, David T. | 47/3:29 ; |
Chemnitz, Martin, & Condemnation of Trent. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:30 ; |
Chemnitz, Martin: Early Lutheran. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/3:3-4 ; |
Chemnitz: Examination of Council of Trent. | Lau, John | 12/2:42-44 ; |
Chemnitz: Translations Available. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:30 ; |
Chicago Statement of 1945. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:5 ; |
Chicago Statement of the 44. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/1:24 ; |
Child, The Exceptional. | Galstad, Martin | 01/2:22 ; |
Children & Peer Pressure. | Olmanson, Keith | 31/1:18-24 ; |
Children & Their Education. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/1:1 ; |
Children of God & Image of God: A Comparison. | Lau, John | 11/3:31 ; |
Children of God, but Still in the World. | Lau, John | 36/2:1-2 ; |
Children of the Heavenly Father: Chapel Talks. | Dommer, Robert | 16/4:13-21 ; |
Children, Loving. | Sydow, Gilbert | 28/3:7 ; |
Children, Parents & Spiritual Education of. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:24-28 ; |
Children, Raising Christian. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 38/2:6-8 ; |
Chiliasm & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 02/2:11 ; |
Chiliasm. | Schaller, John | 01/4:14 ; |
China, Christianity in. | Lau, David T. | 45/3:20-21 ; |
Chinese Term Controversy. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:15 ; |
Christ Controls the Future. | Gantt, Frank | 54/3:5-7 ; |
Christ Gives Value to Devaluated Man. | Reim, John C. | 30/4:17-21 ; |
Christ in Old Testament: Appearances. | Koenig, David P. | 31/2:12-16 ; |
Christ is Being Preached, Which? 34/4:43-45. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:22-27 ; |
Christ Jesus, In: Colossians. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/3:27-37 ; |
Christ Optional in Masonry. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:30 ; |
Christ our Sanctification & Redemption. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 15/2:23-26 ; |
Christ Wisdom Personified, Is? 43/4:15-26. | Naumann, Paul | 43/4:8 ; |
Christ, Deity of. | Schaller, David | 38/1:19-20 ; |
Christ, Knowing: Philippians 3. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/4:2-18 ; |
Christ, Life of. | Lau, David T. | 38/1:21-22 ; |
Christ, New Life in. | Redlin, L. Dale | 24/4:9 ; |
Christ: Solution to All Sin Problems. | Thom, Michael | 29/3:21-23 ; |
Christ: True God and Man. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/4:26-31 ; |
Christ's Active & Passive Obedience. | Greve, Norman | 45/3:15-20 ; |
Christ's Blood, The Voice of. | Schulz, Arthur | 13/1:26-32 ; |
Christ's Deity & the Greek Article. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/3:13-28 ; 13/4:15-30 ; 14/1:12-20 ; 14/2:17-25 ; 14/3:22-33 ; 14/4:9-19 ; 15/1:9-22 ; |
Christ's Deity, Four Witnesses for Defense of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 15/1:22-28 ; |
Christ's Lonely Death: Chapel Address. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 21/2:27-29 ; |
Christ's Love & Our Ministry. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 31/3:19 ; |
Christ's Resurrection, Historic Thrust of. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:1 ; |
Christ's Resurrection: Historical Thrust 53/1: 14-25. | Schaller, Egbert | 53/1:8-11 ; |
Christ's Return, Waiting for. | Maas, Delwyn G. | 43/2:11-13 ; |
Christ's Second Coming: 1 & 2 Thess 23/1:34-37. | Nolting, Paul F. | 23/1:34-37 ; |
Christ's Subordination to His Father. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 38/1:7-17 ; |
Christ's True Meat. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:3 ; |
Christ's Works, Keeping. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:10-12 ; |
Christian Education & our Children. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/1:1 ; |
Christian Education: Approach and Performance. | Schaller, Egbert | 53/1:13-15 ; |
Christian Education: Declaration of Vatican II. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/1:27 ; |
Christian Existentialist. | Galstad, Martin | 03/2:22 ; |
Christian Experience & Professional Improvement. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:5 ; |
Christian Fellowshipping, External, & the | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 10/2:16 ; |
Christian Identity: Who are you? 14/3:39-42. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/3:39-42 ; |
Christian Knowledge, Growing in: U V Koren. | Gullerud, C. M. | 31/1:1-3 ; |
Christian Liberty & Monastic Vows: Luther. | Lau, John | 11/4:17 ; |
Christian Life vs Formalism. | Reim, David J. | 42/1:11-13 ; |
Christian Life, Holy Spirit active in. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:10 ; |
Christian Life: Is it Worth it? 47/3:2-6. | Lau, David T. | 47/3:2-6 ; |
Christian News & Dr Preus' Candidacy. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/5:29 ; |
Christian School: Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:23 ; |
Christian Spirit in Home. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:25 ; |
Christian Steadfastness: Study of HUPOMONE. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 22/4:2-19 ; |
Christian Worldview. | Lau, David T. | 48/1:30 ; |
Christian, Is the 7th Day Adventist Church? 20/4:30f. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 20/4:30 ; |
Christian, The, as a member of Una Sancta. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:22 ; |
Christian: Knows all, yet grows. | Nolting, Paul F. | 16/3:20-32 ; |
Christian: Perfect yet Maturing. | Nolting, Paul F. | 45/2:4-8 ; |
Christian's Purpose in Darkening Days. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 41/1:6 ; |
Christian's State: Complete in Christ 45/2:6-15. | Nolting, Paul F. | 45/2:3-6 ; |
Christian's State: Experiencing Christ 45/2:15-31. | Nolting, Paul F. | 45/2:8-12 ; |
Christianity & Masonry Compatible? 13/2:28-34. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:28-34 ; |
Christianity & State. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/3:15 ; |
Christianity a Religion for the World. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 30/1:18-20 ; |
Christianity in Roman World. | Koenig, David P. | 38/3:25 ; |
Christianity in World, Role of. | Lau, David T. | 37/3:29-30 ; |
Christianity Today & its Policy. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/2:8 ; |
Christianity vs Other Religions. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/2:8 ; |
Christianity, Basic Elements of. | Lau, David T. | 48/4:27 ; |
Christianity: Spiritual Depth and Lack of It. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/2:7-13 ; |
Christians that go to Lord's Supper, according to St Paul. | Pieper, August | 09/5:18 ; |
Christians, Description of us as. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:2-5 ; |
Christians, Diversity among. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:23 ; |
Christmas Day Sermon: John 1:11-13. | Lau, David T. | 27/4:1-2 ; |
Christmas Evidence, Applying the: Judges 13:17-23. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 17/3:2-9 ; |
Christmas for a Small Crowd. | Schaller, David | 53/4:2-4 ; |
Christmas Thoughts, Luther's. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/4:38-40 ; |
Christmas, The Day of: Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/5:26 ; |
Christmas, The True Story of. | Tiefel, George Sr. | 10/5:1 ; |
Christology, Biblical. | Gullerud, C. M. | 21/2:42-44 ; |
Christology, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:23-24 ; |
Chronology of the Bible. | Lau, David T. | 55/2:29-30 ; |
Chronology: Paul's Journey to Jerusalem: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:10-12 ; |
Church & Ministry Debates. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:1-14 ; |
Church & Ministry: Answer to False Doctrine Charge. | Doctrine, Board of | 21/2:30-38 ; |
Church & Ministry: FAL Position. | Gullerud, C. M. | 12/1:32 ; |
Church & Ministry: Walther. | Reim, Edmund | 09/3:5 ; |
Church & Social Injustice, The. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:19-21 ; |
Church & State - Politics. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:37-52 ; |
Church & State Relations. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/3:15 ; |
Church & State Struggle in Early Church 42/2:33-40. | Gurath, Mark | 42/2:20-23 ; |
Church & State, Separation of: Moral Issues. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/2:20-36 ; |
Church & State, Separation of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 24/2:2-19 ; |
Church & State, Separation of. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:27 ; |
Church & State: RCC Abuse. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:22-34 ; |
Church & State: Social Issues. | Redlin, L. Dale | 24/4:2-11 ; |
Church and Ministry:Walther. | Lau, David T. | 52/4:26-27 ; |
Church Attendance Important, Regular. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:24-29 ; |
Church draws Life from Word. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/3:39 ; |
Church Fathers and Scripture. | Lau, David T. | 44/4:26-27 ; |
Church Fathers interpret Various Scriptures. | Lau, David T. | 51/2:25-27 ; |
Church Fathers, Biographies of Several. | Roehl, Michael J. | 38/3:13-14 ; |
Church Fathers, Witness of Ante-Nicene. | Roehl, Michael J. | 38/3:6-12 ; |
Church Fellowship & Its Termination: WELS & CLC | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:27 ; |
Church Fellowship & Theses on Open Questions. | Walther, C. F. W. | 10/4:6 ; |
Church Fellowship, Agreement for. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 36/1:31 ; |
Church Fellowship, Concerning. | Schaller, Egbert | 51/2:6 ; |
Church Fellowship, Encouraging Positive Aspects of. | Albrecht, James | 33/4:1-5 ; |
Church Fellowship, The Doctrine of. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/3:23-27 ; |
Church Fellowship: Erlandson-Becker. | Lau, John | 21/1:36-43 ; |
Church gathered by Holy Spirit. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:9 ; |
Church Growth & WELS. | Lau, John | 33/1:32 ; |
Church Growth Movement & Enthusiasm. | Naumann, David R. | 36/3:5 ; |
Church Growth Movement & God's Word. | Ude, John | 36/3:24 ; |
Church Growth Movement & LCMS. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:28 ; |
Church Growth Movement Failings. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/4:28 ; |
Church Growth Movement. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 34/2:39-41 ; |
Church Growth Movement. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/3:13-14 ; |
Church Holidays Book Review. | Koch, Paul R. | 30/3:14 ; |
Church in the World. | Redlin, L. Dale | 24/4:3 ; |
Church Music as Art. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:4 ; |
Church Music, A Crisis in Lutheran? 36/2:35-38. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:20-21 ; |
Church Music, The Future of. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:15-19 ; |
Church Music: Sacred vs Secular Syndrome. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:8-15 ; |
Church Musician's Enchiridion. | Dommer, Robert | 20/4:43 ; |
Church of God: Update. | Lau, David T. | 38/2:27 ; |
Church Offices: Instructions and Qualifications. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/4:4-5 ; |
Church vs State. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:11-12 ; |
Church Year: Sundays after PentecoSt 20/2:6f. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:6 ; |
Church, Basic Definition of the. | Doctrine, Board of | 21/2:31 ; |
Church, Doctr of the: Catholic View. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:29 ; |
Church, Doctrine of the, & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 01/4:13 ; |
Church, Doctrine of the: A Resolution. | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:46 ; |
Church, RCC Doctrine of the. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/1:4-11 ; |
Church, Satan Works in Visible. | Reim, David | 45/1:8-9 ; |
Church, Sin found in the. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/3:11 ; |
Church, The "Invisible" & "Visible. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/4:8 ; |
Church, The Glorious State of the. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 28/2:21-22 ; |
Church, the Holy Christian, in CLC Confession of Faith. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/2:37 ; |
Church, The, & Art VII of Augs. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:9 ; |
Church, The, & the Kingdom of God. | Reim, Norbert H. | 03/4:27 ; |
Church, True Visible: Pieper. | Lau, David T. | 48/2:28-29 ; |
Church, Visible, & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 02/2:10 ; |
Church, What is a? Book Review. | Koch, Paul R. | 30/3:13-14 ; |
Church, What Makes a Real? 30/4:31. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:12-13 ; |
Church: Book of Concord. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/1:6-12 ; |
Church: Pillar and Ground of Truth. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/4:21-26 ; |
Church's Field of Activity. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:19-21 ; |
Chytraeus, David: Early Lutheran. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/3:4-8 ; |
Circumcision of Jesus:Very Significant. | Naumann, Paul | 52/4:1-3 ; |
Circumcision, Rite of. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/4:10-14 ; |
Circumcision: Yoke of Bondage: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/3:20-30 ; |
Citizenship: Earthly & Heavenly. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:13-14 ; |
Clarity of Scripture. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 36/1:19-25 ; |
Clarity of Scripture. | Lau, David T. | 48/2:27-28 ; |
CLC - WELS Meeting, Report on Jan. | Lau, John | 28/1:1 ; |
CLC & its Origin. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:1 ; |
CLC & its Position on Compromise. | Nolting, Paul F. | 03/1:19 ; |
CLC & Other Churches: Index. | Schulz, Arthur | 37/2:14-27 ; |
CLC & some searching questions. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:38 ; |
CLC & Statement of Faith & Purpose. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:32 ; |
CLC & Things to guard against in Re-alignment. | Reim, Edmund | 08/2:12 ; |
CLC & WELS breaking with Mo S: Evaluation. | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:42 ; |
CLC & WELS Report. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:26 ; |
CLC & WELS Representatives meet in Mankato, Nov. | Reim, Edmund | 04/5:39 ; |
CLC & WELS_ELS: Doctrinal Difference. | Lau, David T. | 32/3:13-17 ; |
CLC & WELS: Re Agreement in Doctrine & Practice. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 36/1:26-31 ; |
CLC & WELS: Report in "Northwestern Luth" | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:32 ; |
CLC Board of Doctrine & Critical Issues, 1955-1961. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:33 ; |
CLC Existence ignored. | Lau, John | 17/2:24 ; |
CLC Heritage: God's Word. | Sydow, Michael | 44/2:17-21 ; |
CLC History: Chap 1 The Grace of God. | Lau, David T. | 49/1:8-12 ; |
CLC History: Chap 2 Confessional Lutheranism. | Lau, David T. | 49/1:9-12 ; |
CLC History: Chap 3 Synodical Conference Controversies. | Lau, David T. | 49/1:14 ; |
CLC History: Chap 4 Taking a Stand. | Lau, David T. | 49/2:12 ; |
CLC History: Chap 5 The Interim Conference. | Lau, David T. | 49/3:6 ; |
CLC History: Chap 6 The Beginnings of Immanuel Lutheran College. | Lau, David T. | 49/3:13 ; |
CLC History: Chap 7 Concerning Church Fellowship. | Lau, David T. | 49/4:12 ; |
CLC History: Chap 9 Organizing the Church of the Lutheran Confession. | Lau, David T. | 49/4:22 ; |
CLC History: Chap 21 At Fifty Years. | Lau, David T. | 50/2:1 ; |
CLC History: Chap 22 The Grace of God. | Lau, David T. | 50/2:4 ; |
CLC History: Chap 8 Concerning Church and Ministry. | Lau, David T. | 50/1:6 ; |
CLC Resolution & WELS Committee on Doctr | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:35 ; |
CLC, Discussions with WELS. | Reim, Edmund | 03/4:37 ; |
CLC, WELS & ELS & Theses on Open Questions & Relevance. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:14 ; |
CLC: 35th Anniversary in 1995. | Fleischer, Daniel | 34/4:4 ; |
CLC: Doctrinal Issues. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 34/4:8-9 ; |
CLC: Early Beginnings & Organization. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 34/4:5-6 ; |
CLC: Evangelical Spirit. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 34/2:39-41 ; |
CLC: Follow Example of Bereans. | Lau, John | 12/3:16 ; |
CLC: Missions, Education & Publications. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 34/4:11-14 ; |
CLC: Not just talking but doing. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:37 ; |
Cleansing: Picture of Forgiveness. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:15 ; |
Clearness of Scripture. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:13 ; |
Clergymen I Have Known. | Zavitz, Lance | 06/2:17 ; |
Cleveland to Cleveland, From: Mo S 2/3:30. | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:30 ; |
Cleveland, What, made clear: Mo S Convention. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:43 ; |
Clinton Agenda vs Christian Response. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:24-25 ; |
Clothing: Picture of Righteousness. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:16 ; |
Cochlaeus & Life of Luther in 1549. | Eckert, O. J. | 11/3:10 ; |
Col 1:1-28 Exegetical Study. | Schaller, Paul W. | 25/1:22-35 ; |
Colleges, Universities, & Civil Disobedience. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:12 ; |
Colonies, Religious Liberty in American. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:25 ; |
Colossus in Daniel, The Great. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:31 ; |
Colwell's Rule: Greek Articles. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 15/1:8-22 ; |
Comfort Factor in Accepting Calls. | Lau, John | 33/1:33 ; |
Command, God's Will and. | Combined Effort | 19/3:16-40 ; |
Commandment demand Justifying Faith. | Kowalke, R.D. | 21/1:10-20 ; |
Commandment, 8th, & Pastor's Lifestyle. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 37/4:9 ; |
Commandments of God & Monastic Vows: Luther. | Lau, John | 11/4:19 ; |
Common Bible is in the making. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:16 ; |
Common Confession No Settlement. | Lau, John | 33/4:37-38 ; |
Common Confession settles matters for Mo S (R. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:9 ; |
Common Confession. | Gullerud, C. M. | 13/3:37 ; |
Communication in Teaching. | Galstad, Martin | 01/2:24 ; |
Communication of Christ's Attributes. | Roehl, Michael J. | 55/1:11-17 ; |
Communications: Key to Harmony. | Quade, Ted | 39/1:26-28 ; |
Communion Announcements & Seelsorge. | Schulz, Arthur | 14/4:5-7 ; |
Communion Distribution & Self-Examination. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/4:18 ; |
Communion, Close, (A. Pieper) | Pieper, August | 09/5:2 ; |
Communion, Close: Our Practice. | Schaller, John | 36/4:14-17 ; |
Communion, Open, in LCMS. | Lau, John | 33/4:37-38 ; |
Communion: Holy: Body & Blood present before Distribution? 21/2:41f. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/2:41 ; |
Communism: Procedure of. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:25 ; |
Compromise in the Ch, The Place of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 03/1:8 ; |
Compromise is in Place, Where. | Nolting, Paul F. | 03/1:20 ; |
Concerning Church Fellowship, Par. | Albrecht, Paul G. | 04/1:41 ; |
Conclusion to CLC Confession of Faith. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:43 ; |
Concord & Gospel Reductionism. | Lau, John | 19/3:2-16 ; |
Concord Has Its Formula. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/2:9 ; |
Concord, Our Subscription to Book of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 19/1:2-7 ; |
Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly & "A Statement. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:30 ; |
Concordia Luth Conf: Answer to Charge. | Doctrine, Board of | 21/2:30-38 ; |
Concordia Theol Monthly of Mo S & Polemics. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/2:11 ; |
Conference Visitor & his Functions. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/5:12 ; |
Conference, Free, & Effect. | Reim, Edmund | 03/4:35 ; |
Confession & Forgiveness: Book of Concord. | Reim, Rollin A. | 19/4:29-32 ; |
Confession and Forgiveness. | Reim, Rollin A. | 45/4:21-22 ; |
Confession of Sin, David's: Ps 51 Sermon. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 35/1:24 ; |
Confession, Meaning of Subscription to a. | Krauth | 19/2:44 ; |
Confessional Lutheranism & Abuse of Art 7 of Augsburg Confession. | Krauth | 09/5:32 ; |
Confessional Subscription & Union. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:45 ; |
Confessions & Confessionalism. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:15 ; |
Confessions & Inspiration, The. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:16 ; |
Confessions, Blessing of the Lutheran. | Krafft, Peter | 55/2:14-19 ; |
Confessions, Congress on Lutheran. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:31-32 ; |
Confessions, How do we use our?. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:18 ; |
Confessions, The Spirit of the. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 19/2:22-30 ; |
Confessions, The, of the Luth ChurCh. | Kuegele | 01/2:30 ; |
Confidence in the Ministry. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:11 ; |
Confidence of God's Children. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:5-7 ; |
Confirmation Sermon: John 12:1-8. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/1:15 ; |
Confirmation Verses. | Schaller, Egbert | 54/1:2-6 ; |
Confirmation, Spiritual Care of Young People after. | Combined Effort | 51/1:21-25 ; |
Confirmation, When is Catechumen Ready for. | Schulz, Arthur | 38/4:16-20 ; |
Conflict Resolutions vs Discipline. | Lau, John | 39/2:27-30 ; |
Congregation, What is a? Book Review. | Koch, Paul R. | 30/3:13-14 ; |
Congregation: Properly Informed. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/4:18 ; |
Congregations: Exercise Priesthood of Believers. | Burkhardt, James | 32/2:13-17 ; |
Conscientious Objectors. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/3:9 ; |
Conservatism & Rom 16:17. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:29 ; |
Conservative Element in Mo S | Schaller, Egbert | 09/4:35 ; |
Consistency Needed Between Faith and Life. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/2:30-33 ; |
Constantine & the Christian ChurCh (A. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:5 ; |
Constitution & Education, U. | Schaller, John | 22/3:19-35 ; |
Contending for | Lau, David T. | 37/3:28-29 ; |
Content of 1 Timothy. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:26-27 ; |
Context, Follow Rule of. | Reim, David | 54/4:5-7 ; |
Contradictions in Bible, Alleged. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:1-4 ; |
Controlled Reaction. | Galstad, Martin | 03/2:12 ; |
Controversies after Luther & Today. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:11-19 ; |
Controversy & Charity. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:8 ; |
Controversy on Election in Synodical Conference. | Lau, David T. | 55/1:7-9 ; |
Controversy, The Ethics of. | Reim, Edmund | 07/5:40 ; |
Convention Resolution Background. | Lau, David T. | 32/3:13-15 ; |
Convention, 1955 Saginaw, & Union Matters. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:35 ; |
Conversion = First Resurrection in Revelation. | Sippert, Steven P. | 54/3:25-26 ; |
Conversion & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 01/5:16 ; |
Conversion, Concerning. | Lau, David T. | 54/4:18-30 ; |
Conversion, Acts 8:26-38 on. | Lau, John | 20/3:36-39 ; |
Conversion, Acts 9:1-20 on. | Lau, John | 20/3:40-44 ; |
Conversion, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:19-21 ; |
Conversion: Early New Testament Church 55/3: 10-21. | Lau, John | 55/3:6-11 ; |
Conversion: Superficial. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:16 ; |
Corrections to 48/2. | Combined Effort | 48/2:1 ; |
Corrections. | Combined Effort | 32/1:30 ; |
Cost behind Psalm 23, The. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/2:11-12 ; |
Council of Ephesus, 431 A. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:10 ; |
Council, The So-Called: Vatican. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/5:43 ; |
Counseling, Use of God's Word in. | Sydow, Michael | 30/3:15-16 ; |
Counselling Troubled Christians. | Fossum, Vance A. | 37/3:25-27 ; |
Covenant (BERITH) Terminology in OT 21/3:2-17. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/3:2-17 ; |
Covenant Faithfulness, God's. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/4:8-10 ; |
Covenant in NT, Use of Term. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 19/1:17-21 ; |
Covenant in OT, Use of Term. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 19/1:9-17 ; |
Covenant Promised & Explained. | Dommer, Robert | 22/1:2-18 ; |
Covenant, Features of God's, in OT 27/2:33-37. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/2:15-16 ; |
Covenants, God's Old and New. | Lau, David T. | 46/1:6-10 ; |
Covenants: Law & Gospel: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:18-37 ; |
Covering of the head by men & women. | Lau, John | 11/2:0 ; |
Covetousness: Temptations in Ministry. | Lau, John | 37/2:3 ; |
Creation & Fall of Man in CLC Confession of Faith. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:34 ; |
Creation & Preservation needed, Clear Proclamation of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:29 ; |
Creation Doctrine: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:16-17 ; |
Creation in Genesis and NT 43/4:2-6. | Lau, David T. | 43/4:2-6 ; |
Creation of Language. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:23 ; |
Creation of Man in God's Image. | Gullerud, C. M. | 21/2:5-8 ; |
Creation of the earth & man. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:21 ; |
Creation Rejoices at God's Deliverance. | Tiefel, Mark | 36/1:9 ; |
Creation Very Good, Gen 1:31. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:23 ; |
Creation vs Evolution. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 12/1:42 ; |
Creation-Science vs Evolution. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 33/2:30-31 ; |
Creation, What did Jesus Teach re. | Tiefel, Paul | 52/2:2-8 ; |
Creation: 24 Hour Days. | Lau, David T. | 22/3:40 ; |
Creation: Unlocking Mysteries. | Roehl, Michael J. | 38/3:25-26 ; |
Creationism & the Bible. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 33/2:30-31 ; |
Creationism, Progessive. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 30/1:24 ; |
Creationists, Defeat for? 26/3:38-40. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 26/3:38-40 ; |
Creative Activity of God ended, Gen 2:1f. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:24 ; |
Creativity. | Galstad, Martin | 05/5:17 ; |
Creed, Apostolic. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:1 ; |
Criticism & the PentateuCh | Schaller, Egbert | 06/4:2 ; |
Criticism of Received Text. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 31/4:10-13 ; |
Critics, Negative, & the PentateuCh | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:7 ; |
Cross, Theology of the: Christ's and Ours. | Lau, David T. | 49/4:29 ; |
Crucifixion of the Savior: Catholic View. | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:31 ; |
Crypto-Calvinistic Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:15 ; |
Curriculum at Catholic Seminary. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/3:33 ; |
Cyprian, Great High- Churchman of Ante-Nicene Period. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 04/3:1 ; |
Danger of Externalizing Preaching Office. | Henkel, William | 47/4:12 ; |
Dangers Facing a Pastor Special. | Schulz, Arthur | 18/1:10-23 ; |
Dangers Threatening Fellowship, Recognizing. | Albrecht, James | 33/4:3-5 ; |
Daniel, The Four Visions in the Book of. | Reim, David | 50/4:5-8 ; |
Daniel: Critical Review of People's Bible Volume. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:30-40 ; |
Daniel: His Prophecy and Herod the Great. | Reim, David | 50/4:22-27 ; |
Daniel: The 70 Sevens. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:17-26 ; |
Daniel: The Great Tribulation. | Reim, David | 50/4:27-28 ; |
Dark Ages not so Dark. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:2-3 ; |
Darkness in World, Spiritual. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 41/1:6-13 ; |
Darwinian Gradualism Rejected. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:22 ; |
David a Type of Christ: Ps 69. | Tiefel, Mark | 36/1:1-9 ; |
David's 3-fold Plea in Ps 51:1b-2. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 33/2:22-24 ; |
David's Confession of Sin: Ps 51 Sermon. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 35/1:23-25 ; |
David's Sacrifice of Thanksgiving: Ps 51. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/2:8-14 ; |
Day in Creation Account. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:17-19 ; |
Days Should Speak. | Galstad, Martin | 06/2:7 ; |
Dead: When is a Person really? 25/2:5f. | Lau, David T. | 25/2:5 ; |
Deadness, Spiritual. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 31/2:5-6 ; |
Deal Wisely with them. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 06/4:12 ; |
Death, Dignified, & Lord's Will. | Fossum, Vance A. | 31/1:14-16 ; |
Death, The Christian View of. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:22 ; |
Death, The Second. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:8-9 ; |
Death: The Faith that Assures a Blessed. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 16/2:4-9 ; |
Declaration of ALC in 1938. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:10 ; |
Dedication of new Mankato classroom. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 01/1:34 ; |
Dedication Sermon for Reim Hall: Col 3:17. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:28 ; |
Defeatism Replaced by Victory. | Reim, John C. | 30/4:20 ; |
Defend, What are we determined to? | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:26 ; |
Degrees from Heterodox Institutions. | Lau, John | 19/4:43 ; |
Deity of Christ & Greek Grammar. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/3:3-17 ; |
Denominational lines & mission work. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:31 ; |
Denver, The sad aftermath of: Mo S | Schaller, Egbert | 09/4:34 ; |
Depression and Suicide, Dealing with. | Lau, David T. | 53/1:25 ; |
Depression, Ministering to Clinical. | Nolting, Paul D. | 44/4:14-24 ; |
Depression, Ministering to Those with Bipolar. | Kesterson, Terrel | 46/3:22-25 ; |
Devil's Influence on Church Fellowship. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 38/3:17-20 ; |
Devotions from Book of Job. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/1:29-33 ; |
Dewey, John, & view on Education. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 04/2:5 ; |
DIA in Rom 4:25: Objective Justification. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 21/3:18-37 ; |
DIAKRINEIN in 1 Cor 11:29: Lord's Supper. | Reim, Edmund | 09/5:14 ; |
Dialogue in Teaching. | Galstad, Martin | 01/2:27 ; |
Dichotomy vs Trichotomy. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:19 ; |
DIDASKALIA: Greek word. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:23 ; |
Discipline, Church: Painful Love. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:7-13 ; |
Disciplining Children. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 39/3:21-22 ; |
Dispensational Concept of God's Kingdom. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/1:39 ; |
Dispensational Misinterpretation of Dan. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:37 ; |
Dispensationalism vs Preterism. | Lau, David T. | 44/3:24 ; |
Dispensationalism: Approach to Prophecy. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:5-26 ; |
Dispensationalism. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/1:1-10 ; |
Dispensationalists on 70 Sevens. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:19 ; |
Dispensationalists, Defenses needed againSt 25/3:30f. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:30 ; |
Dispensationalists: Israel or ChurCh 26/2:27f. | Nolting, Paul F. | 26/2:27 ; |
Dispensationalists: Last Days. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/3:25 ; |
Disunity in Confession among Christians. | Lau, John | 34/4:15-17 ; |
Divine Revelation is act of God: Quote. | Combined Effort | 09/2:19 ; |
Divorce and Remarriage. | Roehl, Michael J. | 52/4:12-19 ; |
Divorced, Passages re Marriage of the. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 23/4:30-43 ; |
DLDASKALOS & DIDASKEIN: Scripture Concept. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/4:29-47 ; |
Doctrinal Development. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:13 ; |
Doctrinal Differences Exist Between WELS and CLC. | Lau, John | 29/1:28 ; |
Doctrinal Differences: WELS, ELS, & CLC. | Roehl, Michael J. | 40/2:17-20 ; |
Doctrinal Formula, The Right. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:27 ; |
Doctrinal Statement of CLC: Faith & Purpose. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:30-44 ; |
Doctrinal Statements may be Necessary, New. | Gullerud, C. M. | 19/1:4-7 ; |
Doctrinal Themes in Book of Concord. | Reim, Rollin A. | 19/4:29-32 ; |
Doctrine & Practice: Background & Usage. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 36/1:26-31 ; |
Doctrine as used in II John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:12 ; |
Doctrine Emphasized in Franzmann Hymns. | Reim, John C. | 36/1:10-19 ; |
Doctrine of the Gospel: Dr Bergendoff. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:42 ; |
Doctrine, Answer to Concordia Luth Conf Charge of False. | Doctrine, Board of | 21/2:30-38 ; |
Doctrine, Christians to be United in. | Lau, John | 34/4:18-19 ; |
Doctrine, Divine Source of Paul's: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/4:10-35 ; |
Doctrine, False. | JPK | 07/5:42 ; |
Doctrine, Give Attendance to. | Lau, John | 34/4:21 ; |
Doctrine, The True: Our Heritage. | Kuegele | 01/5:28 ; |
Doctrines needed to be discussed at Free Conf | Reim, Edmund | 04/1:40 ; |
Dogmatical Correctness & Condition of Fellowship. | Walther, C. F. W. | 10/4:13 ; |
Dogmaticians & Inspiration. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:17-21 ; |
Doxology. | Gantt, Frank | 51/4:6-8 ; |
Dreams & Reality: Book of Daniel. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/5:12 ; |
Dust & Chaff, Man is Like. | Reim, John C. | 30/4:19-20 ; |
Dying, The Art of. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/4:11-21 ; |
Dynamic Monarchianism. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:6 ; |
Earth Climate between Creation & Flood. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:19 ; |
Earth, The Late Great Planet: Lindsey. | Sydow, Michael | 13/1:43-47 ; |
Earthen Vessels. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/2:5-13 ; |
Easter Outlines, PoSt 25/4:20-27. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/4:20-27 ; |
Easter Season, The: Sermon on John 12:1-8. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/1:15 ; |
Easter Sermon: I Cor 15:20-23. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/1:24 ; |
Ebal & Gerizim: Tour Observations. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/4:31-38 ; |
Ecclesiasticism, Entrenched. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:36 ; |
Eck, Dr Johann, & Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:8 ; |
Eckert, Pastor O. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/3:34-38 ; |
Ecumania. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:34 ; |
Ecumenical Council of Catholics. | Gullerud, C. M. | 06/5:35 ; |
Ecumenical Mobilization. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/5:33 ; |
Ecumenical Movement (Catholic & Lutheran). | Reim, Edmund | 04/4:41 ; |
Ecumenical Movement & Catholic Ch | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/5:43 ; |
Ecumenical Movement. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:40 ; |
Ecumenical Spirit of Confessions. | Lau, John | 21/2:18 ; |
Ecumenical Truths of Scripture. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:3-5 ; |
Ecumenicism, Book of Concord & 19/4:2-28. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:2-28 ; |
Ecumenicity & Realignment. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:30 ; |
Ecumenicity, Mass, & its failure. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:30 ; |
Ecumenism & ELCA. | Lau, John | 39/2:29-30 ; |
Ecumenism & the Catholic Ch | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/5:36 ; |
Ecumenism & Theological Education. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 09/4:26 ; |
Ecumenism in Lutheran Ch | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:45 ; |
Editor's Nightmare. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/2:44 ; |
Editor's Note: Prof ES relieved of duty as Editor. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:1 ; |
Editorial Goal. | Schaller, Paul W. | 40/4:1-2 ; |
Editorial Policy of "Journal of Theology. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:41 ; |
Editorial Posture Examined, An. | Lau, John | 11/2:25 ; |
Editorial Statement re "The Kingdom of God" by J. | Schaller, John | 05/5:15 ; |
Education & the Law Private. | Schaller, John | 22/3:15-35 ; |
Education & the PAIDEIA. | Galstad, Martin | 01/1:30 ; |
Education & Training of Children. | Galstad, Martin | 01/5:22 ; |
Education at ILC Prepares for Life. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 40/3:1-3 ; |
Education at ILC Quality: Opening Address. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 22/3:36-38 ; |
Education for What? | Galstad, Martin | 04/3:27 ; |
Education growth & Young People today. | Schaller, Egbert | 11/3:35 ; |
Education in CLC, Christian. | Sydow, Michael | 44/2:21-25 ; |
Education in Luther's Day. | Nolting, Paul D. | 23/3:12-27 ; |
Education influenced by the Reformation. | Reim, Edmund | 05/2:13 ; |
Education is not Neutral. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/2:30-33 ; |
Education of Children, Parents & Spiritual. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:24-26 ; |
Education, Christian: Luther. | Lau, David T. | 52/4:24-26 ; |
Education, Christian, & Aims of Cath. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/1:27 ; |
Education, Christian: Blessing to CLC. | Thurow, Carl M. | 39/3:3-6 ; |
Education, Christian: Wrong Attitudes. | Dommer, Robert | 37/2:5-8 ; |
Education, Christian. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:1 ; |
Education, History & Philosophy of. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 15/1:39 ; |
Education, Humanism in. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:8 ; |
Education, Of: Examination of Miltonls Tract. | Lau, John | 19/2:36-42 ; |
Education, Purpose & Goal of. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:8 ; |
Education, The Importance of Christian. | Larsen, Paul F. | 53/3:6-8 ; |
Education: Deal Wisely with Students 54/1:14-16. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 54/1:9-10 ; |
Education: A Time to Ask. | Galstad, Martin | 06/3:8 ; |
Education: Being & Becoming. | Galstad, Martin | 02/2:14 ; |
Education: Controlled Reaction. | Galstad, Martin | 03/2:12 ; |
Education: Creativity. | Galstad, Martin | 05/5:17 ; |
Education: Days Should Speak. | Galstad, Martin | 06/2:7 ; |
Education: Deal Wisely with Them. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 06/4:12 ; |
Education: Depth of Instruction. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/2:11-17 ; |
Education: Figure Me Out. | Galstad, Martin | 06/5:17 ; |
Education: Footnote to Creativity. | Galstad, Martin | 06/1:8 ; |
Education: For the School Sermon. | Galstad, Martin | 05/3:31 ; |
Education: Importance of Christian: Sermon. | Larsen, Paul F. | 20/2:26-30 ; |
Education: Learning as Entertainment. | Galstad, Martin | 05/1:15 ; |
Education: Left to the Living. | Galstad, Martin | 03/5:34 ; |
Education: Men & Machines. | Galstad, Martin | 02/3:15 ; |
Education: More Findings. | Galstad, Martin | 07/2:23 ; |
Education: Point & Process. | Galstad, Martin | 02/1:27 ; |
Education: Problem or Solution? 28/3:4-18. | Sydow, Gilbert | 28/3:2-5 ; |
Education: Refinding Fundamentals. | Galstad, Martin | 07/1:20 ; |
Education: Shaping the Attention. | Galstad, Martin | 05/2:29 ; |
Education: Social or Sacred. | Galstad, Martin | 04/1:27 ; |
Education: Spiritual Readiness. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 08/1:12 ; |
Education: Teaching the Teachers. | Galstad, Martin | 04/5:29 ; |
Education: Telling & Teaching. | Galstad, Martin | 02/4:22 ; |
Education: The Parochial School. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:23 ; |
Education: The Teacher as Artist (M. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:21 ; |
Education: Working up Trifles. | Galstad, Martin | 02/5:20 ; |
Educator, Luther as. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:7-9 ; |
Educator, Qualifications of a Christian: Address. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 18/3:26-30 ; |
ELCA and Formula of Concord. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:35-36 ; |
ELCA Dogmatics Book: Critical Survey. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:13-20 ; |
ELCA Guidelines & Feminist Language. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/3:9-10 ; |
ELCA Surrenders to Reformed & Roman Catholic ChurCh 37/3:34-36. | Lau, John | 37/3:20-21 ; |
ELCA, Apostasy in: Review. | Lau, David T. | 32/3:23-25 ; |
ELCA, Problems Today in. | Lau, John | 39/2:29-30 ; |
ELCA, Study of Doctrinal Platform of. | Schulz, Arthur | 27/4:21-25 ; |
ELCA/Episcopal/Reformed Full Communion. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 37/1:28-29 ; |
Elect of God, The: Part II. | Sydow, Gilbert | 08/5:1 ; |
Elect of God: Our oft-forgotten Name. | Sydow, Gilbert | 08/4:1 ; |
Election & Means of Grace. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:14-15 ; |
Election Controversy & God's Command. | Combined Effort | 19/3:33 ; |
Election Discussions: 1900 - 1929. | Reim, Peter R. | 50/2:19-25 ; |
Election of Grace & Reason. | Nolting, Paul F. | 32/3:4-7 ; |
Election of Grace. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/2:5 ; |
Election of Grace. | Lau, David T. | 55/1:1-8 ; |
Election, Definitions of Doctr of. | Sydow, Gilbert | 08/4:5 ; |
Election, Doctr of, according to Walther. | Reim, Edmund | 09/3:1 ; |
Election, Doctrine of: Luther. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:6-7 ; |
Election, Doctrine of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 26/4:13-16 ; |
Election: Comforting Doctrine. | Bernthal, Luke | 55/2:11-14 ; |
Eli & his sons. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:23 ; |
Elijah & Moses, The Passing of. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:36 ; |
Elijah Complex, The. | Thurow, Theodore C. | 27/1:16 ; |
Elijah the Tishbite: Sermon Study. | Lau, John | 18/3:15-25 ; |
Elijah: Despondent. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:22-27 ; |
Elizabethan English Today, Use of. | Reim, John C. | 34/2:5-7 ; |
ELS - CLC: 1955-1961. | Lau, David T. | 49/2:22-23 ; |
ELS & "A City Set on a Hill": Review. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/5:29 ; |
ELS & Doctrine of the Call. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/4:36 ; |
ELS & Policy on Resignations. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:40 ; |
ELS & Romans 16. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:1 ; |
ELS Critique of "Mark ? Avoid . | Lau, John | 12/1:34-38 ; |
ELS does not break with Syn. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:30 ; |
ELS Resolutions on Syn. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/4:31 ; |
ELS, Birth of the. | Reim, Peter R. | 50/2:18-28 ; |
ELS: BW Teigen's Honorary Degree. | Lau, John | 19/4:43 ; |
ELS: Review of Lord's Supper Statement. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 39/1:18-24 ; |
ELS/WELS & CLC Discussions, 1987-1990. | Lau, John | 36/3:27-29 ; |
ELS/WELS and AAL. | Lau, John | 33/1:31-32 ; |
Emotionally Disturbed, Ministering to. | Thom, Michael | 29/3:21-28 ; |
Emotions in a Christian's Faith-Life. | Albrecht, James | 52/3:5-11 ; |
Encouragement for Pastors. | Maas, Delwyn G. | 39/3:15-17 ; |
Engel vs Vitale. | Schaller, Egbert | 02/4:1 ; |
Enlightenment. | Galstad, Martin | 06/1:11 ; |
Enoch, The Faith of. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/2:1 ; |
Enosh: Hebrew Word for "Man. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/3:29 ; |
Entertainment & Learning. | Galstad, Martin | 05/1:15 ; |
Enthusiasm Rejects Means of Grace. | Naumann, David R. | 36/3:5-7 ; |
Entrance at Thessalonica, Fruitful. | Fossum, Vance A. | 32/4:24-27 ; |
Entrance at Thessalonica, Fruitful. | Fossum, Vance A. | 33/1:21-28 ; |
Environmental Movement, Pantheism in. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/1:18-20 ; |
Epicurean Philosophy. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 29/3:24-27 ; |
Epiphany Outlines: Kingdom of God. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/2:34-40 ; |
Epiphany, Once & Again. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:1 ; |
Episcopalians & ELCA Compromise. | Lau, John | 39/2:29-30 ; |
Equality of Men & Women in Christ 32/3:9-10. | Nolting, Paul F. | 32/3:5-7 ; |
ERA and KEPHALE-Structure. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/2:7-13 ; |
Erasmus & his Estimate of Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:6 ; |
Erasmus of Rotterdam. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/3:11 ; |
Erasmus on Free Will. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:7-11 ; |
Errata in Vol 35, No. | Combined Effort | 36/1:18 ; |
Error Danger of first "little. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:35-39 ; |
Error, Dangers in Exposing. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:21 ; |
Eschatological Preaching, Importance of. | Klatt, John V. | 22/4:19-25 ; |
Eschatology in Matthew's Gospel. | Lau, David T. | 44/3:24-29 ; |
Esthetic Relation in Ch Music, The. | Fremder, A. | 04/4:10 ; |
Ethical Judgments, Basis for. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:15 ; |
Ethical Systems. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:16-19 ; |
Ethics, Situation & Dr Pike. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/1:30 ; |
Euthenasia: Active & Passive. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:24 ; |
Euthenasia: Stage Play reo Review. | Lau, John | 24/1:33 ; |
Ev Luth Synod & Unionistic Relations with LCMS | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/4:35 ; |
Evaluating Our Age. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:1 ; |
Evangelical Admonition: Law & Gospel. | Schaller, Paul W. | 41/1:9-15 ; |
Evangelical Admonition. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/4:20-21 ; |
Evangelicalism & Liberalism. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:27-28 ; |
Evangelicalism: Coming Generation: Book Review. | Lau, David T. | 27/3:15 ; |
Evangelicals & Ecumenical Crisis. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:30 ; |
Evangelism & the Pastor 27/4:17-19. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 27/4:9-10 ; |
Evangelism Defined. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 27/4:3-4 ; |
Evangelism in Acts and Today. | Lau, David T. | 44/4:27-30 ; |
Evangelism in the Eighties. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 27/4:2-10 ; |
Evangelism Needed. | Lau, David T. | 29/1:37-38 ; |
Evangelism OutreaCh Informational Meetings in. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 25/4:15-19 ; |
Evangelism Styles, Different. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 27/4:7-9 ; |
Evangelism, Books on. | Ude, David | 54/2:27-29 ; |
Evangelism, Law & Gospel in. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/4:26-29 ; |
Evil in the World & God's Wisdom. | Lau, John | 14/3:42-44 ; |
Evironmental Movement, Pantheism in. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/1:18-21 ; |
Evolution & Appraisal. | Combined Effort | 09/5:35 ; |
Evolution & Death. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:16 ; |
Evolution & Genesis I. | Keiser, Bernhard E. | 02/4:12 ; |
Evolution & Genesis. | Reim, Edmund | 03/5:42 ; |
Evolution & God's Word Book Review. | Lau, John | 30/1:24 ; |
Evolution & Revolution. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:10 ; |
Evolution & The Image of God. | Lau, David T. | 25/3:7 ; |
Evolution Exposed. | Lau, David T. | 47/1:34-35 ; |
Evolution in LCMS. | Gullerud, C. M. | 16/4:43 ; |
Evolution Refuted. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 17/1:43 ; |
Evolution vs 2nd law of Thermodynamics. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:25 ; |
Evolution vs Creation. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 12/1:42 ; |
Evolution vs Creationism. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 30/1:25 ; |
Evolution: Problems with the Cell. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/2:20-31 ; |
Evolutionary Development, No Such Thing as. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:22 ; |
Evolutionistic Ideas on language. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:29-31 ; |
Exceptional Child, The. | Galstad, Martin | 01/2:22 ; |
Excommunication & Matt. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/3:17 ; |
Excommunication of Henry IV by Pope Gregory VII. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:8-9 ; |
Excommunication: Principles & Practice. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/1:22-28 ; |
Excommunication: Purpose. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/2:13-19 ; |
Excommunication: Teaching the Doctrine of. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/4:18-19 ; |
Exegesis of Psalm 98:1-9 42/2:1-8. | Naumann, Paul | 42/2:11-15 ; |
Exegesis of 2 Thess 3: 6-18. | Larsen, Paul F. | 42/2:24-29 ; |
Exegesis of Proverbs 2:1-8 | Naumann, Paul | 42/4:11-18 ; |
Exegesis of Psalm 68:1-6. | Naumann, Paul | 51/1:12-19 ; |
Exegesis, Do-it-yourself, for the Parsonage Study. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 07/3:20 ; |
Exegesis: Isaiah 61:1-6. | Naumann, Paul | 44/3:11-17 ; |
Exegetical Basis of Brief Statement. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/3:24 ; |
Exegetical Opinions, Using Care in. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 36/1:19-23 ; |
Exegetical Problems, Cause of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 36/1:19-22 ; |
Exegetical Study of 1 Tim 4:15-16. | Lau, David T. | 12/3:24-32 ; |
Exegetical Study of 2 John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:1 ; |
Exegetical Study of Titus 3:10. | Lau, John | 39/4:28-31 ; |
Existentialism & Theology. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:15 ; |
Exit Interviews: Why People Leave Churches. | Lau, David T. | 34/3:40 ; |
Exploration in Applying God's Word. | Tiefel, Mark | 29/3:25-27 ; |
Eyes, In God's: Use and Misuse of Term. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/4:26-27 ; |
Fables and Genealogies. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/2:7-9 ; |
Fables, Reject Profane. | Gullerud, C. M. | 30/1:9-10 ; |
Faith & the Monastic Vow: Luther. | Lau, John | 11/4:15 ; |
Faith & the Power of God: Eph. | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:2 ; |
Faith Alone, Adventism & 20/4:33f. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 20/4:33 ; |
Faith Alone: Luther vs Roman Catholic Church 36/4:41-42. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:23-24 ; |
Faith and Its Object:Christ 52/2:13-25. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 52/2:8-14 ; |
Faith in Justification, Importance of. | Gieschen, Herman | 27/2:10-13 ; |
Faith in Works, Christ Looks for. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:6-14 ; |
Faith makes one a member of the ChurCh | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:11 ; |
Faith makes One a Servant to All. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:8 ; |
Faith Not Sight, Walk by. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/1:1-2 ; |
Faith of Enoch, The. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/2:1 ; |
Faith that Assures a Blessed Death, The. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 16/2:4-9 ; |
Faith the common bond of all true Christians. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:12 ; |
Faith-Life periodical would detract from CLC Ministry. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:17 ; |
Faith, A Way of Reason or the Life of. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 06/5:28 ; |
Faith, Blessedness in Suffering for Christian: G. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:3-9 ; |
Faith, Certainty of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 26/4:13 ; |
Faith, Danger of Emphasizing, at Expense of the Object of Faith. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:1 ; |
Faith, Does 1st Commandment Demand Justifying? 21/1:10-20. | Dommer, Robert | 21/1:10-20 ; |
Faith, is it a Cause of our Justification?. | Reim, Edmund | 08/4:17 ; |
Faith, Justification by: Central Teaching. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:2-14 ; |
Faith, Weak & Strong. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/2:6 ; |
Faithfulness to Death. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:5-8 ; |
FAL - New Church Body. | Gullerud, C. M. | 12/1:30-33 ; |
Fall into Sin & language. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:25 ; |
False Brethren Characterized: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:26-28 ; |
False Brethren. | JPK | 07/5:42 ; |
False Doctrine, Characterization of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 30/3:2-5 ; |
False Doctrine, Essence of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:8-11 ; |
False Prophets, Christ Warns AgainSt 34/4:23-25. | Lau, John | 34/4:23-25 ; |
False Teachers & Weak Brethren, Distinguishing. | Lau, John | 12/1:37 ; |
Family Life & Ministry. | Thurow, Theodore C. | 27/1:14-21 ; |
Family Life under Christ 38/2:5-24. | Thurow, Theodore C. | 38/2:3-13 ; |
Fatalism vs Resignation to God's Will. | Fanning, Warren | 41/3:9-13 ; |
Fatalism, No 18/1:30. | Nolting, Paul F. | 18/1:30 ; |
Fear: Use in Scripture & Confessions. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 40/2:7-20 ; |
Federation for Authentic Lutheranism & Realignment. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:31 ; |
Fellowship & Mo Syn View in 1961. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/4:32 ; |
Fellowship & WELS over against Mo S | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:39 ; |
Fellowship in Early Church, Exercise of. | Roehl, Michael J. | 38/3:2-13 ; |
Fellowship in relation to "light. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:14 ; |
Fellowship in Waning Days of Church Militant. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 38/3:16-24 ; |
Fellowship of Kindred Minds, The. | Fleischer, Daniel | 38/3:1-2 ; |
Fellowship Principles and Application. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:31-37 ; |
Fellowship Principles discussed with WELS | Schaller, Egbert | 04/2:2931 ; |
Fellowship Principles, Learning to Apply. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/4:45 ; |
Fellowship Problem with WELS | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:43 ; |
Fellowship Relations, Terminating. | Lau, John | 35/4:30 ; |
Fellowship Status inter CLC & WELS | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:36 ; |
Fellowship Then & Now: In N. | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:44 ; |
Fellowship Then & Now. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:48 ; |
Fellowship with God in 1 John. | Nolting, Paul F. | 16/3:28 ; |
Fellowship with WELS, What still remains & Why. | Reim, Edmund | 04/2:31 ; |
Fellowship, A Partitioned: Mo. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/1:33 ; |
Fellowship, Christian: Vertical and Horizontal. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 29/1:31-32 ; |
Fellowship, Church 28/2:8f. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:4-5 ; |
Fellowship, Church, & Walther's Theses on Open Questions. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:6 ; |
Fellowship, Church, in CLC Confession of Faith. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:38 ; |
Fellowship, CLC & Principles of ChurCh 22/2:28-38. | Lau, John | 22/2:28-38 ; |
Fellowship, Encouraging Positive Aspects of Church 33/4:2-13. | Albrecht, James | 33/4:1-7 ; |
Fellowship, Essays on Church 37/4:50. | Lau, David T. | 37/4:27 ; |
Fellowship, Principle of Religious. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:3-6 ; |
Fellowship, WELS and ELS on Termination of. | Lau, John | 29/4:33-34 ; |
Fellowship: FAL Position. | Gullerud, C. M. | 12/1:33 ; |
Fellowships, When to Terminate Existing. | Lau, John | 34/4:19-20 ; |
Feminism & the Bible. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 33/1:34-36 ; |
Feminist Influence on God's Word. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/2:22-25 ; |
Feminists & Rights. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/2:7-13 ; |
Ferloren Gospel. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/2:9 ; |
Feudalism Helped & Hindered Institutional Church 28/4:3-8. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:2-4 ; |
Fidelity Reevaluated, Marital. | Redlin, L. Dale | 16/2:25 ; |
Fig Tree, Lesson of the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/2:14-17 ; |
Figure Me Out. | Galstad, Martin | 06/5:17 ; |
Findings, More. | Galstad, Martin | 07/2:23 ; |
Finnish Confessional Ch breaks with Mo S 10/3:17. | 10/3:17 ; | |
Flacian Controversy on Original Sin. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 55/1:17-30 ; |
Flacian Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:14 ; |
Flattery in the Ministry. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:9 ; |
Flesh, Sins of the: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/3:34-36 ; |
Flesh's Influence on Church Fellowship, Sinful. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 38/3:21-22 ; |
Flood on Earth, Effects of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:26 ; |
Focus on Gospel in Ministry. | Eichstadt, Wayne | 37/4:3-6 ; |
Food for Thought: WELS Meditations: Col 3:15-17. | Combined Effort | 06/1:38 ; |
Foods, False Distinction Between. | Gullerud, C. M. | 30/1:2-3 ; |
Foolishness of Christianity, Seeming. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/1:1-2 ; |
Foot-Washing, Service in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:4 ; |
Footnote to Creativity. | Galstad, Martin | 06/1:8 ; |
Foreword to "Journal of Theology. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:1 ; |
Foreword to 10th Volume. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:1 ; |
Forgiveness in Christ in God's Lord's Supper. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11-23 ; |
Forgiveness of sins & God's Righteousness. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/3:21 ; |
Forgiveness only by Grace: Joshua 24:16-20 | Lau, David T. | 27/2:18-20 ; |
Forgiveness, Prayer for. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 35/3:25-29 ; |
Forgiveness, The Miracle of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:12-14 ; |
Forgiveness: Central Doctrine of Scripture. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:2-14 ; |
Form of God: Phil 2:6-7. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:15 ; |
Form of Sound Words, The. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:24 ; |
Form-Criticism in Bible Interpretation. | Lau, John | 12/3:13-16 ; |
Formalism: Threat to Orthodoxy? 42/1:13-28. | Reim, David J. | 42/1:6-12 ; |
Formula of Concord & Controversy. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:33 ; |
Formula of Concord Background applied today. | Duehlmeier, H. C. | 14/4:29-35 ; |
Formula of Concord Takes Shape. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/3:6-8 ; |
Formula of Concord, Article VI, on Antinomianism. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/2:15-26 ; |
Formula of Concord: Ecumenical Intent. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:9 ; |
Formula of Concord: ELCA. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:35-36 ; |
Formula of Concord: On Justification. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:24 ; |
Formula of Concord: On Sin. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:14-17 ; |
Formula of Concord. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/4:43 ; |
Franzmann, Dr M, 8 the Gospel. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:43 ; |
Franzmann, Dr M, on Union of Lutherans. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/2:24 ; |
Fraternal Insurance Activities & WELS. | Lau, John | 31/4:24 ; |
Fraternal Insurance Matters. | Lau, John | 33/1:31-32 ; |
Fraternal Insurance, Unionism in. | Lau, John | 28/3:1 ; |
Free Conferences & the Problem. | Reim, Edmund | 04/1:33 ; |
Free Conferences #2. | Reim, Edmund | 04/1:38 ; |
Free Conferences, 3rd Luth, & CLC Misgivings. | Reim, Edmund | 06/1:36 ; |
Free Conferences, Luth: the second. | Reim, Edmund | 05/3:39 ; |
Free Will, NIV on Man's. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:20 ; |
Free Will: Calvinistic Views. | Lau, David T. | 44/4:29-30 ; |
Freedom from God's Word. | Lau, John | 14/2:9 ; |
Freedom in Christ: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/3:19-39 ; |
Freedom of the Will, Boundaries of Man's. | Nolting, Paul F. | 18/1:30-33 ; |
Freedom or Liberty in the Law. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/4:12-17 ; |
Freewill Offerings. | Lau, David T. | 46/3:4-6 ; |
From Ichabod to Ebenezer: Studies in 1 Samuel. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:30 ; |
Fruit of Gospel, Bringing Forth. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/4:42-47 ; |
Fruits of Faith, How to Show: U. | Gullerud, C. M. | 31/1:2-7 ; |
Fruits of our Salvation Joy. | Barthels, George A. | 30/4:4-6 ; |
Fundamental Doctrines and Church Fellowship. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 26/4:3-7 ; |
Fundamentalism, Reject Attitude of: Review. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:40 ; |
Fundamentalism. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/2:13 ; |
Fundamentals, Refinding. | Galstad, Martin | 07/1:20 ; |
Funeral Address: Rev. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/2:19 ; |
Funeral Sermon for Prof E. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 11/4:5 ; |
Future, Graduates Entering Unknown. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 43/2:2-4 ; |
Gambling, Growth of Legalized. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 38/2:17-27 ; |
Gap Theory on Genesis 1:2. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:14-17 ; |
Garments for the Soul. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:16-22 ; |
GENEA: Meaning of Greek word. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/4:17-20 ; |
Generational Counseling. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/4:18-20 ; |
Genesis in the NT 43/4:2-15; 44/1:26-39; 2:2-20; 3:2-18; 4:2-6. | Lau, David T. | 43/4:2-7 ; |
Gentiles, How Paul dealt with. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:10 ; |
Gentiles: Salvation Not by Law: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/4:32-38 ; |
Gerizim & Ebal: Tour Observation. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/4:31-38 ; |
Germany, Culture of, & Impact by the Reformation. | Reim, Edmund | 05/1:1 ; |
Germany, Homosexuality in. | Dommer, Robert | 37/2:27-29 ; |
Germany, Moral Collapse in. | Dommer, Robert | 36/3:30 ; |
GEVER: Hebrew Word of "Man. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/3:30 ; |
Gideon: Overwhelmed at Task. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:24-25 ; |
Gifts in the Ministry. | Koren | 01/5:6 ; |
Gifts of the Holy Spirit. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 44/3:19-21 ; |
Gifts of the Spirit. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 20/1:43 ; |
Giving to the Lord in Cheerfulness and Faith. | Lau, David T. | 46/3:4-8 ; |
Giving, Luther on. | Schulz, Arthur | 23/1:16 ; |
Glorify God: Purpose of Life. | Lau, John | 37/2:2-4 ; |
Glory of God, Do All to. | Roehl, Michael J. | 39/3:6-8 ; |
Glory of the Lord, The. | Pieper, August | 03/2:16 ; |
Glory of the Lord: A. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/3:6-13 ; |
Gnostic View of Good & Evil. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:7 ; |
God is Carpenter, We are Wood: Luther. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:8 ; |
God Not the Cause of Evil. | Nolting, Paul F. | 18/1:34 ; |
God provides for Body and Soul. | Lau, David T. | 46/1:4-6 ; |
God, Names for. | Koenig, David P. | 31/2:12 ; |
God, Small & Great: Luther. | Schulz, Arthur | 35/3:14-17 ; |
God, The Image of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 21/2:2-13 ; |
God's Forgiving Grace & Compassion. | Lau, David T. | 46/3:2-3 ; |
God's Holy Covenants. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 19/1:8-22 ; |
God's Image in Sunday School, Teaching. | Lau, David T. | 25/3:9-11 ; |
God's Name in Vain, Principle of Not Taking. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:7-9 ; |
God's Name Remembered at ILC. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 37/3:1-3 ; |
God's Name, Importance of. | Lau, John | 40/2:22 ; |
God's Servants Listen. | Reim, David | 54/4:2-20 ; |
God's Will & Command. | Combined Effort | 19/3:16-40 ; |
God's Will in Life vs Fatalism. | Fanning, Warren | 41/3:9-13 ; |
God's Will in Lives, Determining. | Grams, Rick N. | 39/1:15-18 ; |
God's Word: Meaning of Expression. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:5-9 ; |
Goltermann's Essay on Theol. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 09/4:25 ; |
Good Friday Sermon Study: Heb. | Schulz, Arthur | 13/1:26-32 ; |
Good Works & Salvation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/3:33 ; |
Good Works, Luther's Treatise on. | Lau, John | 07/5:15 ; |
Good Works, Source of. | Roehl, Michael J. | 47/4:17-22 ; |
Gospel & Great Commission. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 33/4:14-21 ; |
Gospel & Its Power, The: Matt. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/1:1 ; |
Gospel & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 01/5:13 ; |
Gospel & Law: Covenants: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:40-50 ; |
Gospel & Scripture, Relationship between. | Lau, John | 14/2:2 ; |
Gospel Alone Saves Souls. | Lau, David T. | 33/3:45-48 ; |
Gospel Exposition in Jer. | Dommer, Robert | 22/1:2-18 ; |
Gospel in Ministry, Centrality of. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 38/1:1-6 ; |
Gospel into Law, The Reformed Turn the. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:13-16 ; |
Gospel Invitation, Jesus". | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/4:38-42 ; |
Gospel is Free of Law. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 33/4:14-21 ; |
Gospel is Life, Focus, Opportunity: Conference Devotions. | Eichstadt, Wayne | 37/4:1-8 ; |
Gospel Motivation. | Lau, David T. | 47/4:28-29 ; |
Gospel or Law in Exodus 20:6. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/3:1 ; |
Gospel Reductionism, Book of Concord & 19/3:2-16. | Lau, John | 19/3:2-16 ; |
Gospel Reductionism, Danger of. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:2-31 ; |
Gospel Reductionism. | Lau, John | 14/2:1-10 ; |
Gospel Security in Dying World. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 43/2:22 ; |
Gospel to be Preached. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:12 ; |
Gospel, All Christians Agree on the. | Schaller, Egbert | 51/2:6-13 ; |
Gospel, Defending & Confirming the. | Fossum, Vance A. | 41/4:15-21 ; |
Gospel, Foolishness of the. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:2 ; |
Gospel, Glory of the. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/2:15-24 ; |
Gospel, Only Christ's Message is: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/1:12-16 ; |
Gospel, Preaching the Unconditioned. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 33/3:1-9 ; |
Gospel, Preaching the. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 33/4:14-21 ; |
Gospel, Proper Use of, in Sanctification. | Roehl, Michael J. | 47/4:15-28 ; |
Gospel, The Preaching of the. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 34/2:13-29 ; |
Gospel, We need Encouragement of the. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/3:30-33 ; |
Gospel: The Only Divine Saving Truth: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/2:6-9 ; |
Gospel: Uses of Term by Reformers. | Lau, John | 19/3:5 ; |
Government, Civil: God's Other Kingdom. | Lau, David T. | 38/3:28-29 ; |
Government, Our Role in respect to: Luther. | Lau, John | 07/5:5 ; |
Government, Secular, & Religious Conflict. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:0 ; |
Government. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/4:35 ; |
Grace & Works System in Church of Rome. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:16-19 ; |
Grace in Christian Preaching: A. Pieper | Greve, Norman | 31/3:1-13 ; |
Grace in New Testament, Usage of. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/4:4-12 ; |
Grace in the Old Testament: Synonyms? 50/3:16-40. | Naumann, Paul | 50/3:9-24 ; |
Grace of God gives Certainty of Salvation. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 54/2:6-9 ; |
Grace of God: Isa 40:5. | Pieper, August | 03/2:17 ; |
Grace, Life is Our Time of. | Fossum, Vance A. | 31/1:5-18 ; |
Grace, Life our Time of. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:21 ; |
Graduation Address: PG Albrecht. | Albrecht, Paul G. | 16/2:15-20 ; |
Graduation at ILC: Sermon on 2 Cor 10:5. | Sydow, Gilbert | 05/3:23 ; |
Graduation from a Christian School, Upon. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:26 ; |
Graduation Wish, A. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 18/2:40-44 ; |
Graebner's, Theo. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:26 ; |
Graham, Biography of Billy. | Lau, David T. | 25/4:33 ; |
Grammar and Lanquage, Follow Rules of. | Reim, David | 54/4:5-7 ; |
Great Schism of 1054. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:13 ; |
Greatness of God: Devotion. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/1:32 ; |
Greek Article & Christ's Deity. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/3:12-28 ; |
Greek NT & Majority Text. | Lau, David T. | 22/4:33-38 ; |
Greek Philosophy & Hebraism. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:29 ; |
Greek Tenses: Prohibitions. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/1:2-9 ; |
Greek Testament, New Aids for Students of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 17/4:42 ; |
Gregorian Chant in Catholic Ch (A. | Fremder, A. | 04/4:1 ; |
Greve, Vernon E. | Combined Effort | 31/4:1-2 ; |
Guard against, Things to. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:1 ; |
Gullerud, CM: In Memoriam I. | Fleischer, Daniel | 35/1:4-5 ; |
Gullerud, CM: In Memoriam II. | Lau, John | 35/1:5-6 ; |
Gullerud, Funeral Sermon of CM 35/1:3-7. | Tiefel, Paul | 35/1:2-4 ; |
Gullerud, Obituary of CM 35/1:2-3. | Tiefel, Paul | 35/1:1-2 ; |
Habakkuk: Church & State. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/3:11 ; |
Hades & Its Use. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:33 ; |
Hades in the NT 12/2:12ff. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:12 ; |
Hagar & Sarah, Allegory of: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:40-50 ; |
Hapax Legomena in Pastoral Epistles. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:4-5 ; |
Happiness & Depression. | Naumann, James J. | 39/1:33-34 ; |
Hard Realities of Christian Life: Victory. | Lau, David T. | 47/1:2-7 ; |
Hardening & Pharaoh. | Nolting, Paul F. | 18/1:2-7 ; |
Hardening: Temporal Decree. | Koch, Paul R. | 27/2:7 ; |
Harmony, Pastor-Teacher. | Quade, Ted | 39/1:24-28 ; |
Harms, Dr Oliver, & LCUSA. | Reim, Edmund | 05/3:37 ; |
Hatred toward Believers, The World's. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 27/1:11-14 ; |
Hatred vs Love. | Gantt, Frank | 49/1:2-6 ; |
Hatred, Righteous. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/3:1-9 ; |
Head in the Clouds, Is Your. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 38/2:1-3 ; |
Headship Principle in Home & Church 32/3:10-13. | Nolting, Paul F. | 32/3:6-7 ; |
Heart of a Servant. | Reim, David | 54/4:2-5 ; |
Hearts of Others, Unable to Read the. | Barthels, George A. | 30/4:2-4 ; |
Heaven is for Real: Sermon. | Gantt, Frank | 53/1:3-5 ; |
Heaven, Citizens of 15/4:. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/4:14 ; |
Heaven, Citizens of 45/2:27-30. | Nolting, Paul F. | 45/2:12-15 ; |
Heaven: 3-Fold Meaning in Scripture. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:14 ; |
Heaven: Perfect Body, Environment & Companions. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 32/3:18-19 ; |
Heavenly Treasures in Earthen Vessels. | Lau, John | 33/2:1-3 ; |
Hebraism & Greek Philosophy. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:29 ; |
Hebrew Class, Allusions to Science in. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:12-29 ; |
Hebrew Verb, Notes on the. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 15/3:2-19 ; 16/3:11-19 ; 16/4:2-12 ; 17/2:2-8 ; 17/3:24-36 ; |
Hebrew: Perfect Language for Old Testament. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 47/2:11-20 ; |
Hegel, German Philosopher. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:18 ; |
Hell & Soul & Punishment. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:30 ; |
Henry IV vs Pope Gregory VII. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:4-12 ; |
Heretic, What constitutes a? | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:16 ; |
Heritage from Faithful Teachers, Our. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/4:23 ; |
Heritage: Ps 119:111f. | Kuegele | 01/5:27 ; |
Hermeneutical Principles, C. | Bernthal, Mark H. | 38/4:21-22 ; |
Hermeneutical Principles, Note re Zorn's. | Lau, John | 39/1:19 ; |
Hermeneutics & Gospel Reductionism. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:22 ; |
Hermeneutics of Prophecy. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 35/2:21-28 ; |
Hermeneutics, Review of Biblical. | Reim, David | 54/4:2-20 ; |
Hermeneutics, Presuppositions in. | Lau, John | 12/3:3-8 ; |
Herod allied with Sadducees. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:7 ; |
Heterodoxy of Ch Body not removed by Administrative Orders. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/5:30 ; |
Hidden Things of Shame in the Ministry. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:9 ; |
High-Priestly Prayer: Sermon Study. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 27/1:11-15 ; |
Higher Criticism, Wisdom of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:6-7 ; |
Higher Criticism. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/4:4 ; |
Higher Critics & PentateuCh | Schaller, Egbert | 07/1:12 ; |
Hinduism, Pantheism in, 35/1:34. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/1:18-19 ; |
HIPOTASSOO: Word Study, Eph. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 40/4:20 ; |
Historical Background of Formula of Concord. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 55/1:21-26 ; |
Historical Events of 1955-1961 should be basic for discussion. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:27 ; |
Historical Setting, Understand Bible in. | Reim, David | 54/4:5-7 ; |
Historical-Critical Method & Gospel Reductionism. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:25-28 ; |
Historical-Critical Method & Luther. | Lau, John | 24/1:29-33 ; |
Historical-Critical Method: Bible Interpretation. | Lau, John | 12/3:8-16 ; |
Historical-Critical Method: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:15 ; |
Historical-Critical Method. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:23 ; |
History of CLC, Early. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:1 ; |
History of ELS: Theo Aaberg. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/5:29 ; |
History of the Critical Period 1955-1961. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:33 ; |
History, Christian: Review. | Lau, David T. | 25/4:28-30 ; |
History, Christians learning fRom 17/4:29-31. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 17/4:29-31 ; |
History, Learning from 28/2:7. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:3-8 ; |
Holiness Churches Set Aside the Law. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/3:17-19 ; |
Holiness of God. | Pieper, August | 03/2:18 ; |
Holiness Shows Itself in Pureness of Life. | Schaller, David | 41/4:20-25 ; |
Holy Communion Sermon: Luke 22:7-20. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/1:19 ; |
Holy Conmunion: Luther vs Zwingli. | Klatt, John V. | 41/1:2-3 ; |
Holy Ghost, Sin against the. | Pieper, August | 09/5:23 ; |
Holy Land, Interesting Information on. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 30/3:14-15 ; |
Holy One, The: Isa 40:25. | Pieper, August | 03/2:18 ; |
Holy Spirit & the Incarnate Lord, The. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/4:14-30 ; |
Holy Spirit and Christmas. | Tiefel, Paul | 53/3:9-11 ; |
Holy Spirit Baptism. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 20/1:41-44 ; |
Holy Spirit in Inspiration, Role of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:5-8 ; |
Holy Spirit, Filled with. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:13-14 ; |
Holy Spirit, Ministers Agents of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:6 ; |
Holy Spirit, Pray for the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:6-18 ; |
Holy Spirit, Unction of, & Effect on Jesus. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:3 ; |
Holy Spirit: Best Marriage Counselor. | Nolting, Paul F. | 20/2:17 ; |
Holy Spirit: Foretold by John the Baptizer. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:8-9 ; |
Holy Spirit: Foretold by Prophets. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:7 ; |
Holy Spirit: Gift of Tongues. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:14 ; |
Holy Spirit: Neglected Person in Trinity. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:2-12 ; |
Holy Spirit: New Life of Faith. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/4:314-17 ; |
Holy Spirit: No Contradictions in Word. | Nolting, Paul F. | 32/3:5-7 ; |
Holy Spirit: Poured out on Pentecost 35/1:19-22. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:11 ; |
Holy Spirit: Presented by Jesus. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:9 ; |
Holy Spirit: The Promised Paraclete. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/3:10-16 ; |
Home & its relation to God. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:31 ; |
Home Training. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:26 ; |
Homes, Strengthening Our Christian. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:24-26 ; |
Homiletical Hints from 1 and 2 Corinthians. | Schulz, Arthur | 15/2:13-19 ; 15/3:20-27 ; 15/4:19-29 ; |
Homiletical Studies in Habakkuk. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 06/4:14 ; |
Homiletical Study for OT Lenten Texts. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/5:1 ; |
Homiletical View of Song of Solomon. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/3:8-12 ; |
Homiletics: Refresher Course. | Albrecht, James | 38/4:28-30 ; |
Homosexuality in Germany. | Dommer, Robert | 37/2:27-28 ; |
Honesty Needed in Ministry. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:7-8 ; |
Hope & Purpose in Darkening Days. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 41/1:16-8 ; |
Hope of Our Age, The. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:10 ; |
Hope, Christ is Our. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/2:4 ; |
Hope, Our Blessed: Luther. | Schulz, Arthur | 35/3:1-11 ; |
Hope: New Ch Periodical. | Reim, Edmund | 04/4:43 ; |
Hophni & Phineas. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:23 ; |
Horeb, The astonishing Fire on Mt. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/5:24 ; |
Human Person, Who is a? 24/3:19-21. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:19-21 ; |
Humanism in Public Schools, Secular. | Lau, David T. | 24/4:37-39 ; |
Humanism, Definition of Renaissance. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:3 ; |
Humanism, Lutheran Response to. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:2-12 ; |
Humanism, New Age Thinking is Mystical. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 27/3:17-18 ; |
Humanism, Religion of. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 29/3:24-27 ; |
Humanism, Religious & Secular. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 17/2:40 ; |
Humanism, Thoughts on Secular. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/2:30-33 ; |
Humility & Obedienc e in Re-alignment of CLC | Reim, Edmund | 08/2:16 ; |
Humility in Controversy. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:5 ; |
Humility in Ministry Necessary. | Kesterson, Terrel | 41/2:17-22 ; |
Humility vs Pride: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/3:21 ; |
Humility with God's Word. | Albrecht, James | 48/2:7-8 ; |
Humility, Teaching Children. | Fossum, Vance A. | 54/1:19-30 ; |
HUPOMONE, Word Study of Steadfastness. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 22/4:2-19 ; |
Hus, John, & the Reformation. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/3:10 ; |
Husband of One Wife: Meaning. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/4:4-6 ; |
Husband-Wife Decisions in Child Training. | Sydow, Gilbert | 28/3:16-18 ; |
Hymn Book, New: "Lutheran Worship. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/2:38-43 ; |
Hymn-Writer, Luther the. | Redlin, L. Dale | 23/4:2-11 ; |
Hymn, What makes a good? 20/4:2-16. | Dommer, Robert | 20/4:2-16 ; |
Hymns & Hymn-writers of the Reformation. | Schulz, Arthur | 20/2:18-25 ; |
Hymns & Songs in Public Schools, Using. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:7-9 ; |
Hymns and the Reformation. | Schaller, David | 50/2:51-52 ; |
Hymns for Worship Services, Selecting. | Tiefel, Paul | 47/2:48-52 ; |
Hymns of Martin Franzmann. | Reim, John C. | 36/1:17-31 ; |
Hymns of WELS Hymnal. | Reim, John C. | 34/2:2-12 ; |
Ichabod to Ebenezer: Studies in 1 Samuel. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:22 ; |
Identity Crisis Solved for Christians. | Sydow, Michael | 53/1:5-8 ; |
Idolatry, The Allure of. | Lau, David T. | 46/2:8-11 ; |
Idols, Eating Things Sacrificed to. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:8 ; |
If, Who put word, into the Gospel? | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:20 ; |
ILC and the CLC. | Lau, David T. | 43/1:31 ; |
ILC Chapel Address: May 1995. | Krafft, Peter | 35/2:4 ; |
ILC Commencement Address, 1995. | Lau, John | 35/2:1 ; |
ILC Commencement Address, May 2001. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 41/3:1 ; |
ILC Graduates, Address to. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 28/2:1 ; |
ILC Graduation Address. | Lau, John | 33/2:2-5 ; |
ILC Graduation Address. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 38/2:1 ; |
ILC Men's Dorm Groundbreaking Sermon. | Larsen, Paul F. | 20/2:26-30 ; |
ILC Students: Living Epistles. | Gullerud, C. M. | 13/3:29-31 ; |
ILC: 20th Anniversary Address. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 19/3:40-43 ; |
ILC: The Quiet College. | Gullerud, C. M. | 13/3:29-31 ; |
Image of God & Children of God: Comparison. | Lau, John | 11/3:31 ; |
Image of God Concept Misused. | Reim, John C. | 30/4:18 ; |
Image of God, Man in the. | Lau, David T. | 25/3:4-7 ; |
Image of God, The. | Gullerud, C. M. | 21/2:2-13 ; |
Immanuel, Meaning of the Name. | Gullerud, C. M. | 17/3:46-48 ; |
Immortality of the Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:1-19 ; |
Immortality of the Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:29 ; |
Impenitence & Romans . | Schaller, Egbert | 01/3:18 ; |
Impenitence in Thessalonica. | Lau, David T. | 24/4:33-36 ; |
Imperatives of Scripture, The. | Reim, Edmund | 51/1:6 ; |
Imperatives of Scripture, The. | Reim, Edmund | 41/1:15 ; |
Imperatives of Scripture. | Reim, Edmund | 01/2:1 ; |
Imprecatory Psalms. | Tiefel, Mark | 36/1:8 ; |
Incarnate Lord & the Holy Spirit. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/4:14-30 ; |
Incarnation of Christ and His Humiliation. | Baker, David | 53/3:11 ; |
India, Protestant Origins in. | Lau, David T. | 40/3:24 ; |
India: First Protestant Missionary. | Lau, David T. | 46/1:25 ; |
India: History of CLC Work. | Koenig, David P. | 36/1:31 ; |
Individual, Emerging of the. | Galstad, Martin | 01/4:27 ; |
Indulgences & Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:2 ; |
Indulgences. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:5 ; |
Inerrancy for Itself, Does Scripture claim? 13/1:1-14. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/1:1-14 ; |
Inerrancy of BibJe, Total. | Lau, David T. | 22/3:38 ; |
Inerrancy of Bible & Science. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:4 ; |
Inerrancy of Bible: Biggest Issue Today. | Schaller, Ralph | 16/4:35-38 ; |
Inerrancy of Bible. | Lau, David T. | 42/1:24 ; |
Inerrancy of Scripture & Position of Mo. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:41 ; |
Inerrancy of Scripture Matter of Faith. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/4:23 ; |
Inerrancy of Scripture. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:9-22 ; |
Inerrancy redefined by Gospel Reductionism. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:19 ; |
Inerrancy, What is Biblical? 17/2:32ff. | Lau, David T. | 17/2:32 ; |
Inerrant Word of God, Basing Values on. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:2 ; |
Inerrant, Is the Bible? Review. | Lau, David T. | 17/2:29-38 ; |
Informational Meetings in Evangelism OutreaCh 25/4:15-19. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 25/4:15-19 ; |
Insincerity in Battle for Doctrine. | JPK | 07/5:42 ; |
Insolence vs Kingdom of God. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/3:5 ; |
Inspiration & Inerrancy of Scripture: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:13 ; |
Inspiration & Inerrancy of Scripture. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/4:22-35 ; |
Inspiration & Mo Synod Position. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:38 ; |
Inspiration & the Bible. | Roehl, Michael J. | 09/5:35 ; |
Inspiration, Book of Concord & Verbal. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:2-22 ; |
Inspiration, Doctr of, & Mo. | Reim, Edmund | 04/2:26 ; |
Inspiration, Doctr of, & Use of Language. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:1 ; |
Inspiration, The Confessions & 13/2:16f. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:16 ; |
Inspiration, The Dogmaticians & 13/2:17-21. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:17-21 ; |
Inspiration: Danger of Denials. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:21-24 ; |
Inspiration: Monergism & Dictation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:19 ; |
Instruments of the Word, The Lord Equips 36/3:40-44. | Ude, John | 36/3:22 ; |
Integration or Separation in Education. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:10 ; |
Intellectualization. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:16 ; |
Intentions, Good: Heresies. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:8 ; |
Intolerance by the "Tolerant. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:39 ; |
Investiture Controversy, The. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:1 ; |
Iowa Synod & Open Questions: Walther. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:7 ; |
Isagogics, Modern Criticism, & Malachi. | Lau, John | 13/1:16-26 ; |
Isaiah 3-4: Exegetical Notes. | Tiefel, Mark | 35/3:16 ; |
Isaiah II: Pieper-Kowalki. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/1:37 ; |
Isaiah, Authorship of. | Lau, John | 12/3:12 ; |
Isaiah, Notes on. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 30/1:29-31 ; |
Isaiah, Young's Commentary on. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/1:37-42 ; |
Isaiah: God's Plan of Salvation. | Nolting, Paul D. | 47/1:13 ; |
Isaiah: Introduction. | Nolting, Paul D. | 47/1:11 ; |
Isaiah's Invitation Chapter. | Naumann, Paul | 48/4:13 ; |
Isaiah's Message: Perfect Peace. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 31/1:25 ; |
Isaiah's Prophecies of Messiah. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/3:17 ; |
ISH: Hebrew Word for "Man. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/3:27 ; |
Islam and Original Sin. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 55/1:24 ; |
Islam: Books in Review. | Lau, David T. | 43/3:1 ; |
Isolated Believer, Problem of the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/1:4 ; |
Israel & Fundamentalism. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:41-44 ; |
Israel & Judah: Dispensationalist Concept. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:20 ; |
Israel & the Departure of its Glory. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/1:20 ; |
Israel, Gathering of Jews in. | Combined Effort | 16/4:38 ; |
Israel, Who is the True? 27/2:7-9. | Koch, Paul R. | 27/2:3 ; |
Israel: Fleshly vs Spiritual: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:32 ; |
Israel: Reason for Existence. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/4:30 ; |
Israel's Glory & Departure. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:23 ; |
Jacob's Dying Words to Sons. | Naumann, Paul | 46/1:11 ; |
Jehovah's Servant, Bearer of our Sins: Isa 53:4-6. | Pieper, August | 05/2:22 ; |
Jehovah's Witnesses on John 1:1. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 15/1:8-19 ; |
Jehovah/Jesus: Meaning & Usage of Names. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/3:3 ; |
Jeremiah 31:31-34, Study of. | Dommer, Robert | 22/1:2-18 ; |
Jeremiah: Fear of Opposition. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:25 ; |
Jerusalem: Dispensationalist Concept. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:22-24 ; |
Jesuits & Betrayal of RCC. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 27/3:18 ; |
Jesus forsaken by God: Ps 22. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/2:12 ; |
Jesus loses all material goods. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/3:8 ; |
Jesus Seminar: Critical Examination. | Povolny, David | 40/3:3 ; |
Jesus suffers alone. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/3:9 ; |
Jesus suffers Death. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/3:11 ; |
Jesus suffers great physical pain. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/3:10 ; |
Jesus suffers verbal abuse. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/2:14 ; |
Jesus the Babe of Bethlehem. | Tiefel, George Sr. | 10/5:1 ; |
Jesus, The Anointing of. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:1 ; |
Jesus, True God & Man, Denying: Christian Century. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:35 ; |
Jesus: Teacher full of surprises. | Lau, David T. | 46/3:8-14 ; |
Jesus:Significance of Name. | Naumann, Paul | 52/4:3 ; |
Jesus' Appointment with Death. | Schaller, Egbert | 11/1:21 ; |
Jesus' Concern for Souls. | Greve, Vernon | 32/3:2 ; |
Jew, Who is a?. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/4:34 ; |
Jewish Christians & the Law: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/4:11 ; |
Jewish Leaders, Jesus Interacting with. | Henkel, William | 47/4:6 ; |
Jewish People & Intolerance. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:39 ; |
Jewish Religion, How Paul Dealt with. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:9 ; |
Jews & Vatican II, The. | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:27 ; |
Jews, Luther's Writings on the. | Nolting, Paul D. | 43/3:32-51 ; |
Jews, Luther's Writings re. | Nolting, Paul D. | 39/1:2 ; |
Jews, Who are True? 32/1:11-13. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:2 ; |
Jezebel Woman at Thyatira. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:6 ; |
Job, Devotions from Book of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/1:29-33 ; |
Job, Patience of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 22/4:2-7 ; |
Job: People's Bible. | Lau, David T. | 38/2:25 ; |
Joel, Study of Book of. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 29/2:31-34 ; |
John 17: Sermon Study. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 26/3:2-17 ; |
John the Baptist 38/1:38-39. | Lau, David T. | 38/1:21 ; |
Jonah: Selfless Love. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:25 ; |
Josephus substantiated re Jesus. | Gullerud, C. M. | 12/2:41 ; |
Joshua, Long Day of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 14/2:39 ; |
Joshua, Study of. | Schulz, Arthur | 13/4:1-13 ; |
Journal of Theology - Editor's Reflections. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:3 ; |
Journal of Theology: 25 Years. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:2-4 ; |
Journal of Theology: Aim & Purpose. | Reim, Edmund | 25/1:3 ; |
Journal of Theology: Message to Readers. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/4:1 ; |
Journal of Theology: Panorama. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:14-16 ; |
Journal of Theology: Purpose, Aims & Goals. | Lau, John | 25/1:5-19 ; |
Journal of Theology:Fifty Years Ago. | Sippert, Steven P. | 51/1:1 ; |
Journal of Theology:Foreword from 1/1:3-8. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:3-8 ; |
Joy of Thy Salvation, Restore Unto Us the. | Barthels, George A. | 30/4:2 ; |
Jubilee Anniversary Sermon, A. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 50/1:1 ; |
Jubilee Sermonette: Recalling our Lutheran Heritage. | Schaller, John | 50/3:1 ; |
Jubilee Sermonette: The Meaning of Church 50/3:2-5. | Reim, Peter R. | 50/3:1 ; |
Jubilee Sermonette: What it means that we are "confessional. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 50/3:1 ; |
Judah, The Blessings of: Sermon Study, Gen 49:10. | Lau, John | 11/5:36 ; |
Judaism, The Latitude in. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:5 ; |
Judaizers & Allegory. | Sippert, Steven P. | 44/2:12 ; |
Judaizers, No Compromise with. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:9 ; |
Judas, Gospel of: What can we learn? 46/4:27-36. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/4:20 ; |
Judge Doctrine, All Christians to: 34/4:27-28. | Lau, John | 34/4:16 ; |
Judge, Exposition of Hebrew Words. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 22/1:40 ; |
Judging Doctrines, Not Hearts. | Lau, David T. | 32/3:13 ; |
Judgment & MISHPAT. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/5:12 ; |
Judgment of God in Unworthy Use of Lord's Supper. | Pieper, August | 09/5:1 ; |
Judgment on Kingdoms of World. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/3:5 ; |
Judgment Threatened on Rejecters of God's Word. | Lau, David T. | 42/1:3 ; |
Judgment, God's Patience in Delay of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:9 ; |
Judgment, The Final: In CLC Confession of Faith. | Combined Effort | 09/2:43 ; |
Justification & Blessed Results in Life. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 24/1:25-28 ; |
Justification & Rome. | Lau, David T. | 39/1:32 ; |
Justification & Sanctification: Relationship. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/1:3 ; |
Justification by Faith: Applications. | Gantt, Frank | 55/4:18 ; |
Justification Central Doctrine of Scripture. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:2-14 ; |
Justification Central to our Teachings. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 20/4:28 ; |
Justification, Appropriation of: Faith. | Reim, Norbert H. | 47/3:13-31 ; |
Justification, Discussion of, by Luth Free Conference. | Combined Effort | 05/3:41 ; |
Justification, Doctr of, & Bible Translations. | Reim, Edmund | 08/4:15 ; |
Justification, Objective: Rom 4:25. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 21/3:18-37 ; |
Justification, Objective. | Lau, John | 37/4:25 ; |
Justification, Quotable Quotes on. | Combined Effort | 24/1:15-18 ; |
Justification, Relationship of Objective to Subjective. | Gieschen, Herman | 27/2:10 ; |
Justification: God's Amazing Justice. | Lau, David T. | 54/2:9 ; |
Justification: Fundamental Doctrine. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 26/4:7 ; |
Justification: Lutheran-RCC Dialogue. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:19-24 ; |
Justification: No Agreement with Rome. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:23 ; |
Justification: Only Solution to Sin. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:18-28 ; |
Justification: Pieper. | Lau, David T. | 48/2:29 ; |
Justifying Faith, Does 1st Commandment demand? 21/1:10-20. | Dommer, Robert | 21/1:10-20 ; |
K'BHODH Y'HOVAH: Isa 40:5. | Pieper, August | 03/2:16 ; |
Kairopractice & Rev. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:26 ; |
KAKOS ECHON: Meaning. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:8 ; |
KATA 1/5:1f. | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:1 ; |
Kenotic Argument Wrong. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/1:12 ; |
KEPHALI-Structure & the E. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/2:7-13 ; |
Keys, God's = Gospel. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:2 ; |
Keys, Ministry of the. | Doctrine, Board of | 21/2:33 ; |
Keys, Proper Use of the. | Hein, John P. | 53/4:15 ; |
Kierkegaard, S?ren, & Existentialism. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:16 ; |
Kinds of Genesis 1. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:20-23 ; |
King James Version: History. | Schaller, David | 51/3:30 ; |
King James Version of Bible. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:11-13 ; |
King James Version. | Reim, Edmund | 08/1:2 ; |
King James' Successor. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:46 ; |
Kingdom Come, Thy. | Schaller, John | 01/5:15 ; |
Kingdom of Christ, The 3-Fold. | Schaller, John | 01/4:23 ; |
Kingdom of God & Church Fathers. | Reim, Norbert H. | 03/4:22 ; |
Kingdom of God & Editorial Statement. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:15 ; |
Kingdom of God Endures. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/4:2 ; |
Kingdom of God, Preaching about. | Henkel, William | 46/2:17 ; |
Kingdom of God, Study Needed. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/1:39-44 ; |
Kingdom of God, The. | Schaller, John | 01/4:14 ; 01/5:12 ; 02/1:14 ; 02/2:2 ; |
Kingdom of God: God's gracious rule. | Schaller, John | 51/2:14 ; |
Kingdom of God: Place and Possession. | Schaller, John | 51/3:16 ; |
Kingdom of God: Subjects? 51/2:34-43. | Schaller, John | 51/2:17 ; |
Kingdom of God. | Reim, Norbert H. | 03/4:1 ; |
Kingdom, Dispensationalist Concept of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:16-19 ; |
Kingdom, Greatness in Christ's. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:1 ; |
Kingdom, Nature of Christ's: Who is right? 21/4:46. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/4:46 ; |
Kingdom: 3 Series of Parables. | Nolting, Paul F. | 26/1:29-33 ; |
Knowledge & Faith. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:14 ; |
Knowledge & Wisdom. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:1 ; |
Knowledge from Afar. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/1:30 ; |
Knox, Translation of Bible. | Reim, Edmund | 06/5:45 ; |
Kokomo Controversy on Justification. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:11 ; |
Koren's Pastoral Letter. | Madson, Norman A. | 01/2:15 ; 01/3:27 ; 01/4:9 ; 01/5:7 ; |
Körner, Christ of: Early Lutheran. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/3:6 ; |
KRIMA & Use in 1 Cor 11:29. | Pieper, August | 09/5:16 ; |
Kuegele, Pastor, on "Our Heritage": Ps l19:1lf. | Kuegele | 01/5:27 ; |
KYRIA in 2 John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:3 ; |
Laity, Role of, in Catholic Ch 7/2:34. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:34 ; |
Lamentations 3:24a. | Frank, Garrett B. | 14/3:11-20 ; |
Language Problems & the Gospel. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 34/2:22-29 ; |
Language Universals. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:27-29 ; |
Language, Luther's, against his adversaries. | Eckert, O. J. | 11/3:12 ; |
Language, Some Observations- on. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:22-37 ; |
Language, The Marvel & Blessing of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 20/1:33-36 ; |
Language, The Nature of. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:4 ; |
Languages, Original, of the Bible. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 07/3:20 ; |
Languages, Purposeless Study of: Milton. | Lau, John | 19/2:39 ; |
Laodicea, John's Letter to. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:10 ; |
Lapsed, The, & Churchman Cyprian. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 04/3:9 ; |
Last Day in the Book of Daniel. | Reim, David | 50/4:6 ; |
Last Days: Prophetic Time-Term. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/3:25-38 ; |
Law & Gospel & Apologetics. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/4:22-28 ; |
Law & Gospel Covenants: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:30 ; |
Law & Gospel, Applying. | Albrecht, James | 48/2:4 ; |
Law & Gospel, Mixing of: 1st Commandment. | Dommer, Robert | 21/1:14 ; |
Law & Gospel, Proper Distinction. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 21/2:23-27 ; |
Law & Gospel, Proper Separation of. | Pieper, August | 18/4:2-22 ; |
Law & Gospel, Rightly Dividing. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 34/3:1 ; |
Law & Gospel, Separation of. | Combined Effort | 19/3:28 ; |
Law & Gospel: Evangelical Admonition. | Schaller, Paul W. | 41/1:9 ; |
Law & Gospel: Monastic Vows - Luther. | Lau, John | 11/4:10 ; |
Law & Gospel: Sermon on the Mount. | Pieper, August | 19/1:22-37 ; |
Law & the Christian, The. | Dommer, Robert | 21/1:16-20 ; |
Law and Gospel Today. | Lau, David T. | 47/4:30 ; |
Law Ideology, The. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/2:11-15 ; |
Law in NT, Fundamentalist Use of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:14 ; |
Law or Gospel in Exodus 20:6. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/3:1 ; |
Law or Gospel: Exodus 20:6. | Schaller, Egbert | 54/4:12 ; |
Law to Oneself, Applying the. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/2:39 ; |
Law, Private Education & the. | Schaller, John | 22/3:15-35 ; |
Law, Purpose of: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:29-41 ; |
Law, Reformed Emphasis on Divine. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:21 ; |
Law, Shortcoming in Definition. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 22/1:39 ; |
Law, The 3rd Use of the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/3:7 ; |
Law, The Third Use of the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 44/1:2 ; |
Law, Third Use of the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/1:34 ; |
Law, Third Use of the. | Lau, David T. | 48/4:25 ; |
Law, This, and Meaning. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/5:6 ; |
Law: Two Tables. | Lau, David T. | 46/1:9 ; |
Law: God's Thunderbolts. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:6 ; |
Law:Why be Taught? 52/2:34-38. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/2:15 ; |
Law's Relation to Promise: Abraham: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:18-29 ; |
LC-MS & Gospel Reductionism. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:2-31 ; |
LC-MS ends Fellowship with ALC. | Lau, John | 21/3:38-40 ; |
LC-MS Lack of Discipline. | Gullerud, C. M. | 16/4:42 ; |
LC-MS Still Divided. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/3:37-39 ; |
LC-MS Truly Orthodox under Walther. | Lau, John | 17/2:21-24 ; |
LC-MS, Analysis of Controversy in. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/1:23-26 ; |
LC-MS, Conservative Victory in. | Lau, John | 13/3:35 ; |
LC-MS, Should Conservatives return to? 16/4:41-44. | Gullerud, C. M. | 16/4:41-44 ; |
LC-MS: Handbook on Vital Issues. | Lau, John | 13/3:32-36 ; |
LC-MS: Leaven still Working. | Gullerud, C. M. | 13/3:37-41 ; |
LC-MS: Leaving Synod Difficult. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/4:40 ; |
LC-MS: St Louis Faculty Investigation. | Lau, John | 19/3:2-5 ; |
LC-MS: Turmoil at St Louis Seminary. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/1:40-42 ; |
LC-MS:Election of Grace (1870s). | Reim, Peter R. | 50/2:20 ; |
LCA, Roots of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/4:31-33 ; |
LCMS & Feminism. | Lau, David T. | 40/3:21 ; |
LCMS Congregation, Story of Liberal. | Lau, David T. | 43/4:23 ; |
LCMS on Fellowship. | Lau, John | 35/4:29-30 ; |
LCMS: Church & Ministry Debates. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:1 ; |
LCMS: Joint Prayer & Prayer Fellowship. | Lau, John | 33/4:37 ; |
LCMS: Unionism in Chaplaincy. | Lau, John | 40/2:21 ; |
LCMS: Unscriptural Position of Fellowship & Unionism. | Lau, John | 33/4:37 ; |
LCUSA Stand on Religion & Politics. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:48-50 ; |
Leadership & Loyalty: LC-MS. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/4:39 ; |
Learning as Entertainment. | Galstad, Martin | 05/1:15 ; |
Learning from the PaSt | Schaller, Egbert | 11/3:35 ; |
Learning, Field of, & the Reformation. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:10 ; |
Left to the Living. | Galstad, Martin | 03/5:34 ; |
Legalism in Gospel, No. | Pieper, August | 18/4:16 ; |
Legalism Not Preached by Christ 52/3:36-37. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/3:20 ; |
Legalism: Temptation. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 39/4:14 ; |
Leipzig Interim of 1548. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/2:10 ; |
Lenski & Doctr of Justification. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:8 ; |
Lenski & the Power of God in Faith. | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:3 ; |
Lenski & Thematic Preaching. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:16 ; |
Lenten Devotional Studies on Lamentations. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/1:28 ; |
Lenten Series on Hymn 142. | Lau, David T. | 32/1:17 ; |
Lenten Series on John 17. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 26/3:2-17 ; |
Lenten Sermons from Hebrews. | Schaller, Egbert | 11/1:15 ; |
Lenten Study of OT Texts. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/5:1 ; |
Letter from Conf Luth Ch of Finland to Mo S 10/3:23. | Combined Effort | 10/3:23 ; |
Level, On What, have Prayer Fellowship? | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:44 ; |
Lewis, Biography of CS 38/3:48-50. | Lau, David T. | 38/3:26 ; |
Liberalism & Blasphemy. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 38/2:23 ; |
Liberals & Conservatives, Speaking of. | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:38 ; |
Liberty in Galatians, Christian. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/4:13 ; |
Liberty, Religious. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/3:15 ; |
Life & Death, Christians deciding Issues of. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:15-24 ; |
Life Support & 5th Commandment. | Lau, David T. | 25/2:2-22 ; |
Life Support: Terminology Used. | Lau, David T. | 25/2:6-10 ; |
Life, Purpose of: Glorify God. | Lau, John | 37/2:2 ; |
Life, Right to, & God's Will. | Fossum, Vance A. | 31/1:9 ; |
Life, The Gift of. | Lau, John | 21/4:47 ; |
Life: Our Message & Motivation. | Eichstadt, Wayne | 37/4:3 ; |
Light as set forth in 1 John 1. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:12 ; |
Light of the World, The. | Galstad, Martin | 04/1:17 ; |
Lights in the World, Spiritual. | Reim, David | 50/4:5 ; |
Lions, Invisible: Book of Daniel. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/5:7 ; |
Literature, Modern, & Pen-Picture of our Times. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:31 ; |
Liturgy of WELS Hymnal. | Schaller, Paul W. | 34/3:3 ; |
Liturgy, Means of Grace in Our. | Dux, Leroy P. | 36/3:10 ; |
Liturgy, The Sacred, & Catholic Church | Gullerud, C. M. | 06/2:3 ; |
Liturgy: A Church Body's Shoes. | Reim, John C. | 34/1:2-18 ; |
Live, Learning to. | Galstad, Martin | 04/3:27 ; |
Living Will, Theological Implications of. | Fossum, Vance A. | 31/1:5 ; |
Lloyd-Jones, Biography of Dr Martyn. | Lau, David T. | 25/4:31 ; |
Lodge Members & the Lord's Supper. | Pieper, August | 09/5:25 ; |
Lodges & Christianity. | Dommer, Robert | 37/2:7 ; |
Lodges & the Church: Zorn. | Zorn, CM | 09/3:14 ; |
Logia: New Theological Journal. | Lau, John | 33/2:17 ; |
LOGOS and John 6:63. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:9 ; |
Loneliness of Christ's Death. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 21/2:27-29 ; |
Lord Laughs, The: Astronomers. | Reim, Edmund | 07/3:34 ; |
Lord of History, Rejoicing in the. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 07/1:31 ; |
Lord, The, Promises More to His Servants. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 08/3:16 ; |
Lord's Supper & 1 Cor 10:14-22. | Schaller, John | 36/4:13 ; |
Lord's Supper & Justifying Faith. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:12 ; |
Lord's Supper & Luther vs Papacy. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:12 ; |
Lord's Supper & Unworthy Use. | Pieper, August | 09/5:1 ; |
Lord's Supper is Means of Grace. | Dux, Leroy P. | 36/3:9 ; |
Lord's Supper Statement by ELS: Review. | Klatt, John V. | 39/1:19 ; |
Lord's Supper, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:21-22 ; |
Lord's Supper: Is Sacramental Use of Grape Juice Valid? 49/1: 41-49. | Ude, John | 49/1:24 ; |
Lord's Supper: Lutheran Dogmatics. | Lau, David T. | 45/3:23 ; |
Lord's Supper: Maundy Thursday. | Gantt, Frank | 53/1:3 ; |
Lord's Supper: Use of Wine or Grape Juice. | Ude, John | 49/3:17 ; |
Lord's Supper:God's Forgiveness in Christ 52/1:19-47. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11 ; |
Lot's Night Journey to Zoar. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/5:29 ; |
Love & Brotherly Admonition: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:10 ; |
Love & Christian Liberty: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/3:30-39 ; |
Love & Hate. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/3:1 ; |
Love & part in Re-alignment of CLC | Reim, Edmund | 08/2:18 ; |
Love Doesn't Equal the Gospel. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/3:15 ; |
Love in Christian Preaching: A. | Greve, Norman | 31/3:2-22 ; |
Love in Controversy. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:8 ; |
Love in Exegetical Opinions, Violating. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 36/1:19 ; |
Love in Marriage, Real. | Redlin, L. Dale | 16/2:28 ; |
Love in Romans 16:17-18. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/2:11-15 ; |
Love of Christ & Our Ministry. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 31/3:21 ; |
Love of God, Teaching the. | Gullerud, C. M. | 26/2:2-8 ; |
Love owed to Erring Brethren. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:1 ; |
Love Solution to Sin? 15/1:37f. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/1:37 ; |
Love, Honor & Obey in Marriage. | Nolting, Paul F. | 20/2:13-17 ; |
Love, Luther on. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:7 ; |
Lovelessness: Temptation. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 39/4:12 ; |
Lukewarmness, Spiritual. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:12 ; |
Luther - The Educator. | Nolting, Paul D. | 23/3:11-27 ; |
Luther - The Hymn-Writer. | Redlin, L. Dale | 23/4:2-11 ; |
Luther - The Man, His Home & Family. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 23/2:17-40 ; |
Luther - The Preacher. | Lau, John | 23/3:28-42 ; |
Luther - The Reformer. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/2:2-17 ; |
Luther - The Seelsorger. | Schulz, Arthur | 23/1:4-21 ; |
Luther - The Translator. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 23/1:22-31 ; |
Luther & Biblical Criticism. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/4:4 ; |
Luther & Children's Hymns. | Dommer, Robert | 20/4:11 ; |
Luther & Eck. | Lau, John | 11/1:3 ; |
Luther & Existentialism. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:22 ; |
Luther & His Earthly Possessions. | Eckert, O. J. | 11/3:7 ; |
Luther & his Polemics. | Lau, John | 11/1:6 ; |
Luther & Inerrancy. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:13-15 ; |
Luther & John Huss. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:8 ; |
Luther & Liberty of the Christian Man. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:10 ; |
Luther & Means of Grace. | Naumann, David R. | 36/3:2 ; |
Luther & the 46th Psalm. | Reim, Edmund | 07/3:1 ; |
Luther & the Anointing of Jesus. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:3 ; |
Luther & Verbal Inspiration. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:8-13 ; |
Luther a Male Chauvinist? 22/1:36. | Lau, David T. | 22/1:36 ; |
Luther and Righteousness. | Ude, John | 26/1:26 ; |
Luther Celebration in Retrospect. | Gullerud, C. M. | 23/4:11-13 ; |
Luther College, Speech at: U. | Gullerud, C. M. | 31/1:1 ; |
Luther Discovers the Gospel. | Lau, John | 24/1:29-33 ; |
Luther Evaluated by "Time" Magazine. | Reim, Edmund | 07/2:39 ; |
Luther on Church Music. | Fremder, A. | 04/5:19 ; |
Luther on Educational Curriculum. | Lau, John | 19/2:42 ; |
Luther on First Love of Gospel. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:22 ; |
Luther on Good Intentions. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:8 ; |
Luther on Humility. | Kesterson, Terrel | 41/2:19 ; |
Luther on Liturgy. | Reim, John C. | 34/1:5-8 ; |
Luther on Moses & the Ministry. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/2:5 ; |
Luther on Unity. | Luther, Martin | 03/4:32 ; |
Luther the Reformer: Book Review. | Schaller, Ralph | 27/3:12 ; |
Luther vs Erasmus in Bondange of the Will. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:18 ; |
Luther vs Radical Abuses. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:19 ; |
Luther vs Zwingli: Word & Spirit. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:5 ; |
Luther, Books about. | Lau, David T. | 51/1:26 ; |
Luther, The Person of. | Reim, Edmund | 55/2:20 ; |
Luther, Digest of Articles re. | Lau, David T. | 37/3:27 ; |
Luther, From the Life & Time of. | Eckert, O. J. | 11/3:1 ; |
Luther, Fruits from Reading in. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 22/2:8-11 ; |
Luther, Martin - A Man of the Word. | Gullerud, C. M. | 23/1:2 ; |
Luther, Martin: 1483-1983. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 22/2:2-14 ; |
Luther, Martin: Theologian & Educator. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:1 ; |
Luther, Scriptures of Comfort to Martin. | Schaller, Walter | 44/4:4 ; |
Luther, The Person of. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 05/2:2 ; |
Luther: | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:1 ; |
Luther: 1st Commandment. | Dommer, Robert | 21/1:13 ; |
Luther: Between God & Devil: Oberman. | Nolting, Paul D. | 31/3:28 ; |
Luther: Christian doesn't need Government. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:32 ; |
Luther: Christmas Thoughts. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/4:38-40 ; |
Luther: Climate for Theol. | Lau, John | 14/2:2-10 ; |
Luther: Deceitfulness of Devil. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:39 ; |
Luther: Family Devotions. | Lau, David T. | 38/1:23 ; |
Luther: Filial & Slavish Fear. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 40/2:10 ; |
Luther: Foresaw Coming Storms. | Duehlmeier, H. C. | 14/4:29 ; |
Luther: Goal of Education. | Lau, John | 19/2:42 ; |
Luther: God's Omnipotence & Omniscience. | Nolting, Paul F. | 18/1:35 ; |
Luther: House Sermons. | Lau, David T. | 38/1:23 ; |
Luther: Liberty of Christian Man. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:8 ; |
Luther: Marriage & Celibacy. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 23/2:24-28 ; |
Luther: Marriages of Patriarchs. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/1:21-35 ; |
Luther: Matthew's Genealogy. | Lau, David T. | 17/2:36 ; |
Luther: No Force in Church 12/1:43. | Luther, Martin | 12/1:43 ; |
Luther: On Mary. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/3:45 ; |
Luther: On Separation Principle. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/2:13 ; |
Luther: On the Mass. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/2:16 ; |
Luther: Peasants' War of 1525. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/3:4 ; |
Luther: Penetrating Scripture. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/2:35 ; |
Luther: Pray for Spouses. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/3:43 ; |
Luther: Prayer for Clean Heart & Firm Faith. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/1:5 ; |
Luther: Prayer for Firmness to Believe & Live the Word. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/2:11 ; |
Luther: Prayer for Forgiveness. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 35/1:25 ; |
Luther: Prayer for Greater Spirituality. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/2:14 ; |
Luther: Preachers & Preaching: Plass. | Luther, Martin | 23/3:43 ; |
Luther: Re Use of Various Bible Versions. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 31/4:12 ; |
Luther: Studies re Jews. | Nolting, Paul D. | 39/1:2 ; |
Luther: Words to Preachers of the Word. | Reim, Edmund | 07/3:35 ; |
Luther's Address to Christian Nobility. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:10 ; |
Luther's Approach in Catechism. | Dommer, Robert | 26/3:23 ; |
Luther's Bondage of the Will: Study. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:6 ; |
Luther's Brief Directive on Reading the Psalms. | Reim, Edmund | 07/1:1 ; |
Luther's Catechisms, Historical Intr. | Dommer, Robert | 17/3:2-23 ; |
Luther's Death. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 23/2:37 ; |
Luther's Eating & Drinking Habits. | Eckert, O. J. | 11/3:1 ; |
Luther's German Bible. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:7 ; |
Luther's Hymns. | Dommer, Robert | 20/4:2 ; |
Luther's Liturgical Efforts. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:5 ; |
Luther's Liturgical Music. | Schaller, David | 49/2:27 ; |
Luther's Opinion on EnoCh 11/2:8. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/2:8 ; |
Luther's Prayer for Triumph Over Sin. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 33/2:28-29 ; |
Luther's Reform & the Catholic Ch 5/5:12. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:12 ; |
Luther's Sacristy Prayer. | Ude, John | 36/3:26 ; |
Luther's Stand at Worms; Commemoration. | Lau, John | 11/1:1 ; |
Luther's Stand at Worms: Commemoration. | Lau, John | 11/4:10 ; |
Luther's status as to his Studies. | Lau, John | 11/1:2 ; |
Luther's Treatise on Good Works. | Lau, John | 07/5:1 ; |
Luther's Writings in English. | Lau, David T. | 51/1:25 ; |
Lutheran & Reformed Theology, Emphasis in. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:13 ; |
Lutheran Brethren Theology. | Lau, David T. | 41/3:23 ; |
Lutheran Churches of Reformation organized. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:33 ; |
Lutheran Confessions of Book of Concord. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:17 ; |
Lutheran Confessions, Appreciating Our. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 48/4:22 ; |
Lutheran Council in U. | Reim, Edmund | 05/3:37 ; |
Lutheran Doctrine & Esthetic in Music. | Fremder, A. | 04/5:19 ; |
Lutheran English Synod. | Kuegele | 01/2:30 ; |
Lutheran Identity in 21st Century. | Lau, David T. | 44/4:24 ; |
Lutheran Identity in America, Quest for. | Lau, John | 17/2:18-29 ; |
Lutheran Merger, New: Union or Unity? 22/4:26ff. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/4:26 ; |
Lutheran Quarterly & Editorial Posture. | Lau, John | 11/2:25 ; |
Lutheran RCC Dialogue on Justification. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:19-24 ; |
Lutheran Response to Humanism. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:2-12 ; |
Lutheran Standard report on Luther League Conv. | Lau, John | 10/4:29 ; |
Lutheran Symbols & Open Questions. | Walther, C. F. W. | 10/4:5 ; |
Lutheranism in Australia. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:3 ; |
Lutheranism in the United States. | Lau, David T. | 53/1:24 ; |
Lutheranism, Future of. | Reim, Edmund | 03/4:33 ; |
Lutherans, What's Going on Among the: Review. | Lau, David T. | 32/3:23 ; |
Lutherans: Survey of Beliefs. | Lau, John | 13/2:38-48 ; |
Madson, Norman A. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:28 ; |
Majoristic Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:13 ; |
Malachi: Authorship, Date & Prophecy. | Lau, John | 13/1:18-26 ; |
Malachi: Strength for Pastors. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/2:3-6 ; |
Man & Beast, Similarities between. | Lau, David T. | 25/3:2-4 ; |
Man Made by Special Creative Act. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:21 ; |
Man, Anthropocentric Nature of. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:14 ; |
Man, The Study of. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/3:25 ; |
Man: Feminist Use in Bible. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/2:21-26 ; |
Man's Condition before Conversion. | Lau, David T. | 54/4:18 ; |
Manna, Three Kinds of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 28/1:26 ; |
Marburg Articles, The, of 1529. | Klatt, John V. | 41/1:2 ; |
Marcion the Gnostic. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:2 ; |
Marital Concepts, Old & New. | Redlin, L. Dale | 16/2:24 ; |
Marking in Romans 16:17: Judicial Concept. | Lau, John | 12/1:35 ; |
Marquardt, Kurt: Church & Ministry. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:10 ; |
Marriage 1n NT, Form of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/1:35 ; |
Marriage and Divorce in God's Eyes. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/4:28 ; |
Marriage as a Sacrament, RCC. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/3:36 ; |
Marriage in Unholy World. | Redlin, L. Dale | 16/2:21-29 ; |
Marriage Laws of RCC. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/3:33-44 ; |
Marriage of the Divorced, Passages re. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 23/4:30-43 ; |
Marriage Promise: Obey=Self-imposed. | Nolting, Paul F. | 20/2:13-17 ; |
Marriage Vow: submit | Naumann, Bruce J. | 40/4:23 ; |
Marriage, Christian. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 38/2:3 ; |
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage. | Roehl, Michael J. | 52/4:12 ; |
Marriage, Faithfulness in. | Gantt, Frank | 49/2:1 ; |
Marriage, Foundation for. | Redlin, L. Dale | 16/2:27 ; |
Marriage, Rule of Husbands in. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 40/1:2-9 ; |
Marriage: God's Institution. | Klatt, John V. | 55/3:14 ; |
Marriages of Patriarchs, Luther on. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/1:21-35 ; |
Mars Hill, Paul's Approach on. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:10 ; |
Marty, Dr Martin, & Ecumenical Movement. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:36 ; |
Martyrs through the Centuries. | Lau, David T. | 55/4:28 ; |
Marxism and Humanism. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:5 ; |
Mary Worship, Origin of. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/3:41-43 ; |
Mary, RCC Legends re. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/3:36-41 ; |
Mary's Assumption to Heaven. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/3:44 ; |
Mary's Immaculate Conception. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/3:43 ; |
Masonry & Christianity compatible? 13/2:28-34. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:28-34 ; |
Masonry is Paganism. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:32 ; |
Masonry: Christ Optional. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:30 ; |
Masonry: Religious Organization. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:28 ; |
Masonry's Lambskin Significance. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/2:33 ; |
Mass, Celebration of. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/2:13 ; |
Mass, History of RCC. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/2:9-12 ; |
Mass, The, & Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:14 ; |
Mass: Council of Trent. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/2:12 ; |
Masses, The, & their Relation to Education. | Galstad, Martin | 01/1:32 ; |
Material Wealth, God-pleasing Use of. | Gantt, Frank | 49/3:2-5 ; |
Materialism: No Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:17 ; |
Materialism. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:4 ; |
Maundy Thursday Sermon: Communion. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/1:19 ; |
Means of Grace & Mission Work. | Ude, John | 36/3:19 ; |
Means of Grace Dispenses Forgiveness. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11 ; |
Means of Grace in Confessions. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:26 ; |
Means of Grace in Our Worship Life. | Dux, Leroy P. | 36/3:9 ; |
Means of Grace, Emphasizing the. | Bernthal, Luke | 55/4:24 ; |
Means of Grace, We Appreciate the: Introduction. | Fleischer, Daniel | 36/3:1 ; |
Means of Grace: Formal Principal of Reformation. | Naumann, David R. | 36/3:2 ; |
Mediator, Christ Our. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/3:6-8 ; |
Mediator, Identity of: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/1:24 ; |
Medical Science: Keeping People Alive. | Lau, David T. | 25/2:3-5 ; |
Medical Technology & Living Wills. | Fossum, Vance A. | 31/1:6 ; |
Meditation & Professional Improvement. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:4 ; |
Meditation, A Pre-Reformation. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 34/3:1 ; |
Meditation, Transcendental. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 16/1:12-37 ; |
Medium, The, or the Message. | Lau, John | 10/4:29 ; |
Melanchthon and Synergism. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 54/2:15 ; |
Melanchthon, Man of Compromise. | Duehlmeier, H. C. | 14/4:31 ; |
Memorial: "A Call for Decision. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/3:42 ; |
Memoriam, In: Prof E. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:2 ; |
Men & Machines. | Galstad, Martin | 02/3:15 ; |
Men in the Home, The Role of. | Fossum, Vance A. | 50/1:18 ; |
MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN: Book of Daniel. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/5:1 ; |
Mennonite History: Introduction. | Lau, David T. | 38/3:29 ; |
Mercy, Our Plea for God's. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 33/1:31-34 ; |
Messianic Import of Certain Psalms: Review. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/3:25 ; |
Messianic Ps 69, Study of. | Tiefel, Mark | 36/1:1 ; |
Method in our Preaching. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:13 ; |
Metonymy & the Scriptures. | Schaller, John | 02/1:14 ; |
Meyer, JP: 1949 Interpretation of 2 Thess 3:14-15. | Lau, David T. | 28/2:10 ; |
Meyer, JP: 1957 Interpretation of 2 Thess 3:14-15. | Lau, David T. | 28/2:11 ; |
Meyer, Prof John: In Memoriam. | Reim, Edmund | 04/5:42 ; |
Midian, The Day of: Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/5:24 ; |
Millennial Maze. | Lau, David T. | 44/3:22 ; |
Millennial Rule & Rapture. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/3:35 ; |
Millennialism, Hal Lindsey on. | Sydow, Michael | 13/1:43-47 ; |
Millennialism: Latter Days. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/3:34 ; |
Millennialism: No Earthly Kingdom. | Lau, David T. | 22/3:40 ; |
Millennialism: Principles of Interpretation re Prophecy. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:2-28 ; |
Millennialism. | Schaller, John | 01/4:14 ; |
Millennialistic Errors, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:23 ; |
Millennium & God's Kingdom. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/1:39 ; |
Millennium and God's Kingdom. | Schaller, John | 51/2:14 ; |
Millennium, Study of the. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:38-41 ; |
Millennium, The, - How? 8/2:32. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:32 ; |
Millennium: Going on Now. | Sydow, Michael | 13/1:46 ; |
Millitary, Temptations in. | Lau, David T. | 38/2:30 ; |
Milton's Tract, Examination of: Of Education. | Lau, John | 19/2:36-42 ; |
Milwaukee Journal on Prayer in Public Schools. | Combined Effort | 04/2:35 ; |
Minister & His Gifts. | Koren | 01/5:6 ; |
Ministering to Clinically Depressed. | Nolting, Paul D. | 44/4:14 ; |
Ministering to Victims of Alzheimer's. | Barthels, Theodore W. | 41/4:11 ; |
Ministers of Christ: Commentary in 2 Cor by Prof J. | Reim, Edmund | 05/2:38 ; |
Ministers of the Word: Final Apostolic Word. | Zorn, CM | 09/3:7 ; |
Ministers: Ranks and Power. | Lau, David T. | 52/4:22 ; |
Ministry & Its Value. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 10/1:19 ; |
Ministry of Comfort to Bereaved. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 20/4:17-21 ; |
Ministry of Gospel in CLC Confession of Faith. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:40 ; |
Ministry of Keys not just to Peter. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/1:35 ; |
Ministry of Paul our Example. | Albrecht, Egbert | 49/2:4 ; |
Ministry of Reconciliation. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/1:18 ; |
Ministry to Individuals. | Gullerud, C. M. | 30/2:2-21 ; |
Ministry Today, Creature-Comforts in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:5 ; |
Ministry, God Puts Power in Our. | Sippert, Steven P. | 54/2:4 ; |
Ministry, All Things to All Men in. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:2-14 ; |
Ministry, Call & Ordination in Lutheran Church 46/4:37-43. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:28 ; |
Ministry, Centrality of Gospel in. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 38/1:1 ; |
Ministry, Christ's Love & Our. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 31/3:19 ; |
Ministry, Failure in the? | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:11 ; |
Ministry, Glory of the Gospel. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:1 ; |
Ministry, Holy Spirit Active in. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:9 ; |
Ministry, How Beautiful this: Isa 52:7-10. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/3:19 ; |
Ministry, Life in the. | Lau, David T. | 34/3:40 ; |
Ministry, Motivation in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:9 ; |
Ministry, Personal Contact Necessary in. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:12-14 ; |
Ministry, Personal Touch in our. | Nolting, Paul F. | 23/1:43 ; |
Ministry, Personal Weaknesses in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:8 ; |
Ministry, Public: Current Debates. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:1 ; |
Ministry, Self-Evaluation in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 12/4:1-10 ; |
Ministry, Standards in the. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/4:23 ; |
Ministry, The Public. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 37/4:13 ; |
Ministry, The. See also Pastoral Letter | Combined Effort | 01/2:15 ; 01/3:27 ; 01/4:9 ; 01/5:7 ; |
Ministry: Book of Concord. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/1:12-19 ; |
Ministry: Earthen Vessels. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/2:5 ; |
Ministry: Glorious or Inglorious? | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/2:29 ; |
Ministry: Harmony thru Communication. | Quade, Ted | 39/1:24 ; |
Ministry: Joyful Self-Sacrifice. | Thurow, Theodore C. | 27/1:15 ; |
Ministry: Not for Repose but for Work. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/4:1 ; |
Ministry: Serious Business. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/2:2 ; |
Minority Groups & Cause of the Gospel. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:32 ; |
Minority, The, & Its Responsibility in Education. | Galstad, Martin | 01/1:31 ; |
Miracles of Christ Attest to His Deity. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 15/1:24-26 ; |
MISHPAT, A Study of (CK) 11/5:12. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/5:12 ; |
Misplaced Pages. | Combined Effort | 09/1:16 ; |
Missiological Principles, Modern. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/4:28 ; |
Missiology & Heathen Religions. | Lau, David T. | 37/3:32 ; |
Mission Festival Sermon. | Greve, Vernon | 32/3:1 ; |
Mission of the Church, Recommit Ourselves to. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 34/4:3 ; |
Mission Prospects Today. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 29/3:24 ; |
Mission Work & Means of Grace. | Ude, John | 36/3:19 ; |
Mission Work, Apostolic. | Lau, David T. | 42/4:30 ; |
Mission Work, Insights on. | Koenig, David P. | 37/1:31 ; |
Mission Work: Aucas of Ecuador. | Koenig, David P. | 36/4:25 ; |
Missionary Efforts in Roman Empire. | Matzke, Phillip D. | 42/1:17 ; |
Missionary in Africa: Diary. | Lau, David T. | 37/3:30 ; |
Missionary Journey, Paul's First 25/4:8f. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:8 ; |
Missionary Preaching in Post-Christian Culture. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:29 ; |
Missions, Global. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:12-26 ; |
Missouri Synod & Fellowship Resolutions. | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:46 ; |
Mo S & 1955 Saginaw Convention. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:35 ; |
Mo S & Compromise. | Nolting, Paul F. | 03/1:16 ; |
Mo S & Denver Convention. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/4:34 ; |
Mo S & Ecumenical Movement. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:30 ; |
Mo S & NLC | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:39 ; |
Mo S & NLC | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/2:23 ; |
Mo S 1962 Convention on Inspiration. | Reim, Edmund | 04/2:26 ; |
Mo S affiliates with N. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:43 ; |
Mo S at Milwaukee: Ambiguous Resolutions. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:33 ; |
Mo S Cleveland Convention. | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:30 ; |
Mo S Convention: Setting aside the Word. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/5:28 ; |
Mo S joins LCUSA. | Reim, Edmund | 05/3:37 ; |
Mo S not as Polemical as formerly. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/1:32 ; |
Mo S relation to ELS: Book Review. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/5:29 ; |
Mo S, Finnish Confessional Ch leaves. | Combined Effort | 10/3:17 ; |
Mo S: A Case History - Joining LCUSA. | Reim, Edmund | 05/3:37 ; |
Mo S: A Partitioned Fellowship. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/1:33 ; |
Mo S's Commission on Theol. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:36 ; |
Mo S's New Image. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:34 ; |
Mo S's Voice to ALC | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:34 ; |
Modern Bible Translations, What's Wrong? | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:1 ; |
Modern Critics & the PentateuCh | Schaller, Egbert | 06/5:6 ; |
Monastic Vows, Luther's Judgment on. | Lau, John | 11/4:10 ; |
Monergism in Conversion. | Lau, David T. | 54/4:28 ; |
Monergism of Grace: Luther's Doctrine. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 54/2:15 ; |
Monogamy Redefined. | Redlin, L. Dale | 16/2:24 ; |
Moral Collapse in Germany. | Dommer, Robert | 36/3:30 ; |
Moral Issues: Church & State Separation. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/2:20-36 ; |
Moral Majority Solutions. | Redlin, L. Dale | 24/4:6 ; |
Moral Majority, Influence of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:20 ; |
Moral Majority, Political Maneuverings of. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:21 ; |
Moral Majority's Stand on Issues. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:45-48 ; |
Morality, Luther on. | Lau, John | 07/5:17 ; |
Morality, The New. | Sydow, Gilbert | 05/3:29 ; |
Morals of our Age. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:1 ; |
Mormonism: History and Teachings. | Lau, David T. | 29/2:33-34 ; |
Morning Star, Jesus is the. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:12 ; |
Moses Called & Prepared for Ministry. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/2:5 ; |
Moses in NT, References to. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:14 ; |
Moses, How Christians Should Regard. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:8 ; |
Moses, Song of. | Lau, David T. | 46/1:2-6 ; |
Moses, What is the Veil of? 18/2:2-18. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 18/2:2-18 ; |
Moses: Misplaced Modesty. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:24 ; |
Musculus, Andreas: Early Lutheran. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/3:5 ; |
Music & Its Place in the Ch (J. | Lau, John | 10/4:32 ; |
Music in the Ch, Its Doctrinal Basis. | Fremder, A. | 04/4:1 ; |
Music of WELS Hymnal. | Reim, John C. | 34/2:10-11 ; |
Music, Subjectivism in Contemporary Christian. | Naumann, Paul | 52/3:23 ; |
Music, Lutheran View. | Fremder, A. | 04/5:19 ; |
Music, Lutheran Worship. | Reim, John C. | 39/2:15 ; |
Musicians: Education & Discipline. | Dommer, Robert | 36/2:16 ; |
Mystery in New Testament: Meaning & Use. | Fossum, Vance A. | 48/3:12 ; |
Mythology: Bultmann's Definition. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:21 ; |
Name of God: Importance. | Lau, John | 40/2:22 ; |
Nat Luth Council & Mo S | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:39 ; |
Nation's Distress & Solution. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:10 ; |
Natural Disasters Used by God. | Naumann, James J. | 54/3:27 ; |
Natural Religion, Emphasis in. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:15 ; |
Nature, God and. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/1:21 ; |
Natures of Christ, The Two. | Roehl, Michael J. | 55/1:11 ; |
Naumann, Pres Oscar: Remembrances. | Gullerud, C. M. | 19/3:43 ; |
Naumann, Pres, & responsibility for N. | Reim, Edmund | 04/5:40 ; |
Naumann, Pres, & Review of 1955-61 Events. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:46 ; |
NCLC, Brief History of the. | Koenig, David P. | 29/2:28-30 ; |
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/3:19 ; |
Nehemiah: Faithfulness in Ministry. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:27 ; |
NEPHESH, Meaning of: Breath, soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:11 ; |
NESCHAMAH: Soul of man. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:3 ; |
Nestorius & His Teaching. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:10 ; |
New Age Movement, Pantheism in. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/1:19 ; |
New Age Movement. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 30/1:32-33 ; |
New Age, Unmasking the: Book Review. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 27/3:16 ; |
New Covenant :Forgiveness in Christ 52/1:19-47. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11 ; |
New Delhi, An Appraisal. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/1:34 ; |
New English Bible, The. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:46 ; |
New Testament & Immortality of Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:30 ; |
New Testament & References to PentateuCh | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:14 ; |
New Testament & use of word "believe. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:3 ; |
New Testament in Language of Today. | Reim, Edmund | 05/1:34 ; |
New Testament Textual Criticism. | Koenig, David P. | 38/1:24 ; |
New Testament word for Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:14 ; |
New Testament, Variant Readings in. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 30/1:39-42 ; |
New Ulm 1957 Conv. | Combined Effort | 05/5:38 ; |
New Year's Eve Sermon: Gen 19:21-25. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/5:28 ; |
New Year's Eve Sermon: Matt. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 17/4:21-28 ; |
New Year's Sermon: 2 Cor 13:14. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/5:18 ; |
Nicene Creed: "became fully human": WELS. | Schaller, Paul W. | 34/3:3 ; |
Nicene Creed: Contemporary Translation. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/3:9 ; |
Nicene Creed. | Schulz, Arthur | 11/5:5 ; |
Nickel, Dr Theo. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:34 ; |
Nicolaitans, The Teaching of the. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 28/1:23 ; |
NIV Bible Translation. | Hein, John P. | 20/2:31-43 ; |
NIV Version, Notes on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:15 ; |
NIV, Study of Select Passages in. | Tiefel, Mark | 51/4:15 ; |
Nolting, Pastor Paul F. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 45/2:1 ; |
Non-Christian Religions & Catholic Ch | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:30 ; |
Non-Fundamental Doctrines & Church Fellowship. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 26/4:3 ; |
Northwestern Luth & Fellowship Then & Now. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:48 ; |
Northwestern Luth claims CLC has caused outsiders to blaspheme the Gospel. | Combined Effort | 04/4:40 ; |
Northwestern Luth on Church Fellowship. | Reim, Edmund | 01/3:44 ; |
Norw Synod as "God's Minutemen" & 1938 Resolutions. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/1:26 ; |
Norwegian Lutherans, Tracing the (1880 - 1918). | Reim, Peter R. | 50/2:19 ; |
Norwegian Synod & Impasse in Union Discussions. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/3:41 ; |
Norwegian Synod Beginnings in America: U. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/2:2-23 ; |
Obadiah: Few words but many thoughts. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 29/1:44-47 ; |
Obituary, Preparing a Christian's. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/4:19 ; |
Objective in Preaching Christ: Luther. | Luther, Martin | 11/4:36 ; |
Oesch, Wilhelm: Church & Ministry. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:9 ; |
Offense, Principle of Not Giving. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:9-11 ; |
Ohio Synod & Doctr of Justification. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:8 ; |
Ohio Synod: Intuitu Fidei (1880s). | Reim, Peter R. | 50/2:19 ; |
Old Testament Sacraments? Circumcision and Passover. | Lau, David T. | 50/3:24 ; |
Olivet Discourse: Immediate Perspective. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/4:11 ; |
Olivet Discourse: Prophetic Perspective. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/2:13 ; |
Olivet Discourse: The Time Text. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/4:17 ; |
Olivet Discourse: When and What? 28/2:31-35. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/2:31-35 ; |
Omnipotence & the Creation of Faith. | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:2 ; |
One Thing is Needed: Chapel Address. | Schaller, Paul W. | 37/2:4 ; |
One, That All may be: Realized. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 26/4:13 ; |
Open House: The Ecumenical Movement. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:40 ; |
Open Question in Orthodox Theology: Dr Ramm. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:8 ; |
Open Questions and Church Fellowship. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 26/4:3 ; |
Open Questions Modern Theory of: Walther. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:1 ; |
Open Questions. | Schulz, Arthur | 28/2:4 ; |
Opportunism. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:10 ; |
Opportunity for Gospel in Ministry. | Eichstadt, Wayne | 37/4:6 ; |
Optimists View of World. | Lau, John | 14/3:43 ; |
Orderliness in Ministry Situations. | Sydow, Michael | 39/3:10 ; |
Ordination no Adiaphoron: D. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:8 ; |
Organizations, Religious Activity in Secular. | Lau, John | 37/3:22 ; |
Original Sin: Ps 51 Sermon. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 35/2:29 ; |
Origins of Life:Bible vs Evolution. | Tiefel, Paul | 52/2:3 ; |
Orthodox & Heterodox Chs. | Pieper, F. | 03/1:13 ; |
Orthodox Ch influenced by spirit of times. | Zorn, CM | 09/3:12 ; |
Orthodox Lutheran Conference. | Reim, Edmund | 05/4:21 ; |
Orthodox Temptations that Confront the. | Galstad, Martin | 01/3:1 ; |
Orthodoxy in Our Fellowship, Maintaining. | Kesterson, Terrel | 45/3:10 ; |
Orthodoxy: Quote. | Kantzer, KS | 08/4:18 ; |
Osiandrian & Stancarian Controversies. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:14 ; |
OT Proof the Soul is Immortal. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:35 ; |
OT Prophecy: The Perspective of. | Pieper, August | 04/2:16 ; |
Otten Pastor Herman & Romans 16:17. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:29 ; |
OUDE in 1 Tim 2:12. | Combined Effort | 35/3:11 ; |
Packer, Biography of James L. | Lau, David T. | 25/4:34 ; |
PAIDEIA. | Galstad, Martin | 01/1:30 ; |
Panorama Article Recalled, First 26/4:2-4. | Lau, John | 26/4:1 ; |
Panorama: Robert David Preus. | Lau, John | 35/4:29 ; |
Panorama. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:41 ; |
Pantheism in Environmental Movememt. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 35/1:18 ; |
Papacy Declines in Power & Morals. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:3 ; |
Papal Bull: Exsurge Domine. | Lau, John | 11/1:5 ; |
Parables, Three Series of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 26/1:31 ; |
Paradoxical Nature of Christian Theology. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:13 ; |
Parent-Child Relationship. | Gantt, Frank | 49/1:2 ; |
Parental Involvement in Education. | Lau, John | 19/2:36 ; |
Parental Responsibility lacking in our age. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:9 ; |
Parents & Children: Relationships 38/2:15-19. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 38/2:8 ; |
Parents & Spiritual Education of Children. | Rehm, Robert | 33/2:30-37 ; |
Parents & Spiritual Readiness. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 08/1:12 ; |
Parents who Lend Their Children to Lord. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:37 ; |
Parochial School. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:23 ; |
Parousia in NT. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/2:16 ; |
Passion History correlated to OT Texts. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/5:1 ; |
Passover Festival. | Lau, David T. | 45/4:4 ; |
Pastor & Evangelism, The. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 27/4:3 ; |
Pastor A Faithful: Quote. | Combined Effort | 08/3:32 ; |
Pastor as a Counselor. | Sydow, Michael | 30/3:15 ; |
Pastor as Spiritual Physician. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 36/4:9 ; |
Pastor, Special Dangers Facing a. | Schulz, Arthur | 18/1:10-23 ; |
Pastor's Faithfulness in Calling. | Koren | 01/2:15 ; |
Pastor's Lifestyle & 8th Commandment. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 37/4:9 ; |
Pastor's Menu for Pulpit. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/2:16 ; |
Pastoral Conf Communion Sermon: Exod. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/5:23 ; |
Pastoral Epistles, Aim and Goal of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:2 ; |
Pastoral Epistles, Distinctive Character of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:3-5 ; |
Pastoral Epistles, False Doctrine dealt with in. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:6-11 ; |
Pastoral Epistles: Authenticity. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:21-25 ; |
Pastoral Epistles: Date of Composition. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/1:12-21 ; |
Pastoral House Calls. | Schulz, Arthur | 15/1:5-8 ; |
Pastoral Letter. | Koren | 01/2:15 ; 01/3:27 ; 01/4:9 ; 01/5:7 ; |
Pastoral Office, Special Blessings of. | Schulz, Arthur | 18/2:27-39 ; |
Pastoral Pitfalls. | Lau, David T. | 39/3:28 ; |
Pastoral Sick Calls. | Schulz, Arthur | 15/2:1-5 ; |
Pastors are like Salesmen. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:14 ; |
Pastors at Communion Registration. | Pieper, August | 09/5:23 ; |
Pastors Comfort in Doctr of Election. | Sydow, Gilbert | 08/5:7 ; |
Pastors Pray as We Ought, Do We? 13/3:1-9. | Schulz, Arthur | 13/3:1-9 ; |
Pastors: Weariness of Flesh. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/4:33-35 ; |
Patience of Jesus: Be Encouraged. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 09/2:24 ; |
Patriarchs, Luther on Marriages of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/1:21-35 ; |
Paul and Jesus. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 15/2:38-40 ; |
Paul Confronts Peter. | Sippert, Steven P. | 48/2:9 ; |
Paul Prominent Man in NT 25/4:2. | Albrecht, Egbert | 25/4:2 ; |
Paul, Apostle, & His Relation to Christ's Resurrection. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:8 ; |
Paul, Missionary to Gentiles. | Lau, David T. | 47/1:6 ; |
Paul: The Reluctant Fool. | Sydow, Michael | 40/1:4 ; |
Paul's Apostleship Acknowledged: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:10-19 ; |
Paul's Authority as Apostle: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/2:17 ; |
Paul's Call to Apostolate: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/1:2-6 ; |
Paul's Conversion: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/2:6 ; |
Paul's Tailored Witnessing. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 29/3:24 ; |
Pavlov & Conditioned Reflex. | Sydow, Gilbert | 28/3:8 ; |
Peace in Imperfect World, Perfect. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 31/1:25 ; |
Peace in Imperfect World, Perfect. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 32/1:38 ; |
Peace in Isa 53:5: Refreshing Comments. | Nolting, Paul F. | 13/1:39 ; |
Peace, Universal: Dispensationalist Concept. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:19 ; |
Peasants' War of 1525, Luther & 24/3:4f. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/3:4 ; |
Peer Pressure, Helping Children Deal with. | Olmanson, Keith | 31/1:18 ; |
Pelagianism and Original Sin. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 54/2:20 ; |
Pelagius: Man's Weakened Will. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:18 ; |
Pelikan, Jaroslav: His View of Reformation. | Reim, Edmund | 07/2:40 ; |
Penance, Sacrament of: Luther. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:16 ; |
Pentateuch & Its Critics. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/4:2 ; |
Pentecost, Sundays after. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:6 ; |
Pentecost, Thoughts for: 2 Cor 4:5a. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:22 ; |
Pentecostal Teachings Refuted. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 20/1:41-44 ; |
Pentecostalism Today. | Lau, John | 15/1:40 ; |
Pergamos, Letter to: Rev. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 28/1:16 ; |
Pericope Systems. | Fritz | 02/2:18 ; |
Pericopes & Paraments. | Tiefel, Paul | 48/2:21 ; |
Pericopic System, A New. | Nolting, Paul F. | 26/1:29-39 ; |
Pericopic System, New. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/1:39-44 ; |
Persecution & Catholic Ch | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:34 ; |
Persecution in Smyrna. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:10 ; |
Persecution of God's People. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/4:5 ; |
Persecution vs Kingdom of God. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/3:8 ; |
Persecutions of Christians Today. | Lau, David T. | 38/2:25 ; |
Personal Forgiveness in Lord's Supper. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11 ; |
Pessimists View of World. | Lau, John | 14/3:42 ; |
Peter, Primacy of. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/1:34 ; |
Peter: Cultural Preferences. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:25 ; |
Peter's Hypocrisy Publicly Reproved: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/3:27 ; |
Philadelphia, John's Letter to. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:2 ; |
Philipp of Hesse, His Message. | Eckert, O. J. | 11/3:4 ; |
Philosophical Bias & Inerrancy. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/2:6 ; |
Pieper Lectures. | Lau, David T. | 46/4:27 ; |
Pieper, Theology of Dr Franz. | Lau, David T. | 34/3:41 ; |
Pietism & Lutheranism. | Lau, David T. | 40/3:21 ; |
Pietism, The Spirit of. | Lau, David T. | 53/4:29 ; |
Pietists on Conversion. | Lau, David T. | 54/4:20 ; |
Piety, American. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/3:33-38 ; |
Pike, Dr James, & Ecumenical Movement. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:35 ; |
Pike, Dr James, A Case History. | Reim, Edmund | 07/4:33 ; |
Pilate Program, The. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:16 ; |
Pillars in God's Temple. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:16 ; |
Pioneer Days in America: U. | Gullerud, C. M. | 32/2:1 ; |
PISTEUEIN. | Reim, Edmund | 01/5:1 ; |
Pity, Who Really Needs? 32/4:26-27. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:15 ; |
Planning & Professional Growth, Careful. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:6 ; |
Plato: Immortality of Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:5-7 ; |
Pliancy in Mo S Teaching. | Reim, Edmund | 07/1:38 ; |
Plowshares into Swords, Beating: Joel. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 29/4:39 ; |
PNEUMA (Soul) in NT (A. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:15 ; |
Poem: Destruction of Sennacherib: Lord Byron. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 30/3:12 ; |
Poem: Oh, Christians, Haste. | Thomson, M.A. | 34/4:27 ; |
Poem: The Anvil of God's Word. | Tiefel, Paul | 46/4:25 ; |
Poem: Zeal. | Newton, J | 38/1:25 ; |
Point & Process in Education. | Galstad, Martin | 02/1:27 ; |
Polemics & Apologetics in Preaching. | Sydow, Michael | 42/4:19 ; |
Polemics in a Church Paper. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:7 ; |
Polemics, The Art of Evangelical. | Reim, Rollin A. | 41/2:13 ; |
Political Arena, Churches Active in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:13 ; |
Political Sphere as pertains to Reformation. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:6 ; |
Politics or Christianity? 12/1:27-29. | Koch, Paul R. | 12/1:27-29 ; |
Politics, Power & the Pulpit. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:13 ; |
Politics: Church & State. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:37-52 ; |
Polygamy, The Morality of OT 21/1:31-33. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/1:31-33 ; |
Poor, When are People Really? 32/4:27-28. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:13 ; |
Pope & His Power. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/5:44 ; |
Pope, Rome & Its New. | Gullerud, C. M. | 18/3:33-35 ; |
Pope, Supremacy & Infallibility remains. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:33 ; |
Positive Thinking and Self-Esteem. | Fossum, Vance A. | 52/3:11 ; |
Poverty in Smyrna. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:3 ; |
Power in Our Ministry, God Puts. | Sippert, Steven P. | 54/2:3 ; |
Power of God, Ephesians 1:19. | Reim, Edmund | 51/4:8 ; |
Power of God: Eph. | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:1 ; |
Power, The Path to: ILC Commencement, 1995. | Lau, John | 35/2:1 ; |
Practice, Agreement in, & Fellowship. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 36/1:26 ; |
Prasso and Poieo: Study. | Fossum, Vance A. | 38/2:14 ; |
Pray as We Ought, Do We Pastors? 13/3:1-9. | Schulz, Arthur | 13/3:1-9 ; |
Pray for Spirit's Guidance. | Reim, David | 54/4:3 ; |
Pray for the Holy Spirit! 35/1:11-32. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:6 ; |
Pray, How to. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 07/1:27 ; |
Pray, Learn of Jesus Christ to. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 27/1:11 ; |
Prayer & Its Imperatives. | Reim, Edmund | 01/2:3 ; |
Prayer & Professional Improvement. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:3 ; |
Prayer Amendment to Constitution. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:2 ; |
Prayer Fellowship on forbidden level. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:44 ; |
Prayer for Renewal: Ps 51:10-12. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/1:3 ; |
Prayer in Public Classrooms: Court Decision. | Schaller, Egbert | 02/4:1 ; |
Prayer in Public Schools & Supreme Court. | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:28 ; |
Prayer in Public Schools. | Reim, Edmund | 04/2:34 ; |
Prayer in Public Schools. 24/2:29-34 | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/2:29-34 ; |
Prayer in Public Schools. Review. | Lau, David T. | 24/4:37 ; |
Prayer is Christian's Vital Breath. | Reim, David | 37/1:17 ; |
Prayer Necessary in Ministry. | Lau, David T. | 36/2:27 ; |
Prayer, Pastor's Private and Public Use of. | Tiefel, Paul | 47/3:25 ; |
Prayer, Admonition to. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/3:2 ; |
Prayer, Congregational. | Gullerud, C. M. | 29/3:2-9 ; |
Prayer, Emphasis on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 40/4:2 ; |
Prayer, Luther & 23/1:15. | Schulz, Arthur | 23/1:15 ; |
Prayer, Mutual: Shepherd & Sheep. | Nolting, Paul F. | 23/1:33 ; |
Prayers, Idolatrous RCC. | Dommer, Robert | 17/3:3 ; |
Prayers, Public, & "Luth Standard. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:41 ; |
Preacher & The Stonebreaker: Poem. | Schulz, Arthur | 13/3:9-11 ; |
Preacher, Learning from the Master. | Henkel, William | 46/2:21 ; |
Preacher, Luther The. | Lau, John | 23/3:28-42 ; |
Preacher: How did Jesus preach? 46/4:14-26. | Henkel, William | 46/4:11 ; |
Preachers & Preaching, Luther on. | Luther, Martin | 23/3:43 ; |
Preachers of the Word, To: Luther. | Reim, Edmund | 07/3:35 ; |
Preachers, Two Expository. | Lau, David T. | 42/4:24 ; |
Preaching in Christmas Season. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/5:23 ; |
Preaching of Christ: External Form. | Henkel, William | 47/2:21 ; |
Preaching of the Gospel. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:22 ; |
Preaching Suggestions from Prophecies. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 54/1:19 ; |
Preaching the Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 01/5:12 ; |
Preaching the Unconditioned Gospel. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 33/3:5 ; |
Preaching the Word. | Kuegele | 01/2:30 ; |
Preaching the Word. | Galstad, Martin | 04/1:17 ; |
Preaching, Apologetics & Polemics in Our. | Sydow, Michael | 42/4:19 ; |
Preaching, Form and Practice of Effective. | Henkel, William | 47/3:18 ; |
Preaching, Importance of Eschatological. | Klatt, John V. | 22/4:19-25 ; |
Preaching, Means of Grace in Our. | Dux, Leroy P. | 36/3:9 ; |
Preaching, Our, & Christ's Resurrection. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:13 ; |
Preaching, Seeking the Larger Joys of. | Schaller, Egbert | 02/3:1 ; |
Preaching, The 3 Great Elements of Christian: A. Pieper. | Greve, Norman | 31/3:1 ; |
Preaching, The Principle of Paul's. | Dommer, Robert | 13/4:39-43 ; |
Preaching, Value of Thematic. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:11 ; |
Preaching: Analytical and Synthetic. | Henkel, William | 47/1:26 ; |
Preaching: Sanctification and Gospel. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/2:16 ; |
Preachings from Daniel. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/2:1 ; |
Preachings from Daniel. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/1:4 ; |
Predestinarian Controversy: The Players. | Reim, Peter R. | 50/2:19 ; |
Predestination Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:25-26 ; |
Predestination, Calvinist's Double. | Koch, Paul R. | 27/2:2 ; |
Predestination, Double, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:23 ; |
Preface to 1967 Journal of Theology. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/2:1 ; |
Presbyter & St John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:2 ; |
Preterism: Full & Partial. | Lau, David T. | 44/3:24 ; |
Preus, Dr Robert, & Dr Walther. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/5:31 ; |
Preus, JAO, & lack of testimony at Denver. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/5:28 ; |
Preus, JAO: Leadership & loyalty. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/4:39 ; |
Preus, Robert David, Remembering. | Lau, John | 35/4:29 ; |
Preus, Theology of Prof Robert. | Lau, David T. | 34/3:42 ; |
Preuss, Dr Ed: Justification. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:7-12 ; |
Price Tag on Jesus: Confirmation. | Schaller, Egbert | 54/1:2 ; |
Pride vs Kingdom of God. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/3:2 ; |
Priesthood of Believers & RCC. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/1:2-6 ; |
Priesthood of Believers, Universal. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 37/4:13 ; |
Priesthood of Believers: Emphasis Needed. | Burkhardt, James | 32/2:13 ; |
Priesthood of Believers. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:2-26 ; |
Priesthood, Catholic, & Training. | Gullerud, C. M. | 08/3:33 ; |
Priesthood, New Testament. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/4:14 ; |
Priesthood, Old Testament. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/4:10-14 ; |
Priesthood, Roman Catholic; 17/4:15-20. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/4:15-20 ; |
Priorities, Jesus Establishes Proper. | Lau, David T. | 47/4:2 ; |
Priorities. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:17 ; |
Problems of the Isolated Believer. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/1:4 ; |
Problems, A Christian Faces Life's. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 06/4:20 ; |
Professionalism in Education. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:28 ; |
Programmed Learning. | Galstad, Martin | 02/3:15 ; |
Prohibitions: Greek Tenses. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/1:2-9 ; |
Prophecies of Balaam. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 54/1:9 ; |
Prophecies of the Near & Distant Future: Joel. | Naumann, Paul | 41/4:4 ; |
Prophecies, Historic Review of OT 27/2:31-40. | Nolting, Paul F. | 27/2:17 ; |
Prophecy (OT) and Fulfillment (NT). | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/3:11-17 ; |
Prophecy of Darkening Days. | Gullerud, Mark J. | 41/1:6 ; |
Prophecy, Differences Between Typical & Direct. | Lau, David T. | 31/3:13 ; |
Prophecy, Hermeneutics of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 35/2:21 ; |
Prophecy, Importance of Historical Setting in. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:30 ; |
Prophecy, OT, The Perspective of. | Pieper, August | 04/2:16 ; |
Prophecy, The Gift of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 36/4:4 ; |
Prophecy, Under the Light of God's. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 06/5:23 ; |
Prophecy: Num 23:25-24:9. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 28/2:21-22 ; |
Prophecy: Num 24:15-24. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 28/3:10-13 ; |
Prophetic & Poetic Testimony to PentateuCh | Schaller, Egbert | 07/2:14 ; |
Prophetic Time-Term: Last Days. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/3:25-38 ; |
Prospectus for Free Conferences. | Reim, Edmund | 04/1:36 ; |
Prosperity Gospel. | Reim, David | 48/1:11 ; |
Protestantism, Trends in Modern. | Lau, David T. | 33/3:45-48 ; |
Providence of God, Free Will, & Fate. | Fanning, Warren | 41/3:9 ; |
Providence, God's. | Lau, David T. | 38/1:21 ; |
Psalm 19, Meditation on. | Nolting, Paul F. | 20/3:17-35 ; |
Psalms, Using the. | Reim, John C. | 40/2:1 ; |
Psalms: Christian's Prayer Book. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 33/1:28-29 ; |
Psychologists & Education. | Galstad, Martin | 02/3:17 ; |
Psychology vs the Gospel. | Tiefel, Mark | 29/3:24-25 ; |
Public Doctrine vs Private Opinion. | Lau, John | 37/3:21 ; |
Public Schools & Reason for Existence. | Galstad, Martin | 07/2:27 ; |
Public Schools, Religion in. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:2-11 ; |
Public Sin and Repentance. | Hein, John P. | 53/4:15 ; |
Punishment in Hell. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:31 ; |
Punishment of Unworthy Communicants. | Pieper, August | 09/5:18 ; |
Punitive Judgment & MISHPAT. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/5:17 ; |
Puritanism and Pietism: Lack of Depth. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/2:6 ; |
Purpose of CLC as an Organization. | Combined Effort | 09/2:32 ; |
QADOSH: The Holy One, Isa 40:25. | Pieper, August | 03/2:18 ; |
Qualifications for the Ministry. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 10/1:21 ; |
Quartalschrift & Polemics. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/2:11 ; |
Quartalschrift Articles, Bibliography of Translated. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 22/2:22-27 ; |
Quartalschrift, Paging through the. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 22/2:19-21 ; |
Quenstedt & Doctr of Revelation. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:37 ; |
Ramm, Dr, & the Scriptures. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:7 ; |
Rapture & First Resurrection. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/3:35 ; |
Rapture, Amusing Description of. | Sydow, Michael | 13/1:45 ; |
RCC - Lutheran Dialogue on Justification. | Gullerud, C. M. | 24/1:19-24 ; |
RCC & Euthanasia. | Lau, David T. | 25/2:13 ; |
RCC and ELCA Compromise. | Lau, John | 39/2:29 ; |
RCC: Priesthood of Believers. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 20/1:2-6 ; |
Re-alignment & Things to Guard against | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:1 ; 08/2:13 ; |
Re-alignment of Lutheran Ch Bodies. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:30 ; |
Real Presence in Holy Communion:Forgiveness. | Sippert, Steven P. | 52/1:11 ; |
Realignment, Things to Guard Against in Approach to (1958). | Reim, Edmund | 49/3:7 ; |
Reason & God's Word. | Nolting, Paul F. | 32/3:4 ; |
Reason & the Soul of Man. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:22 ; |
Rebellion against God's Word & Will. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/4:35-37 ; |
Recommitment, A Call to. | Fleischer, Daniel | 34/4:1 ; |
Reconciliation in 2 Cor 5:19. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 22/1:19-31 ; |
Reconciliation: Blessed Change. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/1:18 ; |
Redemption, Christ Our. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 15/2:25 ; |
Redemptive Work of Christ: Ps 22. | Reim, Edmund | 06/1:1 ; |
Reductionism, Book of Concord & Gospel. | Lau, John | 19/3:2-16 ; |
Reductionism, Gospel. | Lau, John | 14/2:1-10 ; |
Reductionism, The Danger of Gospel. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:2-31 ; |
Refinding Fundamentals. | Galstad, Martin | 07/1:20 ; |
Reflections of an Editor. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:3 ; |
Reflections on Our Age, Some. | Gullerud, C. M. | 14/4:35-38 ; |
Reform in the Catholic Ch? | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:10 ; |
Reform or Revolt: Luther. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/2:10 ; |
Reform that is not Reform. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:37 ; |
Reformation & Babylonian Captivity of Ch | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:1 ; |
Reformation & Christmas. | Schaller, Paul W. | 42/3:20 ; |
Reformation & Means of Grace. | Naumann, David R. | 36/3:2 ; |
Reformation Background. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:2 ; |
Reformation Commentaries of the Bible. | Lau, David T. | 52/4:21 ; |
Reformation Series: 4 Sundays. | Nolting, Paul F. | 26/3:18-20 ; |
Reformation Sermon: John 8:39-40. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:22 ; |
Reformation Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:35 ; |
Reformation, 450th Anniversary of. | Reim, Edmund | 07/4:32 ; |
Reformation, How God Prepared World for. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/2:2 ; |
Reformation, Hymns & Hymn-writers of the. | Schulz, Arthur | 20/2:18-25 ; |
Reformation, Impact of, on Germany's Culture. | Luebkman, Kurt E. | 05/2:1 ; |
Reformation, Luther's, & Ps 46. | Reim, Edmund | 07/3:1 ; |
Reformation, Preaching for: Jude 3-11. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/4:19 ; |
Reformation, Thoughts on, in 1967. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/2:1 ; |
Reformation: On Church & State. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 24/2:13-19 ; |
Reformed & Lutheran Theology, Emphasis in. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:13 ; |
Reformed Chs & Kingdom of God. | Schaller, John | 01/4:15 ; |
Reformed Churches, Crisis in. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 18/3:38-48 ; |
Reformed Error: Natures of Christ 55/1: 26-28. | Roehl, Michael J. | 55/1:15 ; |
Reformed Influence: Reason over Faith. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:17 ; |
Reformed Philosophy, Toward a. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 19/4:32-42 ; |
Reformer, Two Qualifications for a. | Nolting, Paul D. | 28/4:1 ; |
Reformers' Negative Attitude to Missions? 12/1:16f. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:16 ; |
Regeneration & God's Kingdom. | Schaller, John | 02/1:20 ; |
Reim, Prof Edmund In Memoriam. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/4:1 ; |
Reim, Robert A: In Memoriam. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 31/2:1 ; |
Reincarnation of Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:18 ; |
Relevance of Rom 16 in Termination of Fellowship. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:5 ; |
Religion & Science. | Keiser, Bernhard E. | 02/4:12 ; |
Religion Discredited in our Age. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/1:7 ; |
Religion of the World. | Schaller, Egbert | 04/3:22 ; |
Religion, Establishment of, & Free Exercise thereof. | Nolting, Paul F. | 05/3:15 ; |
Religion, Humanist Definition of. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:4 ; |
Religious Broadmindedness, Modern. | Albrecht, James | 48/2:2 ; |
Religious Commitment in U. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/3:33-38 ; |
Religious Doublespeak. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 36/1:30 ; |
Religious habits of Catholic Ch | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/1:26 ; |
Religious liberty in Amer. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:25 ; |
Religious Right & left, The. | Redlin, L. Dale | 24/4:6-8 ; |
Remember the Lord: Holy Communion Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 54/1:2 ; |
Remembering the Blessed Dead. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 11/4:5 ; |
Renaissance, The. | Sydow, Michael | 39/4:3 ; |
Repentance & the Gospel. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 34/2:8-17 ; |
Repentance and Public Sin Today. | Hein, John P. | 53/4:15 ; |
Repentance Changed & lost, Meaning of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 22/1:31-34 ; |
Repentance Involves Inner Determination. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:9 ; |
Repentance is Cure for Spiritual Depression. | Barthels, George A. | 30/4:2 ; |
Repentance is Inward. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:19 ; |
Repentance of God, The. | Galstad, Martin | 14/4:19-29 ; |
Repentance Questions Answered. | Gantt, Frank | 53/1:1 ; |
Repentance, Example of Sincere. | Lau, David T. | 42/1:4 ; |
Repentance, Fruits of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 26/2:20 ; |
Repentance, Joel's Call to. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 29/3:28 ; |
Repentance: Teaching of Jesus. | Nolting, Paul F. | 21/4:34-38 ; |
Repentance. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/5:31 ; |
Reply to a Proposal. | Schaller, Egbert | 07/3:30 ; |
Resistance, Natural & Willful. | Redlin, L. Dale | 15/2:5 ; |
Responsibility of Universal Priesthood. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 37/4:13 ; |
Resurrection an Offense: Christian Century. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:38 ; |
Resurrection in Nature: Luther. | Schulz, Arthur | 35/3:1 ; |
Resurrection living. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/4:8 ; |
Resurrection of Body & Reunion with Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:24 ; |
Resurrection, Christ's, & Its Historic ThruSt | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:1 ; |
Resurrection, Demythologizing the: Bultmann. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:20-34 ; |
Resurrection, Doctrine of: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:20 ; |
Resurrection, Meaning of the FirSt 14/3:35f. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/3:35 ; |
Resurrection, Scriptural Meaning of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:30 ; |
Resurrection, The Father & Christ's: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/1:5 ; |
Resurrections, Two, NIV on. | Fossum, Vance A. | 35/4:24 ; |
Reunion of Christendom the Catholic Way. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:44 ; |
Revelation & Position of Mo S | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:37 ; |
Revelation 1-3, Overview of. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 26/1:13-18 ; |
Revelation 2:1-7, Exegesis of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 26/1:19-22 ; |
Revelation, Dispensational Key to Understanding Book of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/1:7 ; |
Revelation, Extra-Biblical. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 44/3:19 ; |
Revelation, Outlines for Book of. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 39/1:12 ; |
Revelation, The Verbal Concept of. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:2 ; |
Revelation, Two Sources of, & Catholic Ch 3/2:28. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:28 ; |
Revelation: Dispensationalist Interpretation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:24 ; |
Review of Years 1955-1961. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:33 ; |
Revivification & the Resurrection. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:4 ; |
Revolution & Evolution. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:10 ; |
Rewards in Scripture, Earthly. | Reim, David | 48/1:11 ; |
Rewards in the Ministry. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 10/1:24 ; |
Rewards, Heavenly. | Reim, David | 48/1:16 ; |
Riches, True. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:4 ; |
Riches, What are True? 32/4:27-28. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/4:17 ; |
Right Hand of God. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 26/2:11 ; |
Righteousness & MISHPAT. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/5:13 ; |
Righteousness of Faith. | Roehl, Michael J. | 48/1:2 ; |
Righteousness of God. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 30/2:26 ; |
Righteousness of God. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/3:17 ; |
Righteousness of the Lord. | Pieper, August | 05/4:1 ; |
Righteousness, Having True. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/4:16-18 ; |
Righteousness, His Not Mine: Psalm 23. | Tiefel, Victor F. | 47/2:2 ; |
Righteousness, Whose? 45/2:16-20. | Nolting, Paul F. | 45/2:7 ; |
Rogness, Dr Alvin, on Union of Lutherans. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/2:23 ; |
Rom 16:17-18, Study of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 28/1:6 ; |
Roman Catholic Church & Bible Reading. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:22 ; |
Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits Betray. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 27/3:18 ; |
Roman Catholic Error: Transubstantiation. | Roehl, Michael J. | 55/1:16 ; |
Roman Catholicism, Updating. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/1:2-12 ; |
Roman Church: Only Saving Church? 28/4:39-43. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 28/4:21 ; |
Romans: An Unreliable Exegesis. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:27 ; |
Rome, Wrong Emphasis in Church of. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:16 ; |
Roof, Under the same. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/1:45 ; |
Russian Orthodox Ch & W. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/1:36 ; |
Sabbath in the Old and New Testaments. | Lau, David T. | 46/2:2 ; |
Sacramental vs Sacrificial in Worship. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/2:14 ; |
Sacraments Legalized by Reformed. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:23 ; |
Sacred Studies over against Social Studies. | Galstad, Martin | 04/1:27 ; |
Sadducees & Opposition to ChriSt | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:6 ; |
Sainthood, Achieving. | Lau, John | 55/3:10 ; |
Sainthood, Achieving: Conversion. | Lau, John | 20/3:40-44 ; |
Salvation & MISHPAT. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/5:14 ; |
Salvation Cometh, Thy: Sermon Study, Isa 62:10-12. | Lau, John | 11/5:22 ; |
Salvation in the Forefront, Keeping. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 21/2:21-27 ; |
Salvation through Christ Alone: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:18 ; |
Salvation, OT Word for. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/3:19 ; |
Salvation: Gift of God's Grace: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 33/1:17 ; |
Sanctification & Gospel Preaching: Balance. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/2:16 ; |
Sanctification & Justification: Relationship. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 37/1:3 ; |
Sanctification Concept in Scripture. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/4:35 ; |
Sanctification in Romans. | Nolting, Paul F. | 43/4:14 ; |
Sanctification, Basis for. | Combined Effort | 19/3:26 ; |
Sanctification, Christ Our. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 15/2:23-26 ; |
Sanctification: Clarified by Reformation. | Reim, Edmund | 55/2:22 ; |
Sanctification: Sermon on the Mount. | Pieper, August | 19/1:27 ; |
Sandusky Resolution of ALC, 1938. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:7 ; |
Sardis, John's Letter to. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 31/2:4 ; |
Satan the Accuser. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:9 ; |
Satan's Origin: Overview. | Reim, David | 44/4:6 ; |
Satan's Origin: Overview. | Reim, David | 45/1:1 ; |
Savonarola & the Reformation. | Gullerud, C. M. | 07/3:11 ; |
Scaer, David: Ordination no Adiaphoron. | Lau, David T. | 35/4:9 ; |
Schaeffer, Biography of Dr Francis. | Lau, David T. | 25/5:32 ; |
Schaller, Prof E, asks to be relieved of duty as Editor. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:1 ; |
Schaller, Prof Egbert. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/4:2 ; |
Scharlemann Case. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/3:38 ; |
Scharlemann, Dr Robert, & Gen 1. | Reim, Edmund | 03/5:43 ; |
Scharlemann, Martin & his Errors. | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:32 ; |
Scharlemann, Prof, & Doctr of Inspiration. | Reim, Edmund | 04/2:26 ; |
Scharlemann, Prof, & his Essays. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:36 ; |
Scharlemann, Prof, & Prof Grau Compared. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/4:40 ; |
SCHEOL (Hades) & Use in OT 10/5:34f. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:34 ; |
Schismatic, What is a? 10/4:16. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:16 ; |
School Sermon, For the. | Galstad, Martin | 05/3:31 ; |
Schools, Prayer in Public. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 24/2:29-34 ; |
Schools, Programs of Study in Secular. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:6-10 ; |
Schuetze, Pastor W: Funeral Sermon. | Redlin, L. Dale | 19/2:31-35 ; |
Schuetze, Pastor Waldemar: Death Announcement. | Lau, John | 19/1:7 ; |
Schwabach Articles of 1529. | Klatt, John V. | 41/1:2 ; |
Schwan Foundation Gifts. | Lau, John | 39/3:28 ; |
Science & Scripture of 70 Years ago. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/4:39 ; |
Science in Hebrew Class, Allusions to. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:12-29 ; |
Scientific Age, Our. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:23 ; |
Scientist & Theologian Discuss Gen 1. | Reim, Edmund | 03/5:42 ; |
Scientist of Today believe Gen I, Can? 2/4:12. | Keiser, Bernhard E. | 02/4:12 ; |
Scofield Bible on Dispensationalism. | Nolting, Paul F. | 14/1:4 ; |
Scouting: LCMS Past & Present Position. | Lau, John | 33/4:37 ; |
Scripture & Brief Statement under attack. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/3:21 ; |
Scripture & Doctr of Inspiration: Quote. | Combined Effort | 07/2:43 ; |
Scripture & Tradition. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:28 ; |
Scripture & Written Symbols as SpeeCh | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:6 ; |
Scripture Alone Held by Reformers. | Lau, John | 19/3:13-15 ; |
Scripture Alone, Lutheran Attacks on. | Lau, John | 14/2:1-10 ; |
Scripture Alone: Sermon by N. | Madson, Norman A. | 02/4:27 ; |
Scripture Gives Balanced Self-Worth 30/4:32-48. | Reim, John C. | 30/4:20 ; |
Scripture God's Word. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/4:24-27 ; |
Scripture Imperatives are Bearers of Blessings. | Reim, Edmund | 01/2:1 ; |
Scripture Inerrancy & Dr Scharlemann. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/3:39 ; |
Scripture Interprets Scripture. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:11-13 ; |
Scripture, Authority & Clarity of. | Jackson, Gregory L. | 37/1:8 ; |
Scripture, Bultmann's Attitude toward. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/2:27 ; |
Scripture, Christocentricity of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:15 ; |
Scripture, Holy Spirit & Doctrines of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:7 ; |
Scripture, literal Sense of: Dispensationalists. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:5-11 ; |
Scripture, Unity of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 21/4:13-15 ; |
Scriptures, The, & Dr Ramm. | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:7 ; |
Second Thess 3:6-15, Interpretation of: Historal Study. | Lau, David T. | 28/2:9 ; |
Second Thess 3:6,14,15, Study of. | Schaller, Paul W. | 28/1:2 ; |
Secular Humanism: Ersatz Religion. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:20 ; |
Security about Salvation. | Gullerud, Arvid | 55/4:5 ; |
Security, True & False. | Gullerud, Arvid | 44/1:12 ; |
Sedes Doctrinae in Biblical Interpretation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 36/1:19 ; |
Seelsorge: Caring for Souls. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 36/4:9 ; |
Seelsorger Calling & 8th Commandment. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 37/4:10 ; |
Self-Dedication. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 01/1:34 ; |
Self-Discipline & Professional Growth. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/3:5 ; |
Self-Examination for Luther's Children: Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:23 ; |
Self-Sacrifice made easy. | Thurow, Theodore C. | 27/1:15 ; |
Self-Sufficiency, Warning against 36/2:4-5. | Lau, John | 36/2:2 ; |
Self-Worth, Study of. | Reim, John C. | 30/4:14 ; |
Selnecker, Nikolaus: Early Lutheran. | Schaller, Ralph | 41/3:5 ; |
Seminar for Pastors & Teachers: 1971 Program. | Combined Effort | 11/2:24 ; |
Seminar for Pastors: 1967 Program. | Combined Effort | 07/2:44 ; |
Seminar Useful as Mission Tool. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 25/4:16-18 ; |
Seminaries of Mo S 9/4:27. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 09/4:27 ; |
Seminars, Announcement of. | Combined Effort | 13/1:48 ; |
Separated Brethren & Catholic Ch 5/5:10. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:10 ; |
Separation from a false church body. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/5:33 ; |
Separation From and Unto. | Roehl, Michael J. | 38/3:9 ; |
Separation or Integration in Education. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:10 ; |
Separation Principle Difficult to Apply. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 14/2:11 ; |
Separation Principle in Scripture. | Albrecht, James | 33/4:4-6 ; |
Separation Principle, Applying the. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 28/1:11 ; |
Separation Principles. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 29/1:28 ; |
Separation, Scriptural Basis for. | Lau, John | 22/2:28-38 ; |
Septuagint, The. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:4 ; |
Sermon for Advent: The First Article. | Gantt, Frank | 50/3:7 ; |
Sermon for Advent: The Second Article. | Gantt, Frank | 50/4:2 ; |
Sermon for Advent: The Third Article. | Gantt, Frank | 50/4:3 ; |
Sermon for NY Day: l Cor 13:14. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/5:18 ; |
Sermon for Pastoral Conf: Heb. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 09/2:20 ; |
Sermon for Second Christmas Day: Acts 6:8 & 7:54-59: G. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:2 ; |
Sermon for the School. | Galstad, Martin | 05/3:31 ; |
Sermon on 7th Petition. | Gantt, Frank | 51/4:4 ; |
Sermon on Mark 8:1-9. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:17 ; |
Sermon on the Mount Proper Understanding of. | Pieper, August | 19/1:22-37 ; |
Sermon Preparation & Exegetical Study. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 07/3:20 ; |
Sermon Series: Ps 51. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 35/1:23 ; |
Sermon Studies on I Sam 4:2-18. | Schaller, Egbert | 06/1:19 ; |
Sermon Study on John 17:17-19. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/4:34 ; |
Sermon Study: Habakkuk 2: 2-3. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 49/4:6 ; |
Sermon Study: John 1: 1-18. | Sydow, Michael | 49/4:9 ; |
Sermon Study: Ruth 1:16. | Reim, Rollin A. | 31/2:2 ; |
Sermon, Anniversary: Isa 52:7-10. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/3:19 ; |
Sermon, Milk & Meat in a. | Sippert, Steven P. | 45/2:16 ; |
Sermon, Pentecost: II Cor 4:5a. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:22 ; |
Sermon, The. | Schaller, Egbert | 02/3:8 ; |
Sermon: Chapel Memorial Service for Prof Reim. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/4:4 ; |
Sermon: Classroom Dedication. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 01/1:34 ; |
Sermon: Conclusion to Ten Commandments. | Gantt, Frank | 49/4:4 ; |
Sermon: Eighth Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 49/3:4 ; |
Sermon: Fifth Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 49/1:4 ; |
Sermon: First Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 48/3:1 ; |
Sermon: Fourth Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 49/1:2 ; |
Sermon: Funeral of Prof ES (L. | Schierenbeck, Lester W. | 11/4:5 ; |
Sermon: Graduation from Chr. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/2:26 ; |
Sermon: ILC Graduation. | Sydow, Gilbert | 05/3:23 ; |
Sermon: In Memory of Pastor Chr Albrecht. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:18 ; |
Sermon: Ninth and Tenth Commandments. | Combined Effort | 49/4:1 ; |
Sermon: Pastoral Conf Communion. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/5:23 ; |
Sermon: Pastoral Conference. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 10/1:18 ; |
Sermon: Reformation John 8:39-40. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:22 ; |
Sermon: Reformation. | Gantt, Frank | 48/4:2 ; |
Sermon: Reim Hall Dedication: Col 3:17. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:28 ; |
Sermon: Second Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 48/3:4 ; |
Sermon: Seventh Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 49/3:2 ; |
Sermon: Sixth Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 49/2:1 ; |
Sermon: Third Commandment. | Gantt, Frank | 48/4:2-6 ; |
Sermon's Homiletical Construction. | Roehl, Michael J. | 39/1:29 ; |
Sermons & Texts for End of Ch Year. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/4:19 ; |
Sermons are still in place. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:14 ; |
Sermons for Lent from Hebrews. | Schaller, Egbert | 11/1:15 ; |
Sermons for Lent: Address and 1st Petition. | Gantt, Frank | 51/1:9 ; |
Sermons for Trinity Season. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:20 ; |
Sermons from Nehemiah: Building Project. | Lau, David T. | 40/4:12 ; |
Sermons of Reformation Period. | Lau, David T. | 42/4:30 ; |
Seventy-Sevens Prophecy: Daniel 9. | Nolting, Paul F. | 25/3:36 ; |
Shaping the Attention. | Galstad, Martin | 05/2:29 ; |
Sharing the Gospel. | Fossum, Vance A. | 33/1:21 ; |
Sharp The Life of Granville. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/3:15-18 ; |
Sharp The Rules of Granville. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/3:13-27 ; |
Sharp, Granville: Greek New Testament Rules. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 37/3:3 ; |
Sharp's Rule in Greek. | Reim, David | 54/4:5 ; |
SHAWMA & Meaning. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:7 ; |
Sheep Among Wolves, Christians like: G Schaller. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:5 ; |
SHEOL in the Old Testament. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:10 ; |
Shepherd's Concern for Sheep: 1 & 2 Thess 23/1:31-44. | Nolting, Paul F. | 23/1:31-44 ; |
Shepherds at Christmas, Few. | Schaller, David | 53/4:2 ; |
Shimei, The Cursing of. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:6 ; |
Shoes, Liturgical Forms are Like. | Reim, John C. | 34/1:2-18 ; |
Shrove Tuesday: Chapel Address. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 22/1:31-34 ; |
Signs from God. | Klatt, John V. | 55/3:12 ; |
Simple-minded Christian & Question of Error. | Walther, C. F. W. | 10/4:4 ; |
Sin against Holy Ghost: Editorial Explanation. | Combined Effort | 05/5:15 ; |
Sin in Christian Preaching: A. | Greve, Norman | 31/3:5 ; |
Sin on Creation Effect of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:25 ; |
Sin Underestimated, Enormity of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/4:15 ; |
Sin, Doctrine of: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:17 ; |
Sin, Pollution & Washing of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 33/2:22-29 ; |
Sin, The Fall into:Gen and NT 43/4:10-15. | Lau, David T. | 43/4:6 ; |
Sin, The Terrible Power of. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 33/1:30-31 ; |
Sin, Whatever Became of. | Nolting, Paul F. | 15/1:34-39 ; |
Sin: Ecumenical Fact. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:10 ; |
Sin: Root of Emotional Problems. | Tiefel, Mark | 29/3:21-23 ; |
Sinai & Jerusalem, Allegory of: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:28 ; |
Sinfulness No Condition of Gospel, Man's. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 33/3:8 ; |
Sing, 150 Reasons to. | Reim, John C. | 40/2:1 ; |
Sinner's Savior: Isa 53, Translation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 05/1:1 ; |
Sinning: Study of Greek Words. | Fossum, Vance A. | 38/2:14 ; |
Sins of Weakness. | Pieper, August | 09/5:27 ; |
Slave Trade, Abolition of. | Lau, David T. | 49/2:28 ; |
Slow-Minded Child, The. | Galstad, Martin | 01/2:22 ; |
Smalcald Articles: On Sin. | Nolting, Paul F. | 19/4:13 ; |
Smyrna, Letter to. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:2 ; |
Sobriety, Virtue of Christian (1968). | Schaller, Egbert | 38/3:19 ; |
Social Communication: Vatican II. | Gullerud, C. M. | 06/5:34 ; |
Social Gospel & God's Word. | Ude, John | 36/3:24 ; |
Social Injustice & the ChurCh 25/1:19-21. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:19-21 ; |
Social or Sacred. | Galstad, Martin | 04/1:27 ; |
Social, Less, More Individual. | Galstad, Martin | 01/4:27 ; |
Society-derived Guidance for a Nation. | Galstad, Martin | 04/1:27 ; |
Society, Foundation for a Christian's Concern for. | Lau, John | 07/5:1 ; |
Sola Scriptura & Biblical Studies Today. | Lau, John | 12/3:1-18 ; |
Sola Scriptura: Sermon. | Madson, Norman A. | 02/4:27 ; |
Sola Scriptura. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/3:38 ; |
Solomon's Wish: 1 Kings 3:5-15. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 18/2:40-44 ; |
Son of Man: Interacting with Congregation. | Henkel, William | 46/2:17 ; |
Son of Man: Interacting with Relatives. | Henkel, William | 46/1:20 ; |
Son of Man: Title of Jesus. | Henkel, William | 45/4:19 ; |
Song of Solomon: Homiletical View. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/3:8 ; |
Songs in the Night: Devotion. | Gullerud, C. M. | 15/1:29 ; |
Songs of Ascents: Ps 120-134. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 38/4:1 ; |
Sonship vs Slavery, Spiritual: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:18 ; |
Soul in Man & BeaSt Meaning of. | Lau, David T. | 25/3:3 ; |
Soul not Dependent on Body for Existence. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:20 ; |
Soul, Immortality of the. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:1-19 ; |
Soul, What Does Scripture Teach Concerning. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:11 ; |
Soul: Lutheran Confessions re. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 40/1:22 ; |
Soul: Word Study of NEPHESH. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 40/1:10 ; |
Souls, The Private Care of. | Schulz, Arthur | 14/4:1-7 ; |
Sovereignty of God & Rom 9. | Koch, Paul R. | 27/2:1 ; |
Speech & Language in Inspired Record. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/2:5 ; |
Spirit, Fruits of the: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/3:21 ; |
Spirit, Soul & Heart: Relationship. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:16 ; |
Spiritism. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/2:18 ; |
Spiritual Awakening in Daniel. | Reim, David | 50/4:12 ; |
Spiritual Condition of the World. | Naumann, Bruce J. | 34/4:22 ; |
Spiritual Discerning the. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/4:12-26 ; |
Spiritual Readiness. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 08/1:12 ; |
St Louis 1938 Articles of Union. | Gullerud, C. M. | 13/3:37 ; |
Stance in Learning. | Galstad, Martin | 01/5:22 ; |
Standards to judge Bible Versions. | Reim, Edmund | 08/3:4 ; |
State & Church in OT 24/2:37-40. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:37-40 ; |
State & ChurCh No Collision between. | Gullerud, C. M. | 25/1:19-21 ; |
State & Church: RCC Abuse. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:22-34 ; |
State of the Church, People & Objectives. | Gullerud, C. M. | 04/3:34 ; |
State-Church Social Issues. | Redlin, L. Dale | 24/4:211 ; |
Statement concerning Ch Fellowship & Rom 16. | Reim, Edmund | 02/5:9 ; |
Steadfastness Christian: Study of HUPOMONE. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 22/4:2-19 ; |
Stephen: Our Example in Christian Suffering: G. | Schaller, Paul W. | 31/4:4 ; |
Stewards of God's Mysteries, Faithful. | Schaller, David | 48/4:6 ; |
Stoeckhardt & Doctr of Justification. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:8 ; |
Stoeckhardt & God's Power in Faith. | Reim, Edmund | 01/4:2 ; |
Stoic Philosophy. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 29/3:25 ; |
Stone Rejected is ChriSt 42/2:7-13. | Nolting, Paul F. | 42/2:5 ; |
Stott Biography of John. | Lau, David T. | 25/4:33 ; |
Strife in Church Work. | Koren | 01/5:8 ; |
Strong & Courageous, Be. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 45/2:14 ; |
Study Exegesis for Sermon & Conf Work. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 07/3:20 ; |
Study of Jeremiah 6:10-20. | Lau, David T. | 41/3:15 ; |
Subjectivism in Contemporary Christian Music. | Naumann, Paul | 52/3:23 ; |
Subsidies, Public, & Catholic Schools. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/1:28 ; |
Sunday School. | Lau, David T. | 25/3:9-11 ; |
Sunday, True Teaching re: J Ylvisaker. | Gullerud, C. M. | 34/2:21 ; |
Super-Conquerors in Christ 52/3:2-9. | Naumann, Paul | 52/3:2 ; |
Superorthodoxy. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:3 ; |
Sweden Obstacles to Biblical Confession in. | Lau, John | 21/1:42 ; |
Sword, Two-edged: the Word. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 28/1:17 ; |
Sydow, Gilbert A: In Memoriam. | Lau, John | 28/3:1 ; |
Symbolic Language in Revelation. | Sippert, Steven P. | 54/3:13 ; |
Symbols, Using the Lutheran. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 45/2:21 ; |
Synergism & Melanchthon. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 04/1:2 ; |
Synergism in Conversion. | Lau, David T. | 54/4:30 ; |
Synergism: Working Together with God: A Study. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 54/2:13 ; |
Synergistic Controversy. | Sydow, Michael | 42/3:14 ; |
Synod a Church, Is? OesCh (G. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/5:32 ; |
Synod of Dort Essays Commemorating. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 18/3:38-48 ; |
Synod of Dort: Calvinism Affirmed. | Schierenbeck, John L. | 16/1:39 ; |
Synod, Why Organize a new? (Kuegele) 1/2:30. | Kuegele | 01/2:30 ; |
Synodical Conf & Views on Fellowship. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/4:31 ; |
Synodical Conf, A New?. | Schaller, Egbert | 11/1:39 ; |
Synodical Conference History. | Lau, David T. | 42/3:25 ; |
Synodical Dealings & 8th Commandment. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 37/4:11 ; |
Synoptic Problem. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/2:2 ; |
Table of Controversies Settled by Formula of Concord. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 55/1:25 ; |
Taxes to support Catholic Schools. | Gullerud, C. M. | 09/1:28 ; |
Taxonomic Categories in Biology. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:21 ; |
Teacher as Artist, The. | Galstad, Martin | 04/2:21 ; |
Teachers on Strike. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 08/3:16 ; |
Teachers' Conference Opening Devotion: Rom 2:17-21a. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/2:30 ; |
Teaching & Prophecy: Gifts Distinguished. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 36/4:4 ; |
Teaching & Telling. | Galstad, Martin | 02/4:22 ; |
Teaching Left to the Living. | Galstad, Martin | 03/5:34 ; |
Teaching Machine. | Galstad, Martin | 02/3:15 ; |
Teaching that Takes. | Galstad, Martin | 03/1:23 ; |
Teaching the Love of God. | Gullerud, C. M. | 26/2:2-8 ; |
Teaching the Teachers. | Galstad, Martin | 04/5:29 ; |
Teachings Threatened by Formalism. | Reim, David J. | 42/1:6 ; |
Technology and Public Sin. | Hein, John P. | 53/4:24 ; |
Telling & Teaching. | Galstad, Martin | 02/4:22 ; |
Telos in the Olivet Discourse. | Nolting, Paul F. | 28/2:15 ; |
Temple, Glory of the Second. | Lau, John | 11/5:27 ; |
Temporal Things vs Eternal Treasures. | Koch, Paul R. | 32/2:17 ; |
Temptation, Means to Escape. | Lau, John | 36/2:3 ; |
Temptations Confronting the Orthodox. | Galstad, Martin | 51/3:8 ; |
Temptations Confronting the Orthodox. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 39/4:11 ; |
Temptations that esp confront Orthodox. | Galstad, Martin | 01/3:1 ; |
Tenses Difference in Greek & English. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 16/3:3 ; |
Termination of Ch Fellowship & Walther Theses. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:16 ; |
Terminology in Scr Presentation. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:25 ; |
Terrorism, God's Rule Amid. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 41/4:1 ; |
Testing by Satan. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:7 ; |
Testing the Spirits Important. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:5 ; |
Testing the Spirits. | Nolting, Paul F. | 16/3:26 ; |
Tetragrammaton: LORD. | Koenig, David P. | 31/2:13 ; |
Tetzel's Indulgences. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 23/2:5 ; |
Texts, Being Lutheran re. | Reim, John C. | 39/2:4 ; |
Textus Receptus, The Authority of the. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 31/4:10 ; |
Thanksgiving Day Sermon. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/4:24 ; |
Thanksgiving, Cause for. | Albrecht, Paul G. | 02/5:24 ; |
Theme in our Preaching, The. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/1:15 ; |
Theologians, Sketches of 33. | Lau, David T. | 34/3:41 ; |
Theological Education, Concern for Future: Review. | Radtke, Gordon P. | 09/4:25 ; |
Theological Problems. | Hallauer, Elton A. | 26/4:3 ; |
Theology & Existentialism. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:23 ; |
Theology, Emphasis in Lutheran & Reformed. | Fossum, Vance A. | 28/3:13 ; |
Theology, What is? (J. | Lau, John | 11/2:26 ; |
Theology: Learning to Think Like God. | Gantt, Frank | 54/2:1 ; |
Theology: Future Trends. | Lau, David T. | 36/4:28 ; |
Thermodynamics First Law of: Conservation. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:25 ; |
Thermodynamics Second Law of: Deterioration. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:25 ; |
Theses, Walther's, on Open Questions. | Schaller, Egbert | 10/4:1 ; |
Thessalonica, Idleness in. | Lau, David T. | 24/4:29 ; |
Thessalonica: Background. | Fossum, Vance A. | 32/4:24 ; |
Thomas Aquinas & Christian Doctrine. | Galstad, Martin | 03/3:23 ; |
Thyatira, John's Letter to. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 30/4:5 ; |
Tiefel, Pastor Geo, Sr Funeral Address for. | Gullerud, C. M. | 11/2:19 ; |
Times have Changed, How. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/3:36 ; |
Timing, A Matter of Discussion of issues. | Reim, Edmund | 04/5:39 ; |
Tischendorf: 6 Rules re Original Text. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 31/4:14 ; |
Tolerance, The Intolerance of. | Schaller, David | 53/3:29 ; |
Tolerance, Ungodly - Lack of Depth. | Roehl, Michael J. | 53/2:17 ; |
Toleration for sake of Peace. | Combined Effort | 07/2:38 ; |
Tongues, Gift of: Holy Spirit. | Nolting, Paul F. | 35/1:7 ; |
Tongues, God-pleasing Use of Our. | Gantt, Frank | 49/3:5 ; |
Tongues, Speaking in. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 44/3:19 ; |
Tongues, Speaking in. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 20/1:42 ; |
Torah Use in Old Testament. | Nolting, Paul F. | 20/3:21-35 ; |
Torgau Articles & Abuses in Church, 1529. | Klatt, John V. | 41/1:2 ; |
Tradition & Revelation in Catholic Ch 3/2:28f. | Gullerud, C. M. | 03/2:28 ; |
Tradition vs Scripture, Human. | Reim, David J. | 42/1:10 ; |
Tradition: Meaning. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:6 ; |
Training & Education of Children. | Galstad, Martin | 01/5:22 ; |
Transcendental Meditation. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 16/1:1 ; |
Translating the Bible, Philosophy of. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 33/2:27 ; |
Translations of Bible, English. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:9 ; |
Translations of the Bible. | Reim, Edmund | 01/1:46 ; |
Translations, Bible, & Effect on our People. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:1 ; |
Translations, History of Some Representative. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:4 ; |
Translations, Need for Bible. | Lau, David T. | 24/3:39-44 ; |
Translations, Rising Tide of. | Reim, Edmund | 08/1:1 ; |
Translations: Problem of Choice. | Reim, Edmund | 08/3:1 ; |
Transmission of the Soul. | Schulz, Arthur | 10/5:18 ; |
Treasure in Christ 48/4:11-23. | Schaller, David | 48/4:7 ; |
Tree-Trimming Spiritual: Chapel Address. | Koch, Paul R. | 14/1:36-39 ; |
Trent Council of: Pronouncements. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/1:2 ; |
Trent on Mass Council of. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/2:12 ; |
Trial of Jesus:Human Authorities Involved. | Tiefel, Paul | 52/1:1 ; |
Trials, Endurance under. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 32/1:11 ; |
Tribulation in the Church 27/1:6. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 27/1:3 ; |
Trinity Doctrine: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:13 ; |
Trinity Season Texts & Sermons. | Schaller, Egbert | 08/3:20 ; |
Trinity, Mystery of the. | Pfeiffer, John K. | 38/1:16 ; |
Trinity: What God Cannot Do. | Gantt, Frank | 55/2:1 ; |
Trinity: Holy Spirit Neglected Person? 20/2:2-12. | Gullerud, C. M. | 20/2:2-12 ; |
Triune God, in CLC Confession of Faith. | Doctrine, Board of | 09/2:35 ; |
Trusting in God's Mysterious Ways. | Nauman, Bertram J. | 06/4:15 ; |
Truth = The Word of God. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 29/4:33 ; |
Truth God's Word is. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/4:28-33 ; |
Truth in 2 John. | Gullerud, C. M. | 10/3:6 ; |
Truth, The Source of. | Combined Effort | 09/2:33 ; |
TSEDEQ: righteousness of God. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 11/3:7 ; |
Turning Point of Mo S at Cleveland. | Reim, Edmund | 02/4:44 ; |
Tyndale's Translation of Bible. | Sydow, Gilbert | 09/2:10 ; |
Una Sancta. | Schaller, Egbert | 01/1:10 ; |
Unbelief, The Failure of: Matt. | Schaller, Egbert | 03/1:1 ; |
Unbelief, The Failure of. | Schaller, Egbert | 53/1:13 ; |
Unconditioned Gospel, Preaching the. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 34/2:8 ; |
Union Issue & years 1955-1961. | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:33 ; |
Union of Chs & Confessional Subscription. | Reim, Edmund | 02/1:45 ; |
Union Road, Way Stations on. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/2:37 ; |
Unionism and Syncretism. | Lau, David T. | 53/1:8 ; |
Unionism in Conservative Protestantism. | Lau, David T. | 35/1:27 ; |
Unionism in New Lutheran Merger. | Gullerud, C. M. | 22/4:26-28 ; |
Unionism in the Church (Zorn) 9/3:13. | Zorn, CM | 09/3:13 ; |
Unionism Recommended Tool. | Lau, John | 39/2:31 ; |
Unionism, Seeds of, in Lutheranism. | Schierenbeck, David R. | 36/1:27 ; |
Unitarians and Humanism. | Olmanson, Keith | 26/1:4 ; |
United Front in Missions. | Schulz, Arthur | 12/1:17 ; |
Unity & the WCC. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/1:39 ; |
Unity before Union. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 12/1:3-6 ; |
Unity needed in Ch Work. | Schaller, Egbert | 09/1:33 ; |
Unity, Confessional, Is it Possible? | Schaller, Egbert | 05/4:12 ; |
Unity, Exhortations to. | Nolting, Paul F. | 03/1:9 ; |
Unity, Luth, in America: Review. | Reim, Edmund | 06/3:19 ; |
Unity, Not General Agreement. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 18/1:41 ; |
Unity, True Spiritual. | Fleischer, Paul G. | 30/1:21-24 ; |
Universalism, False Philosophy of. | Gullerud, C. M. | 26/2:3 ; |
Unknown God Made Known, The. | Naumann, Bruce R. | 29/3:24 ; |
Up-dating of the Catholic Ch | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:10 ; |
Valedictory of an Editor. | Reim, Edmund | 06/3:20 ; |
Valparaiso U & relation to Mo S | Reim, Edmund | 02/3:34 ; |
Vapor Canopy Prior to Flood. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 25/3:19 ; |
Vatican Council I: Infallibility of Pope. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/1:3 ; |
Vatican Council I: Papal Authority. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/1:33 ; |
Vatican Council II & Present Catholic Beliefs. | Mackensen, Robert W. | 28/4:21 ; |
Vatican Council II: Decree on Revelation. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/2:32 ; |
Vatican Council II: On Mass. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/2:14-16 ; |
Vatican Council II: On Priesthood. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/4:18 ; |
Vatican Council II: Papal Authority. | Schulz, Arthur | 17/1:38 ; |
Vatican Council II: Religious Freedom. | Schulz, Arthur | 16/4:28-33 ; |
Vatican II & the Jews. | Reim, Edmund | 06/4:27 ; |
Vatican II: A Reform Council? | Reim, Edmund | 05/5:10 ; |
Vatican II: Examination of Documents. | Gullerud, C. M. | 06/2:1 ; 06/5:34 ; 07/2:29 ; 07/5:33 ; 08/3:33 ; 09/1:25 ; |
Vatican II. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/4:36 ; |
Vatican, US Government's Relation to. | Nolting, Paul F. | 24/2:44 ; |
Veil of Moses, What is the? 18/2:2-18. | Wehrwein, Robert E. | 18/2:2-18 ; |
Verbal Inspiration & Dr Scharlemann. | Gullerud, C. M. | 01/3:39 ; |
Verbal Inspiration & Gospel Reductionism. | Sydow, Michael | 17/1:14-16 ; |
Verbal Inspiration & Manuscripts. | Kurtzahn, Stephen | 31/4:11 ; |
Verbal Inspiration, Book of Concord & 19/2:2-22. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 19/2:2-22 ; |
Verbal Inspiration, Rom 3:2, & A. | Gullerud, C. M. | 02/3:22 ; |
Verbal Inspiration: Universal Term. | Kuehne, Clifford M. | 13/1:13 ; |
Verbal Inspiration. | Winfred Schaller, Sr. | 34/2:8-13 ; |
Version, NT, Language of Today. | Reim, Edmund | 05/1:34 ; |
Versions of Bible, Rising Tide of. | Reim, Edmund | 08/1:1 ; |
Vicarious Atonement: ELCA. | Schuetze, Thomas R. | 35/2:19 ; |
Victory in Christ 54/3:2-6. | Gantt, Frank | 54/3:2 ; |
Vietnam, Cease-Fire in: Chapel Address. | Gurgel, Roland A. | 13/1:33-37 ; |
Vineyard: Meaning of Parable. |